Luo Zheng's face smiles when he hears the sound of otomous peddling.

Generally, the market price is one million soul pills for one finger of soul crystal. These eared mice are now asking for three million, which is very black hearted.

However, the yanghuns who have come to the gate of the soul city are eager to pass the experience of the soul city. If they are really a little worse, I'm afraid they will have to produce three million soul pills. Besides, the strong ones who have cultivated to this level certainly have a high position in the family, and so many soul pills can afford to be produced.

After a while of excitement, the gate of the ghost city made a "click" sound and opened slowly to one side.

As the gate opens, faces appear on the door formed by the body of Yang soul, whining constantly.

When the whole soul city is opened, a vast breath of soul is released from the soul city!

Luo Zheng has also seen the Yang soul breath of the strong in immortal realm, such as Donghuang and Dijun, but even the strong in immortal realm of the people in the volume can not be compared with the vast breath in front of him.

This soul city is formed by trillions of souls, which can not be compared with each other.


"I hope I can go further this time!"

"I've been stuck in that step for many years and failed every time..."

As soon as the gate opened, many people stepped into it.

"We'll go in too," Luo said.

Then he and Fengge followed the other Yang spirits and stepped into the soul city.

After entering the soul City, Luo Zheng is surrounded by the ubiquitous breath of soul. Generally speaking, the breath of soul can be seen as the outward release of "consciousness". For example, when someone has a strong intention to kill, the breath of soul will become very sharp, like a sharp knife.

The weak soul will not adapt to the atmosphere of killing. If it is too weak, it will even be directly destroyed!

If it's a gentle breath, it can soothe the other person and even repair the soul

There are countless souls in the soul City, and the breath inside is extremely complex, which also has a very complex influence on Luo Zheng.

He seems to be able to listen to the emotions of millions of people at the same time, crying, sadness, rejection, anger, excitement, happiness

So is Luo Zheng and so is Fengge.

This kind of "listening" and real listening can't be abandoned by soul listening. When they are in the soul City, they can only accept it. In fact, at the beginning of their first step into the soul City, the test has already begun.

Luo Zheng and Fengge entered the cultivation of indigo soul early. Yang soul is very stable.

Not far away, a Yang soul was walking in the soul city easily at the beginning. Soon, the Yang soul's gait was a little faltering. The pressure of the complex breath of the soul gradually increased, making the Yang soul unbearable. He tried to cover his ears and escape from the breath, but such action was surely futile.

When its endurance reached the limit, it screamed, as if it had used up its last strength to rush towards the outside of the soul city. When the soul power was exhausted, it finally reached the outside of the soul city and lay on the ground.

Many people in the city noticed this scene, and most people's eyes were full of pity.

"That guy is so brave..."

"If you dare to enter the soul city before you reach the ultimate goal of indigo soul, you are looking for death!"

"Fortunately, it escaped when it couldn't hold on, otherwise it would become a part of the soul city!"

After going deep into the soul city for a certain distance, there are pillars in front of the city. The pillars are only half a person's height, and they can climb up in one jump. The Yang souls who walk in the front all climb up the pillars and sit on them with their knees crossed.

When Luo Zhengshang looked around, Fengge said, "these are the soul pillars. Let's go up, too."

"Pillar of the soul?" Luo Zhengqi road.

"Yes, the test in the soul city is completed on the soul pillar. As long as you pass this test, the soul will be able to wash away the dust, become a colorless body and enter the holy soul realm," Fengge said.

However, Fengge also understands it through consulting materials. In fact, she doesn't know exactly what she experiences on the soul column.

Luo Zheng nodded and found a soul pillar. Then he jumped up and sat down with his knees crossed. Fengge looked for the soul pillar beside Luo Zheng and sat down.

When they sat down, a number appeared on the soul column. Fengge and Luo Zheng showed "one", while the Yang soul on Luo Zheng's right hand side appeared to be 63, and more than 1300 numbers appeared on the soul column under a Yang soul farther away.

Luo Zhengshang is looking around. Fengge has said: "this number should be the number of times we enter the soul city. It's the first time we enter it. Naturally, it's one time."

"The number of that man is more than one thousand and three hundred. Didn't he go to the soul city more than one thousand times?" Asked Luo Zheng.

"Exactly," Feng Ge nodded.

After Luo Zheng sat on the soul pillar, there was no movement in the soul pillar. However, more and more Yang souls entered the soul City, and some people also entered it in groups.

Six or seven of them came to Fengge after they entered the soul column."Fengge, your highness!" Someone called.

Fengge has a physical body in the soul City, just like other creatures on the other side, so it is very eye-catching. Naturally, the disciples of Tiangong can see her at a glance.

Feng Song looked at the Yang soul and then asked, "are you?"

"I hate Liu," the man replied.

"I'm Qin Hua," another person introduced himself.

"I'm Li BeiXue," another woman said.

These people are all three story disciples. They are very famous in taiyitian palace. Naturally, Fengge has seen some of them, but they are not so familiar with them. So, Fengge naturally understands them.

Feng Ge said with a smile: "it's just a coincidence that I will rush to the Holy Spirit with you."

It's never easy to enter the soul city and rush into the holy spirit realm.

Every time for the soul, is an extremely painful test, some people try several times, and even take the initiative to give up, life is not willing to step out of this step, those who can adhere to hundreds, thousands of times the guy, is also extremely tough character, can persist.

For others, Fengge's first visit to the soul city is a standard newcomer.

"Your Highness Fengge also needs to refuel," Liu hen encouraged.

After introducing herself, Li BeiXue next to her focused on another soul pillar and then asked, "Your Highness, Fengge, who is this one?"

As a matter of fact, Li bixue knows what he is asking. After the first World War, Li bixue knew that Fengge and Luo Zheng had a close relationship, so he stepped into the twenty Ninth Heaven together. This man was the strong and abnormal Luo Zheng.

"This is Luo Zheng," Feng Ge replied briefly.

In the battle with Jinwu, Luo Zheng did not return to the place of sword mourning, but his reputation was earth shaking in the place of sword mourning.

For example, before going to Longya, Hechi only said a word in the place of sword mourning, "if it wasn't for Luozheng in our heavenly palace, there would be a Chinese tribe, I'm afraid it would be extinct."

The significance is self-evident.

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