"Kuang Kuang..."

The rocks in the kiln are smooth and solid, and the sound of collision when the stones roll out is especially clear.

These stones have cuboids and spheres, and their surfaces are all painted with dense runes, which are obviously not natural things.

"What is it?" Asked the blood lion, frowning.

The blood crow frowned and said, "these stones seem to be made by the local spirits of the yuan spirit clan..."

The Earth Spirit of the Yuanling clan turns into extremely strong stones, and the breath of Earth Spirit is very different from that of ordinary stones.

"Why do they turn into stone balls?" Asked the Eastern Emperor, not knowing why.

The Yuanling clan once trapped the original human in the Diyao, so it is possible for them to send people to guard here. What does it mean to throw a pile of stones here?

"Look Nuwa pointed not far away and said.

Not far away from the mountain wall drilled out a bunch of white things.

From the perspective of breath and form, it is strange!

"It's treacherous!"

"Be careful, everyone!"

"Shall we sacrifice the light of destruction?"

After entering the Shangqing Dynasty, all of them were baffled by treachery and had instinctive vigilance against treachery.

However, from the point of view of the atmosphere released by the treacherous, it should be just the treacherous level of Qiu, and it is impossible to judge what kind it is.

"Whoosh, whoosh..."

There are three groups of treacherous rocks in the cliff. I don't know what the shape of treacherous rocks is. When they squeeze out from the cliff, they are like flowing water, and they quickly drill into the stones.

When treacherous got into the stone ball, he began to pull the other stones together. After a while, the scattered stone ball and stone column were combined into three stone men.

At this time, Luo Zheng and his party suddenly realized.

"These enemies are treacherous and extremely afraid of the light of destruction, so the yuan spirit civilization asked the local spirits to specially build their bodies for them..." Nu Wa murmured.

People's faces suddenly became serious.

On the platform of the Qing Dynasty, they had learned the power of treacherous terror, but they didn't have a deep understanding of treacherous terror. Yuanling civilization seemed to be very familiar with treacherous terror, and even helped them tailor their bodies!

"Now what! Squeak Asked the rat king.

"What else can we do, of course, is to kill them with the light of destruction," Nu Wa said coldly.

"I'm afraid they are not afraid of the light of destruction now, Zhi..." The rat King hesitated.

"Then break those stones and kill them again," Luo Zheng said with a shrug of his shoulders. Then he told the legend to heaven, "master tianzhuan, can you help me?"

Tianchuan nodded.

When he left qingtiantai, he also put on his own armor and took his own weapons.

With his treacherous body, the battle will not be weak.

The important thing is that he can hardly die without using the light of disillusionment, so he has an unparalleled advantage in dealing with the treachery without awakening.

But he just took a step, and his body was frozen in the same place. He said helplessly, "it seems that he can't help you..."

The three stone figures seemed to be aware of the breath of heaven. From the round stone on their shoulders, there appeared a bright white spot, in which the light of destruction was gestated, and it would gush out at any time.

"Yuanling civilization, I really calculated everything!" Fuxi gritted his teeth.

Fuxi, Nuwa and others know that Yuanling civilization, as the overlord on the other side, has an unfathomable foundation. Now he just feels the horror of this opponent.

"Stand back and let me do it!" The blood wolf took the initiative to stand up.

"Well, if you entangle the stone men, I'll try to break their bodies," Luo Zheng said, and then he took the long gun in Tianchuan's hand. The surface of the long gun has been specially treated, which can easily spread the light of destruction to every part of the gun body and the tip.

As the sacred stone in the palm of Luo Zheng's hand burst out the light of destruction, the 12 foot long gun gave off a silver light.

Treacherous have instinctive fear of the light of destruction, they immediately feel the threat of Luo Zheng.

"Buzz, buzz!"

The runes on the chest of the three stone men began to shine red.

"Shua Shua..."

Sharp stone spines extend rapidly from their bodies. In the blink of an eye, these stone people become stone hedgehogs.

"Dong Dong..."

Immediately they came straight to Luo Zheng.

The blood wolf showed a smile, his body suddenly disappeared from the top of his head and turned into countless silk threads winding towards the three stone men.

As soon as the stone man rolled out of a distance, he was caught by countless silk threads, and his speed slowed down immediately.

Luo Zheng took a step, and his body flashed fiercely. He had come to the top of one of the stone figures.

The treacherous reaction inside the stone man is not slow. Seeing Luo Zheng flash to the top, he suddenly jumps and bumps into Luo Zheng fiercely with a stone stab.Luo Zheng's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. He grabbed one of the thorns in one hand and retreated with the stone man's inertia.

"Squeak! Luo Zheng, watch the back The rat King reminds a way.

Another stone man full of spines from the rear of Luo Zheng also came.

The spider silk of blood wolf slows down their speed, but the absolute speed is not slow.


Luo Zheng suddenly grabs the top of the gun barrel, butts the tip of the gun against the stone man, and the gun barrel is placed horizontally.

When the stone man in the rear rushed over, he jumped up. The two stone men collided with each other directly, and the transverse spear was inserted into the left stone body under the impact.


The strangeness in the stone human body makes a series of strange screams.

Qiu's treacherous is extremely afraid of the light of destruction. This gun is thrust into the stone body. Qiu's treacherous can't die any more.


Luo Zheng flashed to the stone man's side and pulled out his long gun. Before the other stone man could get up, he jumped high and dashed forward.


Once again, the long gun was firmly nailed into the stone body. With a "Zizi" sound, the second one was also nailed to death.

After Luo Zheng disposed of the two stone figures, he cast his eyes to the other side of the kiln.

The third stone man failed to find Luo Zheng's trouble.

When Luo Zheng and the blood wolf confront the two stone men in front, the blood crow and the blood lion entangle the third stone man. Nvwa and Fuxi also attack one after another. Finally, after the stone man is cut away by a golden sword of the Eastern Emperor, Fuxi slaps the inside treachery

that slap contains a bright white light, which is the light of destruction.


Treacherous in this slap under the ashes.

Fuxi looked at his palm, and there was a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.

Previously treacherous but totally invincible existence

The first time he passed the wailing Road, his fear was still deep in his mind.

But now that you have the light of destruction, you can easily kill it.

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