The leader of Tongtian sect was ready to delete the space again, but when he saw "Kong" saying something inexplicable, his brow suddenly wrinkled.

In Tongtian's view, the opponents on both sides are very important and need to be solved by themselves.

It's amazing that Jiang Ziya can modify the node of time directly when he expels himself.

When he was just passed around, the head of Tongtian sect was also spinning fast. He even thought it was more important to take Jiang Ziya, and he was more inclined to take Jiang Ziya.

If you can replace Jiang Ziya to control Ji delete space, you should have a lot of income, and you can return to chaos along the time node!

"I didn't do anything, you can try again," said Tong Tian.

"Kong" heard this, his eyes became very strange, then he glared at the head of Tongtian and sneered, "are you laughing at me?"

"I don't mean that," said the master of Tongtian more firmly. "I hope you can try again and delete me into that space."

Looking at the sincere face of the Tongtian sect leader, including the people of the black boat, Ji Xuanyuan, Fuxi and Nuwa, the immortal heroes all looked at each other.

The head of Tongtian sect has estimated Jiang Ziya's ability.

Looking at the "empty" appearance does not seem to be fake, Jiang Ziya mostly closed the "Ji delete space" access.

Thinking of this magical place, the leader of Tongtian is more interested.

"Kong" can't understand the mind of master Tongtian, but he still tried several times, but the space around him just keeps shaking and can't be sent in at all

Realizing that he had completely lost this ability, "Kong" asked in a voice, "what happened in that space?"

Tongtian sect leader shrugged, "no comment."

Of course, Jiang Ziya will not be disclosed to "Kong".

"Kill you, I'll know," Kong's voice became chilly, and he urgently needed to find out what happened in Jijian space.

The square space that originally shrouded the leader of Tongtian suddenly became extremely solid.

"Kong" controlled the truth of space and could define most of the space in chaos. He defined the space in that square as a whole, together with the leader of Tongtian.


The whole block suddenly broke.

If the existence of a slightly weaker, such as the general immortal realm, with the collapse of the square, they will also be broken.

But the master of Tongtian came prepared, and it was hard to defeat him with this move.

Apart from the space debris as solid as stone, there is no sign of the leader of Tongtian in the broken square

A sense of crisis rose from the heart of "Kong". Before "Kong" could be removed, the leader of Tongtian sect had appeared on his head.

The leader held the sword in both hands, like a praying swordsman, with the tip of the sword down and stabbed it hard at the "empty" head.

With a flash of blue light in the eyes of "Kong", the space on the top of his head was twisted, and the long sword suddenly disappeared. At the same time, it appeared from the side of the leader of Tongtian and stabbed him in the head!

After distorting the space, the head of Tongtian sect assassinated himself!

But at this time, the same blue light was flashing in the eyes of Tongtian sect leader. The space in front of his face also began to twist. After the green Ping sword pierced into the twisted space, it directly appeared in the "empty" chest.


A bit of green awn from front to back, directly through the "empty".

"Kong" revealed some confusion in his eyes. He glared at the leader of Tongtian and asked, "only I can do the space deviation. Why do you..."

In fact, many people can connect the two points of space, but it's just to create a circular space channel, so is the deflection of "empty" space.

Only a few hundred thousand people can create a temporary channel, but it is not stable.

But just now "Kong" found out that the man in black could do it, which once again made "Kong" confused. Since he was against this guy, a lot of things that "Kong" could not understand have happened.

"Why can I do it?" The master of Tongtian said that he slowly pulled out the long sword and the Qingping sword from two twisted spaces. It was very strange from the visual point of view, "because the power of truth is not unique to you, or I can master it through some special means, and I can master more from you..."

Kong's eyes narrowed slightly.

If we say that the previous two men's fight is still a space test, now it's time for a showdown.

The words of master Tongtian are very clear

He can take away the power of chaos ancient god!

whether as like as two peas, he still needs to ask a question mark, but he has just played the same spatial deviation as himself.

"It depends on whether you have the ability!"

Empty voice becomes deep and ferocious, his face is still changing shape, a pair of human eyes begin to twist, merge into a one eye, teeth also become sharp, head also began to crazy expansion, he wants to turn into the original appearance.Fuxi, boatman and Ji Xuanyuan also know that the two great powers are going to sacrifice the strongest form. "Emptiness" is changed into the original shape, while the leader of Tongtian will sacrifice the body of the barren God.

What they expected did not appear.

Tongtian sect leader just stood in the air, staring at "Kong" with a mocking face.

Although the "empty" body began to change, the body began to change and quickly contracted back, as if there was an invisible shackle on his body surface, which trapped him firmly in the original form.

"You're human. You don't have to be that ugly one eyed monster."

The leader of Tongtian sect gently picks the Qingping sword, and the three threads wrapped around "Kong" appear quietly. The white thread grows rapidly and turns into three white jade chains. The other end of the chain is connected to a small yellow lock in the leader's hand. The small lock is exquisitely made. There are strange Sanskrit on both sides, which is another magic weapon of Tongtian sect leader .

Previously, the leader of Tongtian sect had suggested that "Kong" could fall down by hitting the three swords. It was the three swords that had penetrated the heart lock into the body of "Kong". At this moment, everything in the body of "Kong" was locked by the heart lock, and all supernatural powers were blocked, so it was impossible to use the power of the wild God.

"Kong" seems to be motionless. In fact, he is engaged in a fierce struggle inside his body. He flatly refuses to allow himself to be banned by a mere heart piercing lock, and the ancient god capsizes in the sewer, which is an unacceptable result.

The master of Tongtian didn't care about the empty move, so he took the white jade chain and lowered it slowly.

Now that "Kong" has been trapped by him, it's his turn to the next few counterfeiters.

The leader of Tongtian sect doesn't care about the position of Ji Xuanyuan, Shennong, Nuwa and Fuxi in the mother world. He can't kill the dozens of masters in the Sanqing Dynasty, so we should clean up these fakes first.

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