With a slight push from him, the Throwing Knife suddenly flew out and quickly fell into the back of the demon people.

What's more strange is that the thick body of the demons is just like the air at the moment. The flying knife goes through the demons' chest, breaks the demons' head, and then flies out five or six feet into the sky. After the strength is exhausted, it falls down.

At this moment, Luo Zheng was shocked and speechless. There are only two possibilities to achieve this effect. Either his own strength is very terrible, and the throwing knife can easily penetrate the demons with his power. This is obviously impossible.

Another possibility is that the broken Throwing Knife itself is extremely sharp. It only needs a little power to easily penetrate the demons.

There is only a second possibility in front of Luo Zheng's eyes.

What kind of treasure is this flying knife? Luo Zheng couldn't help sighing in his heart.

The demon, who seemed to be like a hill, covered his chest and staggered for a few steps. Finally, he held his head and turned into thousands of light spots.

The only level 5 magic beast on the fifth floor was killed by Luo Zheng!

"Ding Ding..."

A piece of pure black crystal fell to the ground and bounced in Luo Zheng's hand.

You only need a piece of black crystal to pass the examination

I don't know which idiot designed this rule. Luo Zheng picked up the fragments of the black crystal and couldn't help cursing the life of the arrayed son.

The demon man is so powerful that he would rather kill 100 level 3 magic beasts than provoke level 5 magic beasts.

The crystal fragment on Luo Zheng's hand is long enough. Compared with this black crystal fragment, he is more concerned about his throwing knife.

He got up and walked two steps, but he didn't find the Throwing Knife on the ground.

If you don't know the power of this Throwing Knife, you can forget it. But now the discoverer's throwing knife is absolutely a super treasure. No matter what, you can't lose it.

How could it be gone?

Luo Zheng looked back and forth for several times, and finally found a small hole in the ground.

No This flying knife is so sharp that even the body of the demons can't stop it from castrating. Now it's falling down and I'm afraid it's going deep into the ground.

He forced the ground to dig a little bit, digging two or three meters in a row, and did not find the throwing knife.

At this time, Luo Zheng's surrounding scenery suddenly changed color, emitting a little bit of brilliance.

The whole dreamland collapsed slowly. Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng's face changed. It's terrible. It should be the end of the bloody trial, and these illusions also went out.

The place where Luo Zheng is is is also changing. He is now in a bloody forest. The surrounding land and plants are all bloody red. This is the true face of bloody mountain.

As for the place that Luo Zheng excavated just now, it also disappeared.

"This, this My Throwing Knife

Luo Zheng immediately wanted to cry without tears.

Because the magic array has been relieved, and his previous injuries have been completely recovered. Those injuries are actually illusions created by the magic array. Now he has a lot of strength to dig.

But with such a big bloody mountain, who knows where the flying dagger has gone. If you want to find the flying dagger, can you turn over the whole bloody mountain?

At this time, a flying chariot came from the horizon, stayed beside her, jumped down an assessor, and invited Luo Zheng to the flying chariot.

At this time, many tutors are still talking about it.

However, the focus of their discussion was not Luo Zheng, but several other excellent test disciples and scholars.

Although they didn't see the final result of Luo Zheng, it must be a certainty that they will be out of the game. Although they are looking forward to Luo Zheng's performance in the next examination, at least this month there is no need to pay attention to him.

But when Luo Zheng came down from the flying chariot, he came over and asked, "who should I give these crystal fragments to?"

"Over here!" A woman in yellow shirt looks for a hand from Chao Luo Zheng. She is responsible for counting the crystal fragments obtained by the test disciples. In front of her, there are four color baskets to count the crystal fragments of four different colors.

On the faces of those tutors, they were a little stunned and confused at the same time.

According to the rules of blood test, Luo Zheng has been out, so even if he gets more crystal fragments, it's useless. After all, being out of the magic array means "death". Everyone is dead. What's the qualification to pass the blood test?

Of course, Zhong Ming also noticed Luo Zheng. He just used the magic array disk to release the level five magic beast. At the same time, after targeting Luo Zheng, he did not dare to touch the magic array disk for fear of arousing other people's suspicion.

Now seeing Luo Zheng go down the mountain, he is also a little proud. He has already passed the bloody trial, but he is out in the end. Is this guy in great pain now?Now it seems that Luo Zheng hasn't figured out the situation. He even wants to hand in the crystal fragments! He felt that he needed to popularize the rules of blood test with Luo Zheng. He told him that you were already dead. Even if there were 1000 or 10000 pieces of crystal, it was useless!

