"Through the gate in the iceberg, you can go to the thirty-two heavens, but the gate is aimed at the creatures in chaos. I don't know if you can pass it," Luo Zheng said to the bald giant.

Each gate corresponds to a race. Only people of their own race can fly from the gate.

But as Panghao people, the bald giant should have no exclusive star gate. Yuanling people should have brought down the bald giant by other means.

In addition, the bald giant also faces another problem. He has become the God of yushengtian. According to the rules of the other side, once he becomes the God, he will be permanently bound in this important heaven.

However, Fengge and Luo Zheng became gods one after another, but they were not bound. Luo Zheng was very confused. He did not know whether the bald giant would have such treatment.

The bald giant nodded, stepped out, lifted the top of the iceberg, and arranged the star gates neatly.

He held out his finger and grabbed the stargates from inside, spilling them all over the ice.

"These things are so small, how can I get in?" Said the bald giant with a frown.

"Just step into the gate," Luo said.

A stargate is similar to a portal, into which no matter how large an individual can enter.

Even the stargates of the large races like the Yuanling are about the same size as the Terrans.

The bald giant stares at the gate and takes a step into it!


He was directly inhaled into the Stargate, and the Stargate began to glow white.

"It's like he's drilling the star gate of the ear mouse clan, which Is that possible? " Li BeiXue asked.

Luo Zheng shrugged his shoulders. "No matter whether he can or not, he can only try by himself."

Along the way, Luo Zheng communicated with the bald giant.

After a round of fighting, he and the bald giant also established a certain friendship and talked about a lot of topics. Of course, Yuanshi Tianzun also took the opportunity to ask Luo Zheng some questions.

The name of the bald giant is "Bofan". Of course, the pronunciation of his name is far more complicated.

To the disappointment of Yuanshi Tianzun, Panghao people seem to be a very primitive race. Although "Bofan" can read some Sanskrit, on the whole, they don't know much about the metaphysical world

He only knew that Pang Hao's family controlled ten mountains, each of which was vast. He lived on the top of one of them all the year round, and fell to the other side in the process of hunting again.

As for the other races, regions, cultures and so on in Xuanliang's world, he knew nothing about them.

I'm afraid what Bofan knows best is hunting skills, and all kinds of wild animals in the mountain. Luo Zheng has also seen those wild animals, which are the monsters in the cold prison!

Hearing these answers, Luo Zheng and Yuanshi Tianzun were disappointed.

Now the only thing we can confirm is that in the past thirty-three days, a mountainous area was connected with the pofan people, but we didn't know anything else.

However, when Luo Zheng asked about the colorful "star sky horn Kun", Bofan's face immediately showed respect. He told Luo Zheng that "star sky horn Kun" was the sacred beast of Panghao people. Whenever the sacred beast appeared, no matter what Panghao people were doing, the high priest of Panghao people would lead all the people to worship.

But the beast never came down, but just floated up and down in the sky.

The primitive race is easy to form a belief. According to the judgment of Yuanshi Tianzun, Panghao people may not have any internal connection with xingkongjiaokun, but for some reason, xingkongjiaokun has been hovering over sanqingtian and Aoxiang on the ten mountains. Panghao people naturally regard it as their belief.

This is basically all the news Luo Zheng heard from Bofan

"Buzz, buzz!"

The star gate of the ear mouse clan suddenly vibrated violently, spitting out a white light, and Bofan's body popped out directly from the star gate. With a "Dong", it hit the ice not far away and rolled several times before he got up.


Li Bei Xue and Feng Nu's eyes flashed.

They had already expected such a situation, from the ear mouse clan's star gate to enter, can fly up is the ghost!

"I didn't fly up," said Bofan, touching his bald head.

Luo Zheng said with a smile, "try another star gate."

Bofan listened to Luo Zheng's advice and stepped into another gate again

It's no different. It's still popping out.

After he changed several star gates in a row, Luo Zhengcai sighed: "it seems that you have to use other means to send you up."

"What else?"

Bofan's face showed a helpless color. He wanted to return to his family all the time and didn't want to stay in the other side.

"I'm afraid we have to look for it from the Yuanling clan," Luo Zheng said.

"I can't go to sanqingtian," said Bofan.

"But I can. I'll help you find a way to step into sanqingtian," Luo said.Hearing this answer, Bofan's face showed gratitude, "well, what can I do?"

"help us to control yushengtian and contain Yuanling clan," Luo Zheng said.

During the mopping up of Bofan, the Yuanling family chose to retreat for a while. Except for the five element spirit slaves killed by Bofan, the rest of them returned to the thirty-two days.

Although the ice castle in yushengtian has been swept away, once Bofan leaves, the Yuanling clan will surely follow him again.

If Bofan stays here all the time, he can help the Terran gradually control yushengtian!

Luo Zheng had this idea before, but if Bofan could fly up, he couldn't keep it.

Now that Bofan himself can't leave, he should make good use of it. In return, Luo Zheng will help him find a way to ascend to heaven.

Bofan's huge eyes blinked a few times, nodded and agreed.

Although Panghao is a very primitive race, Bofan is not stupid either. He understands that Luo Zheng will not help himself for no reason, just as he helps Luo Zheng because he has the same enemy as himself and has the value of sharing.

"Fengnv, how about you stay in yushengtian and help Bofan?" Luo Zheng turns his head and says to Feng NV.

It's said to let Phoenix girl assist, but actually it's controlled by Phoenix girl. After all, Bofan can only be competent as a thug most of the time.

Phoenix female didn't refuse, just a little hesitant said: "but I can't communicate with him."

Now Luo Zheng is the only one who can communicate with Bofan normally.

"It doesn't matter, I'll explain the matter well, that is, he will obey your orders," Luo Zheng affirmed.

What Bofan wants to do is to kill all the Yuanling people who enter yushengtian, or the "alien" identified by fengnu. It only needs simple instructions, and it doesn't need too much complicated communication.

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