The creatures on the other side of the iceberg are hiding in every corner of the iceberg, quietly observing the battle.

When they realized that the thick canal had fallen, their faces were hard to accept.

Yuanchen, the saint of Shennong, frowned and disappeared as soon as his figure retreated.

Houqu is not the most powerful existence in Yuanling clan, but it has a special status. If it falls, it will have a huge impact on the whole pattern of yushengtian. He must inform Lieshan immediately.

In addition to some "Yang spirits", many other creatures are very confused. They don't know what will happen to Yu Shengtian, whether they should leave or stay in the ice city

"Lord Houqu really fell..."

"That Terran boy, that Terran boy!"

"He killed Lord Houqu!"

The five elements spirit slaves fell into a rage, they did not choose to withdraw, they were crazy to march towards Luo.

These five elements spirit slaves are very powerful, but they don't have a high position in the yuan spirit clan. After all, they are only slaves made by the yuan spirit clan!

Luo Zheng's face didn't change much in the face of the five elements spiritual slaves. Since he couldn't fight against them, he would take refuge.

He glided back for a distance with his toes gently on the ground. He saw that huanrenu, who was in front of him, had already shot down. His figure had quickly faded away and retreated from the other side

"Run away!"

"Now I'm out of the other side again!"

"Now how do we do the job..."

The only goal disappeared, and these five element slaves were confused again. After all, these five element slaves only perform tasks. Once the leader like Houqu falls, they will fall into a state of no leader!

However, their confusion did not last long. In a short time, with a white light blooming, a huge figure reappeared again!

It took a lot of effort for Luo Zheng to inherit the throne of God of the fourteenth heaven.

But the baldheaded giant is a creature beyond chaos after all. He has a natural understanding of Sanskrit, and he understands the supernatural power on the slate quite quickly.

After returning to China, the bald giant glared at the five elements slaves, and a ferocious color quickly appeared on the round face.

For Yuanling, he is not polite at all!


The huge body turned over, and the huge fist directly hit the front moon fire slave.

These month fire slaves, ice slaves also realize that bad, have started to flee!

But no matter how fast they escape, they can't escape the bareheaded giant!

"Dong Dong..."

The baldheaded giant didn't hit the moon fire slave with his first fist, so he chased after him all the way.

In front of the bareheaded giant, the moon fire slave is like an insect crawling on the ground. As long as he is hit, his armor and spirit core are smashed to pieces

Ningbingnu's condition is slightly better. They are transformed into various flight forms and spread in all directions, just like white moths.

But there are still quite a few frozen slaves who are slapped and photographed by the bald giants, and then crush their spiritual cores

As for the unreal slaves, I'm afraid they are the safest.

There is no good way for the bald giants to take them. Some unreal ReNu even launched a counterattack, hitting the eyes and ears of the bald people.

However, huanrenu's damage to the bald giant is also very limited. After a round of painless fighting, huanrenu can only choose to withdraw first

When Luo Zheng returned to the other side again, the five elements lingnu in the ice had been almost dealt with by the bald giant.

Other creatures on the other side either choose to escape or have no idea of confrontation

Fengnu and Li BeiXue saw Luo Zheng and then came down from the top of the ice.

"The most central ice city has been won. Is there anything else?" Luo Zheng asked.

"The remaining ice castles are much easier than this. Besides, the bald giant has become God. It depends on that he has no interest in pursuing Yuanling people," Feng Nu said with a smile.

"I'll know by asking him," Luo said.

So Fuxi, his descendants, Dijun, Nuwa and other spirits floated on Luo Zheng's head again and began to sing strange songs.

After singing, Fuxi's face showed the color of hate, "when can it end..."

It was a real torture for Fuxi to sing this idiotic ballad that no one could understand.

"Soon, Yuanshi Tianzun is training other people, and soon they will be able to replace us," Nu Wa comforted.

Every time you communicate with the bald giant, you need the heroes of the human race to sing. It's really too inspiring.

It's just a simple voice. Ordinary strong people can do it. At the beginning of the reign, Emperor Tianzun looked for some substitutes in Luo Zheng's inner world and asked them to help him "pronounce".When the bald giant heard the voice of "chorus", his face showed strong interest, "how many other icebergs? Hum, as long as it's the Yuanling clan, I won't let go of any of them! "

He hated Yuanling people to the bone. How could he let them go easily?


Two thousand miles away from the ice city, there are three ice castles connected end to end.

These three ice castles should be the gathering places of yushengtian next to ice city.

The news of the fall of the ice city and the killing of Houqu has not yet spread to the three ice castles, and the five element slaves in the ice castles are not aware of the crisis

"Dong Dong Dong..."

When the earth covered with ice began to tremble, the other shore creatures and the five elements slaves came out of the iceberg one after another.

When they saw Chu Lai clearly, their faces changed greatly. While they were shouting, they dodged as fast as they could.

After a long time, the three ice castles have become ruins.

Under the guidance of Feng Nu, the bald giant rushes to the next gathering place

In these three days, Yusheng was not peaceful.

All the ice castles built by the Yuanling clan were destroyed by the bald giants.

The five elements spiritual slaves and the other races who were subordinated to the Yuanling clan also suffered heavy losses. When they faced the bald giants, they had no good way to deal with them. They either gave up their lives or gave up.

Those races on the other side seem innocent, but no matter fengnv or Luozheng, they have no plans to let them go.

They chose to take refuge with the Yuanling people, so they chose their own position. If the Yuanling people are in trouble, these other people will also help the Yuanling people, which can be described as helping tyrants

Three days later, the bald giant came to yushengtian's deepest iceberg with Luo Zheng, Feng Nu and Li BeiXue on his back.

A few days ago, fengnv with Luo Zheng and Li BeiXue was blocked in front of the iceberg.

Now the iceberg is empty, and the five elements lingnu garrisoned in the iceberg has returned to thirty-one days.

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