He just walked out two steps towards Luo Zheng, his legs seemed to be welded in place, he saw Luo Zheng carelessly throw out a piece of black crystal.

In Zhong Ming's eyes, the black crystal fragment is very dazzling.

The woman in yellow shirt blinked her eyes and asked strangely, "eh, how can there be fragments of black crystal?"

Since she was in charge of statistics, she has only been able to put four kinds of color baskets, but she did not know that there would be fragments of black crystal.

She was surprised to say so, all the people immediately understand.

The demon demon was killed by Luo Zheng.

This piece of black crystal was naturally dropped by the demon.

The scene was silent.

The phantom was designed here, and no one ever thought about killing it.

But now, the fragments of the black crystal are thrown on the table by Luo Zheng. The black light is very mysterious, even with a touch of temptation.

"How can there be black crystal fragments?" The woman in the yellow shirt was puzzled by the reaction of the people around her. She raised her voice and asked, wondering if Luo Zheng had cheated, trying to make up the number with the black crystal fragments.

At this time, a handsome middle-aged man came out and said, "there are black crystal fragments, and there is only one. Since the magic array of blood mountain was opened, no one has got it. Xiao Shi, you are in charge of statistics. Naturally, you haven't seen it."

The yellow shirt woman surnamed Shi suddenly nodded, "I see."

The handsome middle-aged man came to Luo Zheng again and said, "young man, your performance in this bloody test is excellent. I'm Tutor ZHOU of Nu Tao Feng. You are welcome to join Nu Tao Feng."

"What's good about Nu Tao Feng? Among the thirty-three peaks, there are more than twenty. If you want to come, you can come to huanling peak. Our huanling peak ranks fifth among the thirty-three peaks. All the welfare benefits are not comparable to those of Nu Tao peak. "A bald man rushed out again, and his words almost roared out.

"Jiang guangtou, what do you mean by that? Do you mean my Nu Tao peak is worse than your huanling peak? This ranking changes year by year. Our Nu Tao peak was in the top three ten years ago. On the inside information, you huanling peak and our Nu Tao peak don't match! " When Tutor ZHOU heard the bald head's comment on him, he suddenly said angrily.

Tutor Jiang wants to retort, but another tutor comes in, but tutor Xu of tianyifeng.

But Luo Zheng remembers that Luo peiran and Wang Heng were in Tianyi peak!

Xu tutor standing after slowly said: "we tianyifeng, holding 33 peaks Niuer, has been ranked first, I hope you can join us tianyifeng."

In the face of tutor Xu's invitation, Luo Zheng is noncommittal. He won't choose tianyifeng anywhere. It's not that he has any prejudice against tutor Xu, but that he simply hates everything about Luo peiran.

"Luo Zheng doesn't go anywhere. He will come to xiaoyufeng." the clear voice finally rings. Su Lingyun feels that she can't sit any more. Luo Zheng is the first one she finds out. Now what's the matter with these stinky guys around here?

All the tutors were scared when they heard Su Lingyun's words. Although Su Lingyun was just a tutor, they had to kneel down respectfully and call her "Your Highness" if they wanted to be more serious.

Fear comes from fear, but these mentors are all human beings. It's absolutely difficult to let them do anything else.

"Tutor Su, it's wrong for you to say that. Last time, last time, you selected two excellent test disciples, and we didn't argue with you. But this time, you have to take the other thirty-two peaks. We don't have to choose any disciples at all. When you pick up the rest of xiaoyufeng, we can choose them again," said tutor Xu with a unchanged face.

"Yes, tutor Su, it can't be like this all the time..."

"What's more, Xiaoyu peak is still the penultimate mountain..."

All the tutors agreed.

Originally, everyone was very dissatisfied with Su Lingyun's overbearing selection of disciples, but this time she had to take Luo Zheng away. Finally, the tutors could not bear it. Under the guidance of Xu, they attacked Su Lingyun one after another.

Facing these tutors, Su Lingyun suddenly waved her hand, "stop, stop! Don't even say it

The tutors just shut up. Of course, they didn't dare to make tutor Su angry. Otherwise, they didn't have to hang out in Qingyun sect.

Su Lingyun sighed and said: "well, according to the normal rules, first count all the students who have passed the blood test according to the ranking, and then divide them according to the ranking and their own wishes. Is that ok?"

Su Lingyun said so, other tutors were also relieved, of course nodded.However, these tutors have forgotten Su Lingyun's personality. With her personality, what she likes from small to large is not likely to be taken in by others.

The reason why she is willing to make this concession now is that she has already figured out other ways.

When the work of statistics continues in an orderly way, she shows a sly smile.

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