The ten strongest keepsakes on the other side of each pillar are all called Saint's keepsake.

These ten holy things were selected by the serpent king himself and linked with the pillar, which is also an extremely important part of his plan!

If someone is peeping, it means that the other party has climbed the pillar!

"Wang, what happened?"

Bifid snake came to the snake king for the first time.

After the snake spirit king said the vision he felt, the big snake of bifid also showed the color of prudence.

"We have been away from the Lord for a long time. After the great cleansing, there will always be creatures born. Maybe they inadvertently rush to the holy pillar," speculated the big snake.

The main boundary is not empty.

Just want to be empty about the prosperity.

Snake spirit gate has long asked Yuanling civilization to go to the main realm to inquire.

In the main world, there are fragmentary races, some of which are not weak.

Of course, compared with the former four spirit gate, it is still small.

"These wastes dare to break into the sacred pillar of our snake spirit gate, and they will return to the Lord's world one day, and they will be crushed to pieces..." Snake spirit king said with anger.

The pillar is a forbidden area in the four spirit gates.

After all, there are too many things you shouldn't see through the pillar.

If it had been in the past, it would have been impossible for Luo Nian to climb up with thousands of lives.

Snake spirit king said half, bifid big snake's eyes slightly a flash, at the same time raised his own snake tail.

There is a black spiral cone hidden in the strong tail of bifid snake. This cone is also a holy aid given by snake spirit king.

"You feel it, too?" Asked the serpent king.

Bifid snake nodded.

"Show me," said the snake king.

Bifid snake gently shakes the snake's tail, and the spiral cone has been shot from the tip of the tail. After floating around, it falls in front of the snake king.

The snake spirit king looked at the spiral cone with his eyes and asked in a dignified voice, "I am the leader of the snake spirit gate. Who are you? Why is it on the pillar of our gate? "

As he spoke, the crescent moon in his eyes began to twinkle with a faint golden light.

Under the flow of golden light, there is a charming color, as if there is infinite charm.

Ordinary people look at it and submit to it in an instant.

Even if separated by two different worlds, snake spirit king also has this confidence.

But just as the snake spirit king's eyes lit up, the eyes hidden behind the spiral cone disappeared.

"The reaction is quick," said the Golden Crescent in the snake king's eyes.

"It's a pity," sighed the snake.

Snake spirit king's eyes slightly move, distributed in the city of heaven, several other holy things have been flying from, slowly rotating around its head.

As long as the other party dares to touch any black light, it will charm it for the first time, and will not give it a chance to leave.

However, it waited for a long time, and there was no movement in these holy things.

"cunning guy," the snake spirit king scolded before dismissing those holy things. At the same time, he asked, "do you think the other party will break the link of holy things?"

Bifid snake shook his head, "they should not be destroyed."

"According to the arrangement at that time, it is impossible to destroy them, but it may not be impossible to give them enough time," said the snake king in a deep voice. "Deep space never loves alone."

Deep space never loves alone is a saying of kushu, the king of human spirit.

Deep space is of great significance to the main world. Both Shou and kushu believe that it is the origin of everything.

But deep space is dangerous and mysterious, and it is difficult to explore even the strongest period of silingmen.

At that time, the four spirits thought that their running across the main world was the favor of the deep space. Kushu said this at that time.

He thinks that the prosperity of the four spirit gates is entirely due to luck, not the favor of Shenkong.

If the four spirits gate disappears from the main world one day, there will be more powerful races to replace the four spirits in the future.

Snake spirit king's plan is very thorough, until now this step is very smooth.

But there are always omissions in any plan. One of the biggest omissions is that it miscalculated the character of the king of birds.

"Hunting" in the eyes of the snake spirit king has been quietly paid for the four spirit gates, which is the most low-key and simple existence among the four spirit kings.

I never thought that the obsession of "hunting" was so deep.

Snake spirit king destroyed the four spirits gate, so Shou will destroy everything

Often think of this, snake spirit king is a face depressed.

Why does that guy have such a mind? He has such an obsession. When he dies, he has to fight against himself.

"We can't let the insects in the main world grow savagely. It's time to do it," said the snake king after thinking about it.

"The time is not mature yet," said the snake anxiously.

"Although Shou didn't wake up, the birds are very smart. They have noticed something. The important thing is that the monkey king also wakes up and plans ahead of time," said the snake king.According to the original plan, they will persist in chaos for quite a long time.

At first, chaos turns from samsara to samsara. Snake spirit gate is indifferent.

In their eyes, the dominant civilization is not worth mentioning and has never had an impact on the overall situation.

However, the bird spirit gate suddenly intervened, which changed the situation and forced the snake spirit gate to change its strategy.

So there is the way to keep order.

Chaos is stagnant, no longer reincarnation, once and for all.

Now things have changed


On the pillar ronian leaned against the side of the steps, panting, his hands and feet numb.

When the spiral cone floated to the snake spirit king, he had a bad feeling. When the light was brewing in the snake spirit king's eyes, an instinctive sense of crisis rose.

Luo Nian couldn't get away from the snake king's gaze, but he took a step ahead of time and lost his balance.

By the inertia of the fall, the finger away from the black light.

Life and death!

"It's too dangerous..."

"That's the snake king!"

"It's almost over..."

With a stick of incense, Luo niancai calmed down.

He is too weak after all. If his father or master Jiang Ziya faced the snake king, he would not be so vulnerable.

"You dare to play tricks on me! I'll scrap your other shore Keepsake! "

Luo Nian's eyes showed a fierce color, and he stretched out his hand to pick at the small black square.

Other black squares are easy to deal with, gently pick, it will be separated from the page steps.

But in front of the black box, no matter how hard luonian, can't pick it out.

"Evil gate..."

Unable to pick it out by hand, Luo Nian used several other methods, but none of them worked.

The black step itself and the black square are extremely hard and can't be destroyed.

After trying for a long time, Luo Nian finally chose to give up.

He did not dare to touch the other black lines

In case the snake spirit king is guarding the other side of the keepsake and stares at himself, he will be in trouble.

Then he went around the black lines and climbed to the top of the pillar.

While climbing all the way, ronian was thinking about how huge the pillar was. It's hard to imagine how the four spirits gate was built.

At the top of the pillar is a round platform thousands of feet wide, on which there is a huge relief, carved with a huge snake.

Ronian glanced at it and immediately recognized that it was the snake spirit king he had just met.

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