The blood wolf's spider silk was eroded, and his body was weak.

He looked at the stone man with a pale face, shook his head and said, "I tried my best to stop the stone man..."

In fact, at this time, he wanted to drag the blood crow and blood lion brothers, but the two brothers' serious and serious face made the blood crow hesitant.

"Dong Dong Dong..."

Stone people seem to be slow, but they are not slow. With the shaking of the ground, they are rushing forward quickly.

The alien people in the distance also hold their breath one after another. They are also seizing the opportunity, but before that, they have to carefully observe the means of those Terrans.

Seeing the stone man getting closer and closer, Fuxi's eyes shrunk slightly. Finally, he couldn't bear it, and he reached out to take a snap in front of him.

The palm of the solid thunder powder suddenly appeared in the stone man. It collided with the eight trigrams of Fuxi, and then it burst into a bright light.

Almost some foreign people are covered by the light and have to protect their eyes.

After the light bloomed, there was the dense and indistinguishable thunder, as if the sound of sharp objects scratching people's eardrums. The surging power made those foggy people and rats retreat madly, and even jump directly from the seventh floor to the sixth floor

It took a while for the thunder to dissipate.

After people's vision recovered, they could see that the stone spirits in the center of the open space were lying on the ground. Almost all the stone spirits' body surfaces were burnt, and their hands, feet, and bodies were broken and even turned into stone powder.

"Good, terrible Squeak, "a rat said after climbing up from the sixth floor.

"Thunder of Tianlei plain! How did you do that? " People look at each other in the fog.

"It has something to do with the powder!" Cried the dead tree giant.

The other dead tree giants also followed suit, causing a chill among the alien people.

As long as we are not fools, we all know that it has something to do with the powder in Fuxi's hands, and we don't know if there is any powder in Fuxi's hands

The fallen Shiling people can't get up any more. These Shiling people stand in a very dense position and are completely shrouded in thunder. None of them is missing.

Silence, full of the seventh floor platform.

All the people of different nationalities are staring at Fuxi

It seems that this thunder is the killer of these human beings.

Such a powerful brown powder, the number should be limited, at least should be very rare.

If Fuxi couldn't get it out, the situation would be simple.

Fuxi found it unnatural that all the foreign people focused on themselves.

Of course, he knows what these alien people are thinking!

The problem is that all the Gulei powder has been used up these two times. Where can he get the powder out again?

When Fuxi was stiff, Nu Wa suddenly said to the blood wolf, "immortal hunter, you still have brown shenlei powder. Please take it out!"

What is shenlei powder?

When the two brothers of blood lion and blood crow were still in a daze, the blood wolf had already understood, and there was a steady stream of brown powder pouring out under his hands.

These brown powder is not thunder powder at all, but the bone powder used to destroy the infinite corridor of miekong spirit.

two kinds of as like as two peas, they are all brown, but the smell is quite different. A power full of thunder, a power of space, if God knows the moment, he will be exposed.

But as an immortal hunter, the blood wolf is an experienced person. When he poured out the bone powder, he covered the breath of it. His technique was very ingenious.

Nu Wa saw the series of reactions of blood wolf, and her eyes also reflected the color of appreciation.

These immortal hunters are able to swim in Sanqing days calmly, and their reactions are really smart.

Coincidentally, shortly after getting the bone powder, there was a lot of it. The continuous supply of bone powder turned into a palm as high as Zhang Xu, standing in front of Fuxi.


When the alien people saw this huge brown palm, they were speechless.

Just now, the brown palm was not half as good as this one, and the stone man with strong defense was completely annihilated. How terrible should the power of the brown palm be?

So the situation went back to the previous situation, and the two sides were deadlocked again.

However, although the blood wolf and Fuxi cooperate very skillfully, some people still see some doubts.

At the beginning, the Golden Horn Tauren knew the identities of the blood lion, the blood wolf and the blood crow. These three immortal hunters were not of the same race as human beings. When Nu Wa asked the blood wolf for the powder, the other two immortal hunters, the blood lion and the blood crow, were stunned and seemed completely unaware of it. This is too unusual.

What's more unusual is that the blood wolf has shielded the smell of brown powder, which means that there is no silver here.

The Tauren whispered his analysis to the Smurfs, and the Smurfs thought so, but he sneered and asked, "do you dare to rush up? If you dare, I'll pass it on to you. "

The Tauren glared at the Smurfs and said nothing.It doubted, but it didn't have to risk its own life.

But the situation can't go on like this

Soon some foreign people began to come up with ideas, let each foreign group gather some people, and then attack together.

This approach was quickly echoed and was considered an acceptable one.

Seeing the alien people start a new round of preparation, the cloud climbs on Fu Xi's face again.

After all, they are still in a desperate situation. Although they can still stand still at this stage, it is impossible for them to stand still until the wind in zifengjian gorge stops, right?

The alien people soon elected the dead in the clan

The role of these dead men is to test the "thunder" in Fuxi's hands. Once it is confirmed that it is true, the dead men will surely die.

But the patriarch's orders could not be violated, and the dead did not complain. After they mixed into a new team, the dead decided to start.

Fuxi's sword eyebrows were tight, and the eight trigrams seal had floated in front of him in advance. The huge palm was about to be patted out at any time.

The bodies of the dead selected by all ethnic groups also trembled violently. When the palm of their hand exploded, their fate was self-evident.

"You want to die!"

Fuxi roared, and the Eight Diagrams seal began to rotate.

Seeing that Fuxi really wanted to clap his hand, the people who were gnashing their teeth and planning to die stopped together, and some even cut back

But how dare Fuxi really shoot it?

If you really shoot it, it will be exposed.

From the beginning, Luo Zheng changed his calm and calm color. There was a flicker of anxiety in his eyes. Although it was hidden deeply, he was caught by Nu Wa.

His stuff never came.

The time that the current situation can sustain can only be calculated by breathing

"Fake, squeak!"

"He doesn't dare to use it. This is their last straw. Hurry up!"

"I'm a member of the Niushou people. There's no coward!"

The foreign leaders began to encourage and persecute.

In the hearts of the dead, ten thousand people were still reluctant to rush forward.

Fu Xi could not scare away the dead by his posture

At this time, Luo Zheng suddenly felt something.

At the far end of zifengjian gorge, there is a purple wind mixed with a touch of green "wind", and the green wind is rolling and dancing, approaching at a very fast speed.

"Master Fuxi, take this palm!" Luo Zheng said suddenly.

"Why?" Fuxi was stunned for a moment.

"Listen to me!" Luo Zheng orders in a deep voice.

Fuxi was very upset with Luo Zheng's tone, but he didn't care about his life and death, and patted out the huge palm formed by the bone powder.

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