Luo Zheng stood with the other disciples who had passed the trial, watching one trial disciple after another come out of the bloody mountain and throw the crystal fragments into the basket.

He stood for a while, but suddenly saw Mo can also appear. He jumped down from the flying chariot and said hello to Luo Zheng. Then he quickly walked over, took out a handful of crystal fragments and threw them into the basket.

Mo can even passed the examination!

This is completely beyond Luo Zheng's expectation. With Mo can's strength in refining bones, he has gathered ten pieces of amethyst? At that time, Luo Zheng had a lot of crystal fragments in his hand. He thought that if he met Mo can, he would be able to give some to him. But he didn't meet Mo can on the third floor, so he didn't have the chance.

But now Mo can pass the blood test with his own efforts. Luo Zheng can't understand it. With Mo can't make bones, it's very difficult to hunt and kill the magic beast in the third level.

Is mo can hiding his strength? Luo Zheng jumped out of his mind.

Mo can came over with a proud smile, "ha ha, brother Luo Zheng, I passed too!"

"How did you accumulate so many crystal fragments?" Luo Zhengqi road.

"It's a long story. In short, good luck!" Then Mo can told what happened after he entered the third floor. At the wrong time, he saw two scholars fighting for a piece of crystal. In the end, both of them were seriously injured and forced out. So he picked up a big bargain, picked up more than ten pieces of amethyst, and passed the blood test.

After listening to Mo can's words, Luo Zheng can't help sighing that this guy's luck is really great.

Flying chariots flew back and forth from the bloody mountain, taking all the disciples down.

Today's bloody trial is finally over.

The students who passed the trial were all in high spirits, while the ones who were eliminated were dejected.

Zhuge Hong looked at Luo Zheng hard when he left. He was always conceited. Although it was his first time to take part in the blood test, he thought he could pass 100% before.

After all, few of the seven scholars could not pass the blood test.

But this time, he fell into Luo Zheng's hands. Naturally, he didn't agree.

Although Luo Zheng was there talking and laughing with Mo can, he certainly felt Zhuge Hong's sinister eyes when he left, but Luo Zheng didn't care.

The road of a warrior is never smooth, but full of obstacles. As long as he dares to block his obstacles, he has no choice but to kick them away. Since he has chosen this road, he is not afraid to offend others!

At this time, Luo peiran and Wang Hengzhi were the most depressed and angry.

Wang Hengzhi originally sent two members of his family to participate in the bloody trial to kill Luo Zheng on the bloody mountain, but Luo Zheng's performance has greatly exceeded Wang Hengzhi's expectation.

Wang Lan and Wang Qing did not pass the blood test either. After they went up the mountain, they joined Zhuge Hong's looting ranks. When they saw Luo Zheng, they were eliminated by other test disciples before they could use their family's weapons.

It's a little big.

Even Wang Hengzhi, who has always been a light hearted man, scolded Wang Lan and Wang Qing and left with them to deal with Luo Zheng.

As for Luo peiran, he has nothing to say. If he goes up to make sarcastic remarks at this time, I'm afraid he can only insult himself. He can only leave behind Wang Heng with an iron face. How can he think that Luo Zheng, who was like an ant, had grown up to a frightening level.

That night, these disciples who passed the blood test officially became the outer disciples of Qingyun sect.

Because it's getting late, the tutors of 33 mountain peaks will choose their disciples tomorrow.

All the outside disciples have to spend the night at the foot of the bloody mountain.

The atmosphere in the dormitory is much better tonight. After all, we have achieved our first goal through hard work.

Many people are happy to stay up all night and discuss which mountain they should choose.

Among these test disciples, the most discussed one is tutor Xu's tianyifeng.

It is said that most of the gifted disciples of Qingyun sect are concentrated in Tianyi peak.

Luo Zheng and Mo can sit in the corner and listen to their discussion.

Seeing Mo can's eyes shining, Luo Zheng asked, "Mo can, do you want to choose tianyifeng?"

Mo can scratched his head and said with a smile, "I think so, but I'm afraid tianyifeng won't want me for my strength."

Mo can is also self-conscious. The people who can enter Tianyi peak are basically outstanding. For example, the strong man holding a huge sword in the daytime will surely enter Tianyi peak.

"Brother Luo Zheng, I'll go with you to any mountain you go to! I find that if I stay with you, I'll be lucky, "said Mo can.This is the truth Mo can summed up. He is also right. If it wasn't for Luo Zheng the day before yesterday, he would not have been able to pass the sea trial. But for today's bloody trial, Luo Zheng had completely saved him, otherwise he would have been eliminated.

"What if I choose xiaoyufeng?" Luo Zheng said with a smile.

Mo can suddenly a Leng, "ah, Luo Zheng elder brother, you are not joking?"

With Luo Zheng's excellent performance, he can choose any one of the 33 peaks.

