"Eight grandfather," Luo Zheng carefully bowed to Li Fu.

Li Fu quickly stepped forward and lifted Luo Zheng up. "You are now the king of Jiuli. Why do you need to salute us?"

Not to mention that Luo Zheng's current strength is more than enough to command the remnant of Jiuli, from the birth of Luo Zheng alone, his status in Jiuli is lofty.

"This gift is to thank eight grandfather left me the hermit magic power at the beginning," Luo Zheng said sincerely.

"Hermit powers?" Li Fu was surprised.

When Li Lu heard this, he added, "it's the hermit power that we left in the realm of God. The chief passed it on to the children of Jiuli, but he didn't expect to meet Luo Zheng at last..."

At that time, Luo Zheng also relied on this hermit power to escape the pursuit of fengnv.

"Heaven has a destiny. Bless me in Jiuli. Everything is determined by heaven. If my brothers live to this day, they will die..." Li Fu was full of emotion.

Many Jiuli people also have tears in their eyes. These remnants are the core people of Jiuli, whose blood purity is relatively high.

Since the fall of Jiuli, they have been moving forward in difficulties. Now they finally have the hope of Luo Zheng. How unhappy are they?

When the remnant of Jiuli fled to Lishan, they were determined to stand with Luo Zheng.

The emergence and growth of Luo Zheng is an accident. If Luo Zheng is defeated, these remnants of Jiuli will not be meaningful in the world

In fact, it is not only the remnant of Jiuli that can see through this point, but also the super forces who have taken the initiative to surrender. Only a few people are qualified to enter the other side before the end of Yan.

If Li Shan fails, everything will stop.

After setting up the remnant of Jiuli, Nu Wa asked about Ji's space.

From the fight between Kong and the leader of Tongtian sect, Jicha space has been closed. It is preliminarily judged that Jiang Ziya closed the entrance of Jicha space, but it still has not recovered.

Nu Wa mentioned this, Luo Zheng will try again, Ji delete space is still unable to enter, in addition to waiting, there seems to be no good way.

"Although we don't know the next trend of Wukong clan and Yuanling civilization, we should take advantage of this stable period to go to the other side," Nu Wa also gave some suggestions.

Luo Zheng has never been to the other side since his return from the immortal painting. He has never forgotten that he still has a mission.

If the war in the chaotic world subsides for the time being, the troubles on the other side will be more complicated


In the thirty-two days of peace, this huge bronze plain condensed the history of a chaotic era.

Some races have been erased, some races are still active in the day.

Those who can stand firm in pingyitian are mostly dominating civilizations. These civilizations are also very concerned about what happens in the chaos, especially the Lishan war. After all, this is the first time that the Yuanling civilization directly intervened in the battle.

However, there are various ways for them to inquire about the news, but all the news is transmitted from the other side of the mother world to pingyitian.

At the beginning, Ping Yitian thought that the winner of this war must be the yuan spirit civilization. Since countless chaotic times, Yuan spirit civilization has rarely lost. It can be said that these dominant civilizations in Ping Yitian once lived in the shadow of Yuan spirit civilization.

When these dominant civilizations did not expect, this spiritual civilization was defeated ahead of time.

The yuan spirit civilization fostered Xiong, Shennong, Min Yue and other representative forces to be defeated. The chaos behind the ancient gods "Leng" and "Xu" fell directly. Only the "empty" left behind was defeated. Even ahuo, one of the three pillars of Yuan spirit civilization, was defeated.

What surprised many forces in Pingyi was that even the leader of Tongtian was killed

Lishan fought against wukongyi and Yuanling civilization with his own strength, and finally won a great victory. This kind of news spread to pingyihou, which shocked all the civilizations like a miracle.

There was a group of civilizations in Pingyi heaven willing to help Luo Zheng. After the news of Li Shan's victory was passed on, even some dominant civilizations in Yuan Ling civilization swayed.

"Maybe it's different this time?"

"Before Luo Zheng entered the immortal picture scroll, both the leader of Tongtian sect and ahuoke came out in person. They must be afraid of something!"

"It's said that Yuanling civilization was not in a hurry to do it. This time, the attack on taiyitiangong was aimed at Luo Zheng..."

Although these immortal heroes have gone to Yuanling civilization, they may not agree with what this civilization has done. The legend of the first battle of Lishan and Luo Zheng ignited the flames in their hearts. However, although they have some ideas in their hearts, they will not reveal them at this stage.

The bronze plain of pingyitian is very extensive. It takes quite a long time to walk from one side to the end of the other side. The entrance to the thirty-three days is at the end of pingyitian.

"The dots on the ground are snow..." Luo Zheng looked down at the bronze plain, with countless snow spots on it.

The scenes in these paintings are real, but all the pictures in the plain are refreshed every half an hour, and only the snowflakes can be seen frozen on the ground.What's interesting is that when you step on the bronze ground, you can feel the chill from the bronze plain.

"At the end of the far north is a land of barren snow. Except for those who are strong in immortality, there are few creatures from the other side," Li BeiXue said.

Now, Luo Zheng is the only one who can go to the heavenly palace for thirty-three days. Li BeiXue and the Holy Spirit of Gan Gaohan can't enter. They just escort Luo Zheng to the entrance.

"I can see that," Luo Zheng said, looking at the ground carved with countless numb spots in the distance, "is the temperature here lower than the second floor of yushengtian?"

The inner space of the bronze floor is really huge, but Ping Yitian carries so many creatures in the chaotic era, including a large number of species.

Along the way, Luo Zheng has been living in various places, including Kingdom, world, and even a sense of crowding. But here, the creatures suddenly disappeared.

"Almost," Gan Gaohan nodded, "although there is no cold prison here, it's also a forbidden area for life. Even if it's immortal, it's hard to survive in it..."

While speaking, Luo Zheng saw a huge bronze circle in front of him, and a circle of Sanskrit was carved around the bronze circle.

To Luo Zheng's surprise, these Sanskrit words seem to be constantly changing.

In the blink of an eye, Sanskrit will change from one to another

"It's the end of the sky," Gan Gaohan said, looking at the ring.

It's not the gate that goes to the thirty-three days, it's the huge circle.

When Luo Zheng and his party rushed to the passage, the bronze ground not far away flashed.

Three white spheres have been drilled out of the ice and snow world under the bronze ground. They are the three Yuanling people.

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