The black boat slowly approached the evil god.

Sitting on the side of the boat, the color of shock in her eyes still did not disperse.

The old captain on one side did not say a word, but was meditating in his heart.

He was obedient to the leader of Tongtian cult, and then he helped the evil god to devour Guiqing.

But the evil god itself is an uncertain magic box, I don't know how far-reaching influence he has on the future.

"Is that the power of the mother world?" Asked the tea.

"My power," the evil god said.

The evil god has regarded himself as the master of the whole world.

"The strength you have shown is comparable to that of the ancient god of chaos..." God tea is another way.

For immortality in this world, it has the ability to destroy a state, but it's tedious and time-consuming.

But the evil god just started, but in half an hour, he cleaned up the whole Huming state. Only the chaos ancient god can do this.

"The ancient god of chaos..." There is disdain in the voice of the evil god.

The ancient gods may hold the highest truth.

But some truths may not work in his territory!

The higher the degree of integration between the evil god and the mother world, the stronger the power will be.

At this time, a sense of discomfort suddenly hit the heart, it is a trace of his heart.

He suddenly thought of a man and closed his eyes.

The supernatural consciousness of the evil gods flowed out like water and began to cover the whole Huming Prefecture.

After feeling the spirit of the evil god, Shencha asked curiously, "who are you looking for?"

"Looking for people," the evil god said.

"Who?" Shencha asked again.

"I don't know," the evil god closed his eyes and shook his head.

After merging with his mother world, he became extremely sensitive to everything in his mother world.

The slightest miss in the dark made the mother world give back to the evil god.

The problem is that it's impossible for evil spirits to miss anyone in their mother's world.

The divine consciousness of evil gods appeared in the center of every big state in the mother world, and quickly spread in all directions, covering all these big states.

I'm afraid it's the largest divine consciousness ever!

When all the divine consciousness spreads out, everything in the whole mother world is perceived by the evil gods.

Soon he saw a woman.


The evil god's eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

That little idea comes from his wife.

He did not expect that Luo Zheng would release Xiuzhu.

Luo Zheng deliberately let Xiuzhu leave the inner world and let her live and die on her own?


Luo Zheng is not such a narrow-minded guy.

It must be Xiuzhu who takes the initiative to leave the internal world and obtains Luo Zheng's consent.

In a flash, the evil god had come to the right conclusion.

Although the evil god has always regarded Luo Zheng as an opponent that must be defeated, he admired Luo Zheng in his heart.

It's not that he is still worthy of admiration to find his own freedom.

Xiuzhu's condition is very bad.

When she was just released by Luo Zheng, her heart was very light.

Because she wanted to see the evil spirits, she naturally would not stay in China. Instead, she went all the way to the west through the two big states.

These two big states still belong to the territory of taiyitiangong, which is a relatively safe path.

But soon after, Shennong clan and Youxiong clan attacked taiyitiangong, and it was along this road that Xiuzhu came. Xiuzhu was already a perfect place. Naturally, she would not be regarded as a common people and was captured.

Now she is located in Yuedun city in Xuehai state.

Yuedun city is a military fortress of the bear family, in which a large number of prisoners of taiyitiangong are held.

Now Xiuzhu is being held in a stinking dungeon with other prisoners of the heavenly palace.

Xiuzhu leaned against the wall, her legs in her arms, and her eyes were full of sadness.

In Luo Zheng's inner world, she was born with a peerless face, and became a mother of evil spirits.

Even if the evil spirit was defeated, she did not suffer.

This period of experience, far from Xiuzhu can bear.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Deep in the dungeon, there was a series of sad calls.

When the cry came, all the prisoners' faces trembled.

A terrible rumor was circulating among the prisoners.

It is said that the warden of this prison is the strong man of the thirteen heavens on the other side. He has a mysterious Keepsake on the other side, which needs to absorb the power of life to be powerful.

The stronger the individual of life, the better.

The number of the other shore in the mother world is relatively rare, and the great perfection of the true God naturally becomes the most favored object of the warden.

During this period of time, the captives of Da Yuanman's realm were taken away, and then there were those miserable cries.You can imagine the plight of these captives.

Xiuzhu's face is also full of fear. Her fear comes from her unwillingness.

Finally, he left Luo Zheng. Before he found his husband, he was going to die

It's tragic.


The prison door was opened, and a leader of the bear family came in.

He looked around indifferently and pointed to a person in the corner, "you, and you, you, get up for me!"

The three people who were instructed by him turned pale, which means their lives are coming to an end.

"Leave me alone, please! I'm from the white family of Minghu. I've never joined taiyitiangong. I can be a member of the bear family and let my family... "


Before the man finished, the prison head of the bear clan had put a long gun into his body and thrown it out of prison like dragging a dead dog.

These people's inner world is sealed, without any resistance. Even if they don't seal the inner world, they are not the opponents of this prison.

The prison head was supposed to take three people, one of whom was stabbed to death by him. He wanted to take one more.

"You! Come out together. "

This time, the prison's finger pointed at Xiuzhu.

Xiuzhu's body shuddered.

But a little pride in her heart supported her.

She stood up and followed the other two out without any resistance.

"Is it really time to say goodbye?"

Xiuzhu looked up.

There was no sky there, only the walls of underground caves covered with cobwebs.

Along the long corridor of the prison, Xiuzhu's legs were difficult to lift as if they were filled with lead.

At the end of the corridor, the head of the cell said coldly, "you two go to the cell first!"

They went in full of despair.

Then the prison head's ill intentioned eyes fell on Xiuzhu.

It's very easy for the gods and people in the mother world to change their looks, so most of them are beautiful.

But Xiuzhu's beauty has an indescribable atmosphere, which makes the prison have an impulse.

"What do you want to do?" Xiuzhu asked warily.

"I'm going to die anyway. Why don't I die happily?" The prison head laughs.

"You dare!" Xiuzhu is completely flustered.

Prison head simply lazy to pay attention to show bead, a pull her hair, then into another empty room.

At this time, a huge divine consciousness spread in xuehaizhou.

Even in the underground prison, there is no escape from the shadow of divine consciousness.

As a strong man on the other side, the prison leader was naturally aware of this powerful divine consciousness for the first time, and looked up strangely, "which power is this, so arrogant, dare to release the divine consciousness in Yuedun city?

Naturally, he didn't expect that this kind of consciousness enveloped the whole blood sea state.

Xiuzhu opens her mouth wide and stares at the top.

She felt a very familiar feeling in the divine consciousness. This powerful divine consciousness came from the evil god!

"Husband, husband..."

"Are you here to save me?"

"Don't come here. There are bears here. You will die!"

At this moment, Xiuzhu still thinks about the safety of the evil god and doesn't want the evil god to rescue her.

The evil spirits in humingzhou naturally have a panoramic view of this scene, and at the same time, they also feel the cry of Xiuzhu.

Then, a huge killing intention was brewing from the evil god.

This is also the most powerful killing intention in history, which covers all corners of the mother world.

It's hatred from the mother world.

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