These three yuan spirit clansmen don't have their own body like ahuo, they all keep the original yuan spirit body.


The first Yuanling people is a cross shaped solid ice, whose surface is full of blue and white luster. On the side of its body is a round flame. The rest of the Yuanling people's body is composed of several complex elements.

The shape of the Yuanling people is changeable, except for the unique existence like ahuo, which is difficult to identify from the characteristics.

But the breath of these three yuan spirit people is very strong, only weaker than ahuo.

Gan Gaohan and others can easily infer that they are three of Ping Yitian's ten giants!

"Are you Luo Zheng?" The yuan Ling people in the shape of cross ice said.

"What's the matter?" Luo Zheng gave it a light glance.

He is the only one of the Terrans who is in the physical form on the other side. Luo Zheng doesn't have to deny his identity now.

"Join us, 3000 places," said cross.

Previously, ah Huo was willing to give Luo Zheng 300 places, but Luo Zheng easily refused.

After the Lishan war, the number of people increased ten times, which means that the sincerity of the yuan spirit civilization also increased ten times.

Luo Zheng said with a smile, "it's not about the number of quota. Ah Huo and I have already talked about it. Let alone say 300, 3000, and 30 billion, I will not agree. This is my position."

Once the target is selected, how can it be changed arbitrarily?

The cross ice in the ball shakes slightly, and still says in a calm voice, "this is the last chance. If you refuse, you will have our endless pursuit in thirty-three days."

Pingyi has rules in the sky, so it can become a pure land for many civilizations to live and work in peace and contentment.

The only rule of sanqingtian is strength, and Yuanling civilization is undoubtedly the most powerful existence in sanqingtian.

"You have chased me many times," Luo Zheng shrugged his shoulders, ignoring the threat of the three Hunyuan spirits, and walked through the huge circle with several strong souls in the heavenly palace.

Three yuan Ling clansmen stare at Luo Zheng for a while. They seem to understand that they can't persuade Luo Zheng. They can only choose to retreat.

The defeat of ahuo also caused great waves in the yuan spirit civilization. Both the top ten members of the bloody Parliament and the three pillars were clearly divided into two groups. On the one hand, they tried their best to kill Luo Zheng, and on the other hand, they continued to persuade Luo Zheng to join the yuan spirit civilization.

In the end, the bloody Council made a compromise to persuade Luo Zheng for the last time. However, this persuasion obviously failed. Next, Yuanling civilization will put the eradication of Luo Zheng in the first place.

After the three Yuanling people left, Luo Zheng and his party began to approach the huge circle, which is the "Tianjin Road" in Gan Gaohan's mouth.


The ring of Tianjin Road embedded in the bronze plain sensed the approaching of immortality and turned automatically.

"We're going to stay," Gan Gaohan said. "Only those who are strong in the immortal realm can set foot in this" way of heaven's end ". Once the holy spirit realm like us is involved in it, we'll be devastated."

There have been tragedies like this. Some people in the holy spirit realm, even those with the body of doom, have tried to get through the "Heaven's end" way. No matter the body or soul is involved in it, they are all strangled clean

Therefore, some of the civilizations and races in Pingyi even have a special punishment. If their own people commit a capital crime, they will take them to the "Tianjin Road" for execution.

"Tiantianjin road represents the projection of taiqingtian, the outermost part of sanqingtian. You may appear anywhere outside taiqingtian at high speed. The outer part of taiqingtian is also very dangerous for immortality. There are three dead Jedi..." Li BeiXue is talking endlessly.

"Bei Xue, it's the third time..." Next to the river helpless smile.

Li BeiXue said with an air of self-confidence, "although I have never entered the sanqingtian, it is recorded in the ancient books that the strong in immortal realm are the most dangerous when they first enter the taiqingtian."

"Tianjin Dao" is to send the entrants randomly to any position in Taiqing sky, so that they can avoid the pursuit of Pingyi's forces in the sky. However, it is extremely difficult to survive alone in Taiqing sky, so it is very difficult to take the first step.

"Don't forget, Luo Zheng is not an ordinary immortal state," Gan Gaohan was very confident in Luo Zheng's strength.

"I'm new to sanqingtian. Everything is strange. It's better to be careful. Elder martial Sister Li's teaching is right..."

After Luo Zheng said goodbye to all the people in the heavenly palace, he took a step towards the "heavenly way".

As soon as he stepped into the "heavenly way", he felt that his feet were standing on the ring, and the whole person was rotating with the ring at high speed.

"Hoo Hoo Hoo..."

In the eyes of Li BeiXue, Gan Gaohan and others, Luo Zheng's body shape also turned into a fuzzy shadow.

As the "Tianjin Dao" turns faster and faster, the Sanskrit changes faster and faster around it. Soon after, with the fierce light blooming, Luo Zheng's figure disappears on the "Tianjin Dao", and the whole Tianjin Dao is calm again.……

It's similar to the feeling of xingmen, but it's faster, and the body is under extremely terrible pressure under the violent vibration.

It is said that many strong people who are new to immortality will suffer from such pressure when they enter sanqingtian for the first time.

However, Luo Zheng's body experienced the transformation of the origin of divine blood, and he easily resisted the pressure.

This state lasted for a long time, and the speed gradually decreased. The fuzzy world around it gradually became clear. Everything in the field of vision became extremely dark. At the same time, a smell of mud rushed into my nose.

"In the earth?"

Luo Zheng reacted immediately and closed his mouth.

Li bixue also told him that when he passed the "Tianjin Road", he might be introduced to some strange places, such as the thick soil layer. It was also very difficult to get out of the soil layer. I didn't expect that he would encounter such an exception when he first entered sanqingtian.

"It's better to pass into the earth than those dead Jedi. If you really pass into those Jedi, it will be quite troublesome," the voice of Yuanshi Tianzun rang at the moment. "I once escaped into the Earth twice. Please light up here and let me see how deep you are."

Luo Zheng stretches his body hard to open up a part of the space in the soil layer. When he raises his hand, a faint white light diffuses out of his palm, illuminating this small space.

Although the soil around is soft, it seems to be soaked in blood, and there is a sticky red liquid seeping out.

"Master Yuanshi Tianzun, how deep am I now?" Luo Zheng asked.

Yuanshi Tianzun hesitated for a while before he replied, "this is You should be under the goblin Jedi now. "

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