But Luo Zheng even said that he chose Xiaoyu peak. Mo can't help but remind him, "brother Luo Zheng, Xiaoyu peak ranks the last among all the peaks."

Luo Zheng nodded, and then the face of tutor Su appeared in his mind. Today, if it wasn't for her, he would have been deprived of the test qualification by Zhong Ming. However, Xiaoyu peak is the last peak in the list. No matter it's pills, or the distribution of skills and monthly orders, it's far behind other peaks.

So Luo Zheng was a little tangled for a while.

After waiting for the dead of night, Luo Zhengcai put this tangle aside. Now he has more important things to do.

He must find the flying knife, even if he digs the whole bloody mountain three feet.

When Mo can falls asleep, Luo Zheng comes out of the dormitory carefully. Under the cover of the night, he goes to the foot of the bloody mountain and distinguishes the road in front of him.

The magic array of blood color mountain has not been triggered. Naturally, there are not many kinds of magic beasts on the mountain. In fact, even snakes, insects and ants are very rare. There are too many red magic sands here, which are not suitable for the living and growth of those animals.

The bloody mountain without magic array looks completely different from that in the daytime. Luo Zheng ran around for a while, trying to think about the place where he dealt with the demon. He found six or seven places in a row, but he couldn't match the number.

In such a big bloody mountain, it is no different from looking for a needle in a haystack if you want to dig out a flying knife buried deep in the ground.

After wandering back and forth for an hour, Luo Zheng was completely dazed. It seemed that he had no other way but to turn the bloody mountain over.

It's really depressing to lose such a good baby after one use.

Just as Luo Zheng was dejected, the branches of the blood colored forest not far away suddenly shook, and a woman in a blue shirt came out slowly.

The blue dress woman walked slowly. Under the bright moonlight, her beautiful face was suffused with some halos. The blue dress just cut her graceful figure. For a while, Luo Zheng was a little crazy.

When Luo Zheng realized that this was tutor Su of xiaoyufeng, he immediately took back his dementia eyes, with a smile on his face, and said, "Hello, tutor su."

"In the middle of the night, I didn't rest in the dormitory. Why did I go to bloody mountain again?" Su Lingyun asked with a playful smile on her face.

"Oh, I can't sleep? I just want to come out and have a look... " Luo Zheng's face is also a little hot. It seems that the lie is too bad.

"Is it?" Su Lingyun stepped forward two steps, his moving eyes fixed on Luo Zheng, and asked: "even if it's a walk, is it necessary to come to bloody mountain?"

There was a playful tone in the crisp voice.

Luo Zheng opened his hand and said with a smile, "that's it."

"I don't think so," Su Lingyun shook her head and said, "I think you're looking for something, aren't you?"

"Cough..." Unexpectedly, Su Lingyun guessed it instantly. Luo Zheng touched his head and said, "this is my disciple's privacy."

"Oh, since it's privacy, I'll leave. I won't disturb your privacy. Goodbye!" Su Lingyun raised a throwing knife in her hand and was about to leave.

Seeing the Throwing Knife, Luo Zheng's eyes suddenly brightened and said, "Oh, master Su, this Throwing Knife..."

"Yours?" Su Lingyun turns around like an elf and stares at Luo Zheng's eyes.

Of course, she knew that this Throwing Knife belonged to Luo Zheng. During the day, she was the only one who witnessed the whole process of Luo Zheng's killing the demons. She recorded the location of the falling of the Throwing Knife very clearly, so she went up to the mountain to take this Throwing Knife after midnight.

Luo Zheng nodded and said, "yes, this throwing knife is mine."

"Well, although the throwing knife is broken, it still has such power. It's really a good treasure. I can give it back to you, but," Su Lingyun added, "but there's a condition."

"What conditions?" Luo Zheng asked.

"Join us in xiaoyufeng," Su Lingyun said with a sly smile.

At this time, Luo Zheng had a premonition that Su Lingyun would say this sentence. Before that, Luo Zheng had some hesitation about which mountain to choose.

But now, Luo Zheng has a definite answer in his mind. Although tutor Su seems to be threatening himself with this flying knife, it's not proper, but it was found by tutor Su after all, isn't it?

If it wasn't for her, I'm afraid I would not be able to take back this Throwing Knife.

At this point, Luo Zheng nodded and said, "tomorrow I will choose Xiaoyu peak."Su Lingyun smiles sweetly at Luo Zheng, then points her slender finger at her ring, and takes out two small rings from it. "Your throwing knife is a broken thing, and you haven't stepped into the congenital secret. You can't control it with your own life. It's estimated that if you throw it out, you won't come back. As a gift for you to choose xiaoyufeng, this is for you !”

Looking at the two small rings, Luo Zheng blinked, obviously did not understand the mystery of the gift.

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