After the three treacherous ones in the stone body were killed, the stones did not move any more.

Although these stones are made by the Earth Spirit, they are not the Earth Spirit itself, but a pile of dead things.

Luo Zheng carefully cut these stones and dug out the sacred stone the size of sand.

Although we don't know how many sacred stones there are in the hands of the yuan spirit civilization, they are still rare for Luo Zheng. They are of great use in case of a large number of mysterious stones.

After getting rid of the stones, they continued to move deep into the kiln.

The road of Diyao is not complicated, just follow the wide cave all the way down.

The deeper they went, the wider they went, and there was a damp smell in front of them.

"I'm afraid there are underground rivers or pools in the depths of Diyao," the Eastern Emperor judged.

Luo Zheng nodded and said, "the pool is the end of the kiln. At that time, you were trapped by the pool."

Hearing the saying of "Ben Zun", the emperor's body pauses and his face looks strange.

Not long ago, after he was rescued from the Shenhe River, he realized that he had the existence of "benzun". Naturally, he was not used to it.

Fuxi and Nuwa had already adapted and accepted that they were created lives and the fact that others were separated.

Luo Zheng realized that he had made a slip of words and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Donghuang..."

"It's OK," the Eastern Emperor said with a smile. "I'd like to see my own self."

Before long, a pool of water suddenly appeared in front of us.

The water in the pool is clear and transparent. You can see the bottom of the pool at a glance.

After arriving at the pool, the rat king looked around and said, "Zhi, I don't see the heroes of the Terran..."

"This is the end of the Diyao, and there seems to be no access in front of it," Nu Wa went to the pool to look for it.

Luo Zheng walked around the pool and even let out his divine sense to sweep the wall of the cave, trying to find out the hidden passage and so on. The result was naturally disappointing.

From the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, when Tianzun could not communicate with his own ancestors through the instrument of civilization, Luo Zheng had psychological preparation, but he was inevitably disappointed to see the empty Diyao.

"Have you been taken away by Yuanling civilization?" Gall old frown asks a way.

"Trapped for such a long time, maybe it has already been cleaned up by Yuanling civilization," said the blood wolf.

Immortal hunters, however, tried their best to hide in order to keep the three of them. It was hard for him to believe that anyone could stick to them in the cave.

Nu Wa's eyes twinkled, but she was not so pessimistic. Instead, she said, "there is a third possibility," and she pointed to the top, "they went to yuqingtian."

All the roads opened through the hundred million pagoda mountain are to the qingtiantai, and the Diyao is no exception.

If the Terran heroes could stick to the kiln at that time, they would have enough time to find a way to ascend to the sky.

Luo Zheng also nodded, turned to heaven and said, "master Tianchuan, do you know where to lead to yuqingtian?"

As a builder, Tianchuan was familiar with these passageways, but now he frowned and thought for a while, "I know this road is the road leading to Yejian Island, which is an independent and huge qingtiantai, but this passageway is not arranged by me, let me think about it..."

Although Tianchuan is the world builder, he participated in the construction of the chaotic world, and he may not be fully aware of many details.

Fortunately, Tianchuan was familiar with his colleagues and had a general understanding of what other builders would do. He went to the pool and looked down. Then he picked up a handful of water and observed it carefully. A smile appeared on his face.

He stood up and said to Luo Zheng, "boil the water."

"Boil?" Luo Zheng was stunned.

The pool is not big, but it's easy to boil, but it's too strange.

"Yes, you'll know when it boils," the legend says.

Luo Zheng jumped into the pool according to tianzhuan's instructions. He originally wanted to promote the power of Shinto, but the original Tianzun of the inner world obviously couldn't wait to let Zhu Rong do it.

All they saw was a flash of red light in the pool, and the whole pool began to boil.

This is the result of zhurong's control. If zhurong goes all out, the water in the pool can be gasified clean.

When the pool boiled, a magical scene appeared.

In the originally clear and transparent pool, there was a zigzag red path, which turned many times in the pool and extended to the bottom of the pool.

"Is that the entrance?" The blood wolf, who was always happy and angry, was surprised.

"It should be," Nuwa nodded.

"The entrance was hidden in boiling water. Who could have thought..." Fuxi was a little speechless.

Once thirty six heroes of the Terran were trapped here. They probably tried everything they could. Maybe they found this passage only when they boiled the pool carelessly.

When Luo Zheng saw the passage in the water, he came out of the water and waved to the crowd, then he swam along the red path in the water.Tianzhuan, Nuwa, Fuxi and others also jumped into the boiling water.

Follow the path all the way down to the bottom of the pool, only to see a door formed by light. Luo Zheng was the first one to get into it, and the people behind also followed


After Luo Zheng got into the middle, he suddenly whirled around. Originally he was swimming downward, but now he was swimming upstream!

And above him is an upward passage.

Luo Zheng and others are very familiar with this passage. When they went to the first qingtiantai, they went up with a fishhook. Now the passage is full of water. It seems that they are going to swim up.

People on the scene didn't have much communication. They waved their limbs and swam up quickly. They thought that they could go to the qingtiantai. But after a while, Luo Zheng "clattered" and got out of the water!

Luo Zheng looked around, his face slightly heavy.

He didn't arrive at the qingtiantai. This is the middle part of the passage!

"Wow! WOW! Wow... "

Others also came to the surface, looking strangely at their surroundings.

"We're still in the tunnel?" Asked the rat king.

"Look for yourself," Nuwa pointed to the top.

They were originally swimming in an upward passage, which should lead to qingtiantai.

Now the passage is a long way off. They're in the lower half of the passage, and there's another passage hanging from the top of the head.

The Eastern Emperor gazed and said, "this passage seems to have been maliciously damaged."

"Who's going to destroy it, Zhi..." Said the rat king.

Nu Wa floated on the water and looked up for a while. Instead, she said with a smile, "maybe we guessed right. The original masters of the human race should have gone to the qingtiantai."

"How can I see it?" The old man asked.

"If those masters find this passage in the Diyao and enter the qingtiantai, they are still not safe and still have to face the pursuit of Yuanling civilization," Nu Wa continued with a smile. "To escape the pursuit of Yuanling civilization, cutting off this passage is the best choice, which can effectively block the pursuit behind."

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