In the seventy-seven rounds of chaos, there is a huge contradiction between the interdiction created by Tongtian sect leader and the elucidation created by Yuanshi Tianzun, and the cause of the contradiction is also related to the end of Yan.

In the end, the leader of Tongtian sect was defeated by Jiang Ziya, and even the foundation of the sect was destroyed.

After the leader of Tongtian sect led a group of people to escape to the other side, they quickly disappeared. Since hundreds of times, neither the leader of Tongtian sect nor the people in the sect have appeared.

It was not until Wukong clan was born suddenly that the leader of Tongtian sect appeared again.

In the meantime, the outside world has no idea what the leader of Tongtian sect experienced and why he became the leader of Wukong group

When Jiang Ziya came to zhongshenzhou, the God of the Yuan Dynasty reminded him that if he met the leader of Tongtian sect, he must pay attention to it. The leader of Tongtian sect hated the destruction of that year.

At that time, Jiang Ziya didn't feel at ease. He felt that the long years could wipe out the hatred of Tongtian sect leader. But who could have thought that he would meet his martial uncle in Jishan space, and he was totally jealous of his enemies.


The leader of Tongtian sect came straight to Jiang Ziya with Qingping sword.

In the distance, the black fire on Qingping's sword is even more fierce.

Jiang Ziya knows the strength of the six spirits flag. He also knows that the leader of Tongtian sect leads the Wukong clan to fight against the Yuanling clan. Now his strength is many times stronger than it was.

"The whip of chaos!"

Jiang Ziya retreated and whipped out the whip.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo..."

When the whip shadow dances, the void trembles, and the transparent water ripples spread everywhere, distorting all the scenery.

Under the disorderly waving of the whip, the shadow of Golden Whip disappeared into the void.

Then the whip shadow formed a long and narrow dragon shadow, and went to the head of Tongtian sect.


The leader of Tongtian sect walked with the sword. The black fire on the sword ran high. Whenever the Golden Whip shadow was burned by the black fire, he drove straight in with the sword.

Seeing that he was still several Zhang away from Jiang Ziya, Jiang Ziya collected the whip, arched his hand and saluted the leader of Tongtian sect.

The fierce Tongtian sect leader was confused by this scene, and a cool color flashed in his eyes. "Do you think I will be lenient? You are still innocent, then

"Ziya doesn't think Shibo will be merciful, but Shibo is not the time to fight with Ziya, so he can only offend him," Jiang Ziya said suddenly.


When the leader of Tongtian sect was still confused, he felt that as soon as the world changed, he had appeared in Lihu and returned to the place where he had just been exiled.

Jiang Ziya has completely controlled Jicha space. In that space, his authority is greater than chaos ancient god. He can not only dispose of the material in Jicha space, but also find the same time node.

Now Jiang Ziya is not powerless to fight against the leader of Tongtian sect, but Jiang Ziya and his master Yuanshi Tianzun have the same mentality. In those years, they were all guilty of defeating the sect and did not want to fight against it.

After Jiang Ziya found the node of space and time, he simply asked his uncle out of Ji to delete the space.

After "Kong" banished the leader of Tongtian, he went straight down. Originally, he was worried that the leader of Tongtian would return, so he planned to take Luo Zheng directly.

But before he had time to go down, a wave of space came not far away, and the leader of Tongtian appeared again.

"Kong"'s face changed slightly, and without hesitation, he made a sudden stroke towards the leader of Tongtian sect, and another space was once again shrouded in the leader of Tongtian sect.

the leader of Tongtian sect was sent out directly by Jiang Ziya, or was in a state of confusion. He didn't understand how Jiang Ziya had such means?

When he was still confused, another space wave enveloped him. This space was deleted again. In the blink of an eye, he returned to Ji deleted space

Jiang Ziya saw that the uncle he sent out came back again, and he was speechless.

What is it called

With Jiang Ziya's brain, I can probably guess what happened outside.

Most of the time, the God of heaven came through the ring of coming to fight with the son of truth who controlled the space.

However, Jiang Ziya never thought that the reason why the two men were fighting was to fight for a Luo Zheng.

"You'd better vent your anger on the son of truth..." Jiang Ziya has his own words.

With a wave of his hand, he sent out the leader of Tongtian.

But Li Hu state's "empty" also had the guard, in the Tongtian sect leader was sent out of the moment, he also began to delete space.

The master of Tongtian had no time to respond at all, and he was sent directly into Ji delete space!

Jiang Ziya is even more depressed in Ji Jian's space. His uncle is really a tough existence. The son of truth may have no choice but to send him in, but it's not the way to kick back and forth.

"In that case, I can only close the Ji space."Jiang Ziya has been operating numerous chaotic eras in Jicha space. He has already taken over all the authority of Jicha space. He is fully capable of rejecting the space "deleted" by the son of truth.

However, Jiang Ziya needs the "material" continuously sent in by chaos inland. Through these "material", Jiang Ziya can understand the things in chaos.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

Once again, the master of Tongtian, who was sent into Jijian space, moved and came to Jiang Ziya in an instant.

Come on, swordsman!

On the edge of Qingping's sword, the black and flowing sword comes straight to Jiang Ziya's face.

But Jiang Ziya's speed is one point faster after all

This sword has not yet hit Jiang Ziya, and the leader of Tongtian sect has just disappeared in front of him.

Then Jiang Ziya turned and looked at the "Ji Chu columns" on the last side of Ji Chu space. With a wave of his hands, some of the Ji Chu columns were activated, and then quickly faded.

There is a special space node in the front of Ji delete space. This space node is controlled by "Kong", but it has been changed to one-way by Jiang Ziya, so it can only enter but not exit.

And now it has been changed to no entry, no exit

After the leader of Tongtian was sent out again, "Kong" enveloped him with space again and deleted the space at the same time.

This time, however, it took a long time for the space to be empty, and there was no sign that it had been deleted

Tongtian sect leader stayed in the space, also looked at "empty" with a face covered with circles.

When did the ancient gods make mistakes?

"What have you done? I can't feel the existence of Jijian space! " The sky looked startled.

Losing the ability to "delete" is just a missing mace, and chaos ancient god's mace is far more than that.

But the ability that oneself obtains from space truth is cut down, deprive, this is the most terrible.

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