The other side is not unchangeable. The original Tianzun did not return for a long time. Some things that were once easy have changed dramatically.

Luo Zheng is hesitating now. Does he want to listen to the Phoenix song and wait for the blood mist to appear before he leaves, or does he just rush through.

If there is really the blood mist mantra that Yuanshi Tianzun said, it can't be better!

"At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, master Tianzun, I don't know if the blood mist mantra has any effect now?" Luo Zheng asked suspiciously.

Yuanshi Tianzun said faintly, "if you have a try, you will know."

The blood mist mantra, like the broken magic mantra, was not very difficult, but Luo Zheng had mastered it in a single breath of incense, and then he came to the edge of the round platform.

Fengge and other yanghun are a little confused when they see Luo Zheng's action, so they think Luo Zheng is going to tease the golden winged bird like that little yanghun.

He heard Luo Zheng reciting something in his mouth.

While Luo Zheng was reciting, the boiling blood in the abyss at the foot of the mountain was boiling even more fiercely, as if some fierce beast was going to come out of the boiling blood.

When the boiling blood boils to a certain extent, there is a trace of bright red blood mist floating up!

Phoenix song and those Yang souls see this scene, the pupil suddenly open big.

"So soon the blood fog appeared?"

"No, he can call out the blood fog?"

"I haven't heard of such means..."

The blood mist mantra is not a complicated method, but it was annihilated in the history of the yuan lingzu for a long time. Of course, there are still a few people who master this method, but they are not known to outsiders.

Those Yang souls saw the blood fog dispersing near the plank road and burst into the plank road one after another.

However, the blood fog seems to be spread around Luo Zheng. If Luo Zheng does not move forward, the blood fog will not move forward, so the Yang spirits can only stop in the plank road and wait for Luo Zheng to move forward.

"Let's go," Luo Zheng said with a smile.

Feng song then asked quietly, "is that old man doing it?"


Luo Zheng nodded. After he carried the book, he had a lot of inexplicable ability. As an insider, Fengge naturally saw that Luo Zheng had nothing to hide.

I don't know who built the long plank road, connecting one solitary peak after another.

The golden eagles with big wings saw that someone was walking down the plank road. They spread their wings and jumped down. But when they got close to the blood fog, they made a disgusting sound, flapping their wings and quickly lifted themselves up

While Luo Zheng and his party moved in the plank road, the blood fog also moved with them.

About half an hour later, the blood mist that followed Luo Zheng all the way gradually faded. After Luo Zheng recited the blood mist mantra again, the blood mist became rich again.

In this way, after crossing one solitary peak after another, a huge blood colored solitary peak suddenly appeared in front. Compared with the surrounding blood colored solitary peaks, they were just small.

At the top of the lonely peak is a huge platform, and on the platform is a vague city.

"Is that the soul city?" Luo Zheng looked at the vague city.

This is not so much a city as a mirage

The whole city is not a real existence at all, but an illusion overhead on the top of the mountain.

"It should be," Fengge's eyes were burning. Although she looked up a lot of information, she saw the soul city for the first time.

"But it's just an illusion," Luo Zheng said with a frown.

"That's not an illusion," said one of the spirits behind.

It's the blessing of Toro Zheng that these Yang spirits can come here smoothly. They have nothing to repay him. Naturally, they are willing to contribute what they only know. The Yang soul continued: "the soul city itself is composed of souls. It's said that after thousands of souls inhale into the soul City, it forms its present scale. So the city you see is similar to me We are now the body of Yang soul, hehe... "

"The city formed by Yang soul is so huge..." Luo Zheng's eyes were shocked.

Not long after, Luo Zheng and Fengge had passed through the long and thin plank road and reached the top of the huge solitary peak, where the blood fog that had followed Luo Zheng had dispersed.

The gate of soul city is gray brown and very huge.

Two huge square columns are located on both sides. When Luo Zheng goes to the square column and looks at it, he hears a "Wuwu" sound coming from the column.

The square column itself is formed by the Yang soul. The dark brown soul material inside is constantly floating. At the same time, strange faces float on the surface of the square column.

"Are these Yang spirits still alive?" Luo Zheng was slightly surprised.

"Nature lives, but they are always a part of the whole soul city. They can't live beyond life forever. Ha ha..." The voice of Yuanshi Tianzun floated out.

"It seems that I think of the soul city simply," Luo Zheng murmured.

The test of the soul city is the Yang soul itself. Only the most indigo soul is qualified to enter it. The soul city opens once every 66 hours. Most Yang souls leave the other side after they arrive here, and then enter it when the gate is opened.The Yang souls who stay at the gate of the soul city are mostly those who are far away from the indigo soul. They either cross their knees at the gate of the soul city or try to collect the soul crystals.

"Fengge, wait for me here," Luo Zheng said.

Luo Zheng's body is coming, but the body of Yang soul is still in the lower heaven. If you want to enter the soul City, you should enter it with the body of Yang soul. Fengge has a natural advantage in this point. After all, her body is only equivalent to a piece of "armor" on the other side. There is no need for such trouble as Luo Zheng. Now that Fengge is sent, it's time to bring up her Yang soul.

Feng Song nodded, then stayed in place to wait.

Luo Zheng's Yang soul also took some time to come from the lower heaven. Without the protection of the body, even the most powerful Yang soul of indigo soul is vulnerable, not to mention passing through the twenty-eight heaven.

Most of them don't want to pay attention to the soul of Luo Yang.

After crossing twenty-eight chongtian without danger, it was sent to twenty-nine Chongchang Rongtian again. It took Luo Zheng more than half a day to move forward with the curse of blood fog. Finally, he appeared at the gate of soul city.

They continued to wait in front of the gate of the soul city. After more than ten hours, the spirit of Yang gradually emerged.

Liyuan, Canglang, Minyue, renzu

There are Yang spirits of all races.

The square in front of the soul City, which was a little quiet, became noisy.

"Those who enter the soul city need indigo soul to the extreme. If they don't cultivate Yang soul to indigo soul to the extreme, they will seek death if they enter. I still have soul crystals here. I can sell them at a low price. I only need three million soul pills. Squeak..." An ear mouse also took the opportunity to start a business, peddling his soul crystal.

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