Conggu powder and Gulei powder are similar in appearance, but different in nature.

After the bone powder was shot, the "every" spread.

Generally, a small amount of bone powder can solidify the space channel, and then collapse, while a large amount of bone powder explodes, which has an impact on ordinary space.

All of a sudden, the space around the group of dead men became very sticky. These alien dead men also seemed to move forward in heavy oil, slow and even funny.

Outsiders seem to think so, but the dead in the space don't think so.

They feel that there is a change around them, and they are all in despair

It's over, it's all over

I'm dead now!

For my family, dedicate yourself!

Every alien has different demands on their own people, but their inner thoughts are different.

But this "sticky" feeling lasted only two breaths and then disappeared.

Everything's back to the original

They looked at their bodies, and looked at their hands. There was a trace of ecstasy on their confused faces.


"That's bone powder! It's used to destroy space! "

"The powder was gone before!"

Those dead men immediately reacted, and the distant alien people's eyes also sparkled with fiery eyes.


The rats squeaked. They were in a disorderly position. According to a certain rule, three, five and seven rats were stacked together and rushed forward

"Ho, Ho, Ho..."

The dead tree giants also stepped forward.

They are slow, but each step can take a considerable distance, tens of thousands of feet for them, only a few steps away.

Those fogs, people go straight ahead

The Smurfs and the Tauren are in a hurry.

I didn't expect that the brown powder in these guys' hands was really fake!

The Smurfs, in particular, want to slap themselves a few times. After all, they have suffered from "bone powder" before, so they should think about it in advance.

But the chance is still there. Anyway, Luo Zheng and his party can't run away.

But they never thought that the so-called "can't run away" idea is not reliable.

When people of different nationalities rush up one after another, a touch of green floats from the zifengjian gorge.

At the same time with the green shadow, there are the purple wind in zifengjian gorge. These purple winds are the most lethal catchers in Taiqing, but they can't catch the green shadow.

When the green shadow rises, all the foreigners can see clearly what it is.

It's a huge eagle!

Such as green jade carved feathers, crystal clear, floating in the wind.

When the purple wind blows, it glides along its feathers. There is no way to take this giant eagle

"Wing, wing king!"

When the blood wolf saw the giant, his face was very excited.

It's strange for Luo Zheng to see that the blood wolf knows the king of wings, but it's not hard to understand.

The jade civilization led by Yiwang was also a powerful dominating civilization. It was only in the struggle with Wukong people that Yiwang had to lead the jade civilization to hide in the dark of the color world.

Their choice is similar to that of the Terran, but there are more elite of the Terran trapped in the sanqingtian.

When Nu Wa, Fu Xi, Dong Huang and others saw this huge eagle carved like Jasper, they also showed awe in their eyes. It could fly freely in the zifengjian gorge. So this is Luo Zheng's strength?

"Click, click!"

The wing king put out a pair of sharp Eagle claws and grabbed it on the vine body of Tianyan yanteng, just like an eagle catching a snake. The difference is that Tianyan yanteng is very clear about his situation and "obedient".

"Stop the bird!"

"Squeak, squeak..."

The rats roared and hurled their weapons.

Fog people also wave out black hooks to hook Luo Zheng and his party back

Looking at these alien people's aggressive hand, the wing King's wings spread, toward the front of a fierce fan.

"Hoo Hoo..."

The seventh floor of the TIANTI plateau was suddenly windy.

If it's just a gale, it doesn't matter. These foreigners present may not be afraid of a winged king.

For a long time, people of different nationalities have seen more of the strong in the dominant civilization.

The problem is this is zifengjian gorge!

It's just that the king of wings can avoid the purple wind. When he flapped his wings to cause the strong wind, he even brought up the purple wind in the gorge of the purple wind!

Almost all the alien people have fear in their eyes.Previously, those dead men had been lucky to get back a life, but they rushed to the front, but this time they couldn't avoid the purple wind.

These purple winds, like silk, rolled up the dead men and dragged them towards the gorge.

Unfortunately, it was not only the group of dead people, but also the rats who just rushed up. People were also trapped by the purple wind.

No matter how they struggle, no matter what powers they use, there is no exception.

The rest of the foreign people could only retreat when they saw the situation. Finally, they could only watch Yiwang soar into the sky and glide towards the zifengjian gorge

"Whew, whew, whew..."

The purple wind in Zifeng gorge seems to be satins with self-consciousness, chasing the king of wings crazily.

But the wing king was very familiar with these purple wind flight rules, and he didn't see the wing King dodge. These purple satins couldn't touch it at all. Of course, they couldn't touch the Tianyan yanteng in his claws.

"Smelly boy, I'm scared to death. I didn't expect you to keep such a hand," Fuxi breathed fiercely.

Nu Wa, the rat king of Shengtian, the Eastern Emperor, and yinglao also relaxed. Nu Wa thought it would be the first emperor, but at the critical moment, she attracted the wing king of sapphire civilization.

The upper end of Tianyan yanteng has been lifted up, and the blood wolf is standing on the top, communicating with the king of wings.

Just now the blood lion and the blood crow brothers have solved their doubts.

When the jade civilization was wandering in Taiqing, a jade spirit was lost.

Later, the Yi Wang Ju family fled and hid in the 13th heaven. This "spirit of jade" did not know it, so it became a legacy of jade civilization.

At the meeting, the spirit of sapphire became a member of the immortal hunter, and had a good relationship with the blood wolf. He was brothers and brothers.

It's a pity that before the wolf's death, the one who had no hope of catching Qingyu was the one who had no hope.

The blood wolf, who has been living in sanqingtian for a long time, certainly can't find the jade civilization of the thirteenth heaven.

However, the blood wolf did not expect that he would meet the wing king of sapphire civilization on this day. The excitement in the blood wolf's heart can be imagined.

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