After entering the immortal picture scroll, the shape of these creatures on the other side has changed greatly. This "Fox" shuttles through the maze like an ordinary creature on the other side. Naturally, people have no doubt about her and regard her as a creature on the other side.

When Luo Zheng said this, people immediately became suspicious.

"Are you a beast in the book?" Luo Zheng asked.

The fox stood not far away and said with disdain, "that's the name you stupid guys took."

As a wise creature, I am very dissatisfied with this name.

"But it doesn't matter," said the fox with another laugh. "Anyway, like thousands of fools before, you will die."

She said and waved in the picture.

The two snakes, which had blocked the way out, slowly wriggled in the passage.

She obviously controlled the snake evil Qi

"Tens of thousands of..." Fei Yu surprised way, "you killed thousands of people?"

"Maybe, it should be more than that. I forgot," said the fox with a smile.

"Did you use the big snake to kill you? It's impossible. The snake evil Qi didn't appear several times, "Kuai Jian questioned.

According to the historical records of pingyitian, the great snake evil Qi appeared only five times, only one of which was completely destroyed, and the last four times did not succeed. Those people directly chose to abstain, and no second evil Qi appeared.

"It must take evil Qi to kill you idiots?" The fox still said in a sarcastic voice, "if you have a little memory, you will be destroyed many times in the immortal picture."

The test in the immortal picture is by no means plain sailing. Although many people choose to give up when they realize the difficulties, there are many people who want to pass by force.

Sometimes, when the immortal scroll is opened once, 30% and 50% of the deaths are very common. Sometimes, it is abnormal that all the deaths are eliminated in the immortal scroll. The reason for the total extinction is unknown.

The creatures on the other side of Pingyi heaven are very afraid of the big snake, the evil Qi and several other powerful animals in the scroll. But they can know these animals in the scroll because someone has seen them and left the immortal scroll alive before they can record them.

And in the immortal scroll, there is a beast in the scroll that has never been recorded, because seeing her is dead.

"And now what?" There are other creatures trembling.

"To die, of course," the fox replied.

"We'll kill you first!"

A creature from the other side, nervous, rushed towards the fox.

The fox's body suddenly became smaller, as if it were a projection of an object on the ground. It moved away, disappeared, and then suddenly appeared!

Next, the other shore creature was covered by the fox, and without seeing how the fox did it, the other shore creature became two halves.

If Luo Zheng can observe from a higher perspective, he can see that the fox jumps out of the second page of the immortal scroll in an instant. Under the volley, his hands crisscross the second page of the immortal scroll and gently tear it.

Below her, the painting of the creatures on the other side split into two pieces from the middle

"It's the ability of tapirs," Luo Zheng frowned.

Fei Yu, Kuai Jian and others also noticed.

They originally wanted to rush up and control the fox, but the fox's strength was also terrible. Even if so many people on the scene joined hands to fight against a bug tapir, it would not be able to hold it down for a while.

"Who else wants to come up and die?" The fox's figure gradually returned to normal and completely appeared on the immortal scroll.

"You are also powerful, and you can directly control the snake evil Qi. Why don't you kill us directly?" Luo Zhengning asked in a voice.

The fox controls the two big snakes, so it's easy to block their retreat.

From the bottom of the no break maze all the way to the upper right corner, the purpose is to kill them, which is unnecessary.

When Luo Zheng asked, other people also raised their ears.

However, from the previous Fox's reply, I'm afraid the result will not be much better.

"It's too wasteful to let Xie Qi swallow you directly. There are many other animals in your mouth who are hungry..."

As he spoke, the fox turned around and walked down the passage to the upper right corner.

Two evil Qi distinguish from the two sides of the package clip, see distance closer and closer, they are also a burst of scalp numbness.

Although ten million of them are unwilling, they have no choice now. Compared with the fox, the threat of snake evil Qi is more realistic

So under the escort of the two snakes, they had to follow the fox slowly.

At the end of the upper right corner, there are some relatively small animals in the scroll. They are like dogs, and they are recognized by other creatures.

"The beast in that scroll seems to be an iron dog?"

"It's iron dog!"

"It's not going to be feeding us to dogs, is it?"

Iron Dog beast is a very common animal in the first page. Many other creatures on the other side have seen and killed many animals, so they can recognize it at a glance."Yes? Yes, you seem to be suddenly smart, "the fox praised.


These creatures on the other side were silent for a while. They have always been the best in fandutian. Looking at the whole other side, they are also the most top beings. Now they also taste the feeling of being the prey of human beings.

In the hearts of all the creatures on the other side, there was a sense of coolness.

Luo Zheng is observing quietly as he moves forward.

Because the whole tail is in the form of a nine palace grid, there are many vertical and horizontal channels, but each channel is blocked by the body of big snake Xie Qi, which completely blocks the way out

When the fox crossed another transverse passage, Luo Zheng's eyebrows suddenly picked.

There are two symmetrical hexagonal star arrays in the upper right corner!

"Fei Yu," Luo Zheng said in a low voice.

Fei Yu, Kuai Jian and other creatures on the other side also saw two star arrays.

In fact, there are many hexagonal star arrays at the tail of the unbroken maze, and there are almost two hexagonal star arrays distributed every three channels.

But even if the hexagonal star array turns into its original form, it still can't be the opponent of big snake evil Qi, so no one plans to hide in it along the way, which is no different from seeking death.

But now it's different

No one wants to feed the dog as food.

It's better to fight to the death than to wait to die.

These creatures from the other side obviously want to go together.

Just as they passed the passage, two groups of people rushed out on both sides.

In the blink of an eye, these creatures on the other side have stepped into the hexagonal star array, and they have finally recovered to their own shape, and their faces are even more like facing the enemy.

In any case, in the room of the hexagonal star array, we can at least fight with one of them with real strength.

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