As for the information about the four spirit gates and the main world, taishanglaojun got it from the other side.

For the strength of the snake spirit king, Taishang Laojun is only a rough estimate.

He was not sure whether all the ten other shore keepsakes were in the hands of the snake spirit king.

If the snake spirit king really can play a hundred percent power, it is impossible to lose the bird spirit king for a long time.

These two races have fought back and forth for hundreds of chaotic times

"Then I will destroy all its other keepsakes..."

After taishanglaojun's explanation, luonian has regarded the snake king as his father's biggest enemy.

These other shore keepsakes can be destroyed, so it is necessary to remove them directly.

Along the way, Luo Nian also did this kind of thing many times.

I don't feel like a good guy. I just pull out the black square and throw it away.

It looks like the spirit of civilization, but also put the black box aside.

The main reason is that he is in a hurry to climb to the top, and there are too many black squares on the pillars. It will take several years to pull them all out, so it depends on his mood.

During this period of time, all kinds of strange things naturally happened on the other side. From time to time, someone's Keepsake on the other side suddenly failed

Although ronian's proposal is childish, it is very direct and effective.

If he can really pull it out and discard the ten other keepsakes, it will be the best.

"You can try, but be careful," Mr. Tai said.

Now the emperor has some remorse in his heart.

At that time, he should have understood the four spirit gates more clearly. Now he can give Luo Nian more help. Now he has no chance.


After Luo Nian responded, he climbed to the tenth step carefully.

According to previous experience, he pointed to the black light in the middle of the steps.

Such a move is risky, but ronian has no other choice. His choice to enter the metaphysical world is a kind of adventure.


The moment ronian touched the black light, a picture exploded.

A piece of brown cloud is fluttering slowly

This brown cloud is spiraling, slowly turning towards luonian's perspective.

"Chaotic clouds?"

Luo Nian patted his head, like a monk in law who couldn't figure it out.

He thinks that all the keepsakes on the other side should be in the other side. Unexpectedly, the tenth one is in chaos

Luo Nian changed his perspective and saw a black bead. To Luo Nian's surprise, the bead was embedded on a wall.

Chaotic world is empty, how can there be walls?

Luo Nian was confused and tried to change his perspective to see the end of the wall.

But there was chaos all around, and he could see only a small part of the wall.

While Luo Nian was changing his perspective, he suddenly found that there were some raised parts under the beads. He looked at them carefully and was shocked.

That's a woman inlaid in the wall!

I don't know how long this woman has been embedded in it. The only things floating outside the wall are her face, chest, legs and a pair of open arms.

What makes Luo Nian even more surprised is that this woman is still alive.

Her bare skin outside the wall is still white, full of vitality, as if there is infinite vitality blooming in her body.

But a woman's eyes, but occupied by two thin crescent, it is not like human eyes, but a pair of snake eyes!

Women have been staring forward in this position for countless years

For thousands of chaotic times, her mood has not changed at all.

If she can struggle, she will open the shackles and end her life in the shortest time.

But she can't

Not only can not do, but also inlaid in the wall, a steady stream of dedication for the snake.

Now that everything is settled, no amount of struggle is in vain.

Numbness has occupied her heart.

But when Luo Nian's eyes were fixed on her, she noticed it for the first time.

A pair of gray eyes with a little glimmer, especially the pair of thin crescent, is flashing a touch of gold.

Is anyone spying on me

You want to humiliate me?


It's through the bead that's spying on me!

Someone's climbing the pillar!

That beautiful face, which has not changed for hundreds of millions of years, suddenly has waves.

She had a strange look on her face.

The muscles of her face have not been active for a long time, and are almost harder than steel. When she tries to make an expression of amazement, there is even a crack on her face.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

Sand seemed to flow in her throat.

Tried for a long time, finally squeezed out a sentence from her mouth, "who, who is spying on me?"It doesn't sound like a woman, at least it doesn't match her beautiful face.

Luo Nian was very curious.

Where on earth is this woman in the chaotic world?

Why is she inlaid in the wall

Who is she?

However, these questions can only be asked in mind, how can he speak?

But just now luonian and taishanglaojun have communicated in a special way. Luonian tries to play black light.

Every time he played the black light, ronian's head exploded like a firecracker.

But he insisted.

He felt that this woman was of extraordinary origin, and he wanted to know.

It's a pity that women only use confused eyes to stare at the fierce bead above.

She couldn't understand the way of communication of the eight strokes, such as side stroke, cross stroke, crossbow stroke and cross stroke. Instead, she said, "holy pillar Already so unstable? Even the mysterious knot is hard to maintain? "

"Well, if the pillar collapses, these enmities can be ended..."

Because ronian's flickering eyes made the woman misunderstand, she thought that the eyes did not come from ronian's observation, but from the problem of the pillar.

Ronian is in a hurry. He plays black light faster.

But the other side in the case of incomprehensible, as flattering to the blind.

After trying for a while, Luo Nian's head was as painful as an explosion. He gave up

After the woman found that the eyes of fierce bead disappeared, her face became stiff and indifferent again, and she still remained motionless, inlaid on the wall.

The chaotic cloud shrouded her is thinner, and more parts of the wall behind her are exposed. This wall extends out the chaotic cloud, stretching out the endless distance

After leaving the black light, Luo Nian turned around and went back to the 11th floor. He told taishanglaojun what he had observed.

Taishanglaojun heard of this situation, also frowned.

There is a wall in the chaos, inlaid with a snake eye beauty?

He couldn't understand why there was such a strange thing in chaos.

Ronian didn't get the answer. Without saying a word, he stood on the ninth floor from the bottom to touch the black light.

This time, Luo Nian's eyes came directly to the city of heaven.

In a small room, there was an irregular piece of metal floating.

Luo Nian watched the moment of the metal block, and the whole Tianfang City trembled fiercely.

The snake spirit king opened his eyes again, lost his voice and said, "my holy assistant! Who's spying on my holy stuff

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