The fox stood in the upper right corner of the maze, looking at the scene of competition, with a sneer on his lips.

There are many hexagonal star array rooms at the end of the unbroken labyrinth. Most of these people will escape into the hexagonal star array room if they don't want to be tied up. Naturally, she can expect that.

"Do you think that if you restore your form, you will have the power of World War I?"

"None of your predecessors can escape from me. Do you think you can?"

"Ha ha ha..."

Her laughter is very clear, really like the breeze blowing wind bell general crisp.

But in such a beautiful laugh, there is a trace of coldness, which is directly immersed in the bones of all the creatures on the other side, making them shiver.

Then she slowly turned back from the upper right corner

"She's coming down!"

"Are you going to enter the hexagonal array like this?"

"She doesn't drive big snake evil Qi to plan to do it by herself?"

Everyone was very nervous.

Although they have recovered their form, they don't think they can deal with big snake evil Qi.

If the fox drives the snake evil Qi to rush directly into the room of the six star array, he can still crush people. Even if these people have some very unique means, it is also difficult to deal with them.

Can see this fox's manner, she plans to go alone?

When the fox came to the middle of the crisscross passage, his steps stopped. Luo Zheng, Fei Yu, Kuai Jian and other creatures from the other side were in the room of hexagonal star array on the left, while Wu Dang and other creatures from the other side were in the room of hexagonal star array on the right.

Shaoqing, she has made a choice, toward the right side of the six star array room.

Wu Dang and other creatures on the other side all blinked when they saw the fox coming here.

They don't have a good way to deal with the big snake, but if the fox comes in, maybe there's still a chance?

Originally, it was a dead end. Suddenly, a live move appeared. Anyone would seize this opportunity desperately!

"Stand apart, everyone!"

"Since she can drive the snake Xie Qi, if you take her down, you should be able to let Xie Qi retreat..."

"At this stage, you should not hide and tuck in. You can use whatever means you have!"

Wu Dang and others were originally leaning against the corner of the wall. In the face of the war, they also summoned up their courage. In the not wide room, they stood in a fan shape, and their strength gathered inside them

When the fox steps into the room and steps on the hexagonal star array, it shows her real shape.

She looks like a 13-4-year-old girl, but she has two hairy ears on her head, and her whole body emits a faint halo, which is as flawless as a white jade. Her Lavender hair falls down, covering most of her baby fat face.

"It's disgusting..." The fox looked at himself.

As a beast in the scroll, she thinks that the form of the scroll is a higher form, and this kind of body with too many details is a very low form.

"Let's do it!"

As soon as the fox turned into a normal form, Wu Dang let out a loud shout.

His body tilted slightly and he had a purple jade in his hand.


With the sudden pinch of Wu Dang, the purple jade plate has been crushed into powder by him.

Just after the purple jade plate was broken, a purple shadow came out of it. When the shadow appeared, it released a vast breath, which was limited in the room. Under the strong pressure, everyone stepped back a few steps.

Only the fox girl stood still.

"It's Tianfeng Wanling card! It seems to be the top Spirit card

"It's worthy of the Ziyun people. How could they let them carry this thing?"


After the other shore creatures saw the purple shadow, the fire of hope in their hearts suddenly lit up.

It's from thirty-three days to offer a magic card.

Within thirty-three days, there is a mountain named Tianfeng, and there is a pure energy life form in Tianfeng mountain. This kind of life is similar to pure energy body, with mild temperament and large number.

After they grow old and die, they will drill into a kind of purple jade in Tianfeng mountain and deposit.

The more immersed life, the higher the grade of jade.

According to the color, there are six grades of Tianfeng Wanling. The sixth grade is called the top level of Lingpai, which is a complete killer even in thirty-three days!

This Tianfeng Wanling card is a personal keepsake of grandfather Wudang. It has been hidden for many years and has never been used. Originally, it was given to Wudang for self-defense after he entered the thirty-three days.

Wu Dang never thought that he would use it in the immortal scroll, but the fox girl gave him a chance. Naturally, he had no scruples. Compared with the precious spirit card, his life was the most important.

"Hoo Hoo..."

The purple shadow containing pure energy shrouded the fox girl's head. In the face of this powerful power, the fox girl just raised her hand, two light pink nails crossed and flicked.There seemed to be a rule that she played, and that rule spread out at her fingertips.

The surging purple shadow was suppressed, shrunk and disappeared in an instant

When Wudang was still in a daze, he was suddenly hit by a sledgehammer on his chest. A dull sound came from him, and he had been stuck on the wall.

The muscles and flesh of the whole body burst layer upon layer, and the whole person was almost crushed, but the soul was not badly damaged, but there was only one breath left.

"They don't like to eat dead things," the fox stressed.

She stretched out her pink fingers and gently lifted Wudang off the wall, dragged it to the hexagonal array and threw it out of the room.

At the moment of throwing it out, Wudang's body was broken, and the broken things turned into a picture, which was scattered on the white picture scroll, shocking

the iron dogs in the upper right corner seemed to smell the smell of blood, and slowly climbed along the passage, and began to devour Wudang's broken body

The rest of the creatures on the other side of the room on the right are shaking like chaff. They can't help their fear when they think that they really want to become the food of iron dogs.

"What a strange way!"

"It's all dead, it's hard to fight!"


Those who live on the other side summon up the last bit of courage to rush up.

Fox woman's face has no change, fingers gently buckle, pink nails gently knock, a bullet.

"Bang, bang, Bang..."

A huge force hit them in the chest, no matter the powerful Dihuo clan or the fist sized Yinfeng clan had no counterattack. They were dying when they were close to the wall.

Fox girl's fingers gently hook, these half dead creatures on the other side into the shape of painting, thrown into the corridor to feed the dog.

After dealing with the last creature from the other side, she slowly turned around and looked into the room on the left through an aisle.

After cleaning the room on the right, it's time for the room on the left.

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