In the years of evil spirits, they thought that emotion was just a ridiculous desire.

His only belief became stronger and stronger.

Anything in front of him will be crushed by his steps.

Even in the inner world, when the evil god came to the conclusion that the omniscient Luo Zheng was invincible, he still did not give up.

To be rich and prosperous, to be a wife and a son is nothing but a branch.

But now he can't contain his anger.

When he unconsciously invokes the hatred of his mother world, he is surprised.

Why are you so angry?

What a boring behavior

When he left Luo Zheng's inner world, he had cut off his past.

Xiuzhu also knows this, and even supports him with no regrets.

Although the evil god is still able to think rationally, anger is still like poisonous grass everywhere, spreading wildly in his heart.

"It's you who have no regrets..."

The evil god soon got the answer.

He put the responsibility on Xiuzhu.

It's a disadvantage to him. He doesn't allow it to exist.

"So you should die."

This is the second time he killed Xiuzhu.

For the first time, he pierced Xiuzhu's chest with a broken blade and wanted to die with her. Later, he was saved by Luo Zheng.

The evil spirit closed her eyes and felt Xiuzhu's appearance and emotion.

He knew that Xiuzhu was worried about himself, and he knew that Xiuzhu was very excited when she found that she was alive, and her body temperature and height were trembling in a small range.

The head of the underground prison was shocked when he heard Xiuzhu's words.

"You mean the owner of this breath is your husband?" Asked the jailer.

This kind of powerful breath is at least a strong one in the realm of Holy Spirit or immortality.

No matter what the other party's purpose is to stab in Yuedun City, it is far from the existence that his small prison can afford.

But before Xiuzhu could answer, the jailer said with a sneer, "if your husband has such great ability, how can you be captured? You can pull tiger skin like a little bit, ha ha ha..."

Then he reached for Xiuzhu's neckline.

No matter what kind of powerful man he is, he makes trouble in Yuedun city. This is the land where bears live. Laozi, the king of heaven, has to kneel down.

But then the strong hatred was released and went straight to the bottom of the earth!

The dungeon was originally a little stuffy, but Xiuzhu and the evil god felt the disgust and immediately fell into the ice cellar. They both stood in the same place.

The whole mother world felt this hatred, but the hatred in the dungeon of xuehaizhou was more intense.

"Is it really for me?" I can't believe it.

At this time, he found Xiuzhu's eyes staring at his back.

The prison head turned to see a handful of dust spinning slowly on the ground.

The dungeon of Yuedun city is dug out from the ground. The surrounding soil is hardened and built into a prison. The walls, floors and ceiling are all hardened soil, and the soil dust peels off all the year round.

These soil dust on the ground constantly rotating at the same time, quickly bonded together.

From fist size, to half body size, to a complete human form.

that is as like as two peas.

"Husband..." Xiuzhu gave a cry.

"What a bullshit husband, just a clay figurine, just pretending to be a ghost!"

The prison head took a step and the spear stabbed out fiercely, smashing the clay figurine.


The smashed clay figurine was restored to its original state in an instant.

At the same time, the walls, the ceiling, the ground are constantly peeling soil, a clay figurine from which drilled out.

As a strong man on the other side of the river, the prison leader also has 40 divine powers. These clay figurines are not worth mentioning in his eyes.

With a long gun in his hand, these clay figurines just appeared and were smashed.

Xiuzhu was relieved at the moment. The evil spirit did not come in person, but used some secret method of separation.

It was easy for the prison leader to deal with these clay figurines at first, but as they were defeated one by one and stood up again, they became more and more solid and more difficult to defeat.


After his long gun was put into a clay figurine's stomach, it couldn't be pulled out!

"Here, these clay figurines..."

At last, the prison leader felt afraid and regretful.

He has a chance to escape. Why fight with these clay figurines?

The clay figurines on both sides swarmed up and stuck the prison head to death. Raoshi's prison head burst out and all his strength couldn't break free.


After the clay figurine pulled the long gun out of his stomach, he didn't look at the prison head. The long gun stabbed like a gust of wind. It not only pierced the prison head's Dantian, but also shattered the vital parts of his body. Life was passing away from the prison head bit by bit.Then the clay figurine went to Xiuzhu step by step.

This clay figurine is just like an evil god!

With a smile on her face, Xiuzhu takes a few steps towards the clay figurine and spreads her arms to embrace.

But soon she stopped.

Because the clay man's gun was pointing at her.

"I can't have any flaws," the clay man said.

Xiuzhu's smiling face turned white.

She knows evil spirits better than anyone else.

In an instant, she understood what the evil god wanted to do

"Will my husband still kill me?" Xiuzhu bit her lip and asked.

"Yes," the evil God replied.

Xiuzhu didn't complain. She closed her eyes with her chest and calmly met the evil god.

The next jailer is not dead, his life is fading away, but people are still sober, almost stunned to see this scene.

These clay figurines suddenly appeared not to save this woman, but to kill her?

Is this couple insane?

Xiuzhu closed her eyes and waited for a while, waiting for the hand of clay sculpture to touch her face.

The clay figure stuck to her side and said, "wait for me here. I'll pick you up."

After that, the clay figurine gently kisses Xiuzhu's lips and immediately goes out.

In the face of Xiuzhu who died calmly, the evil spirit not only couldn't kill her, but also felt guilty and cowardly.

This fetter he cuts unceasingly.

He controlled the clay figurine, created a riot in the prison, and even killed the warden who offered sacrifices to the prisoners, so that Xiuzhu could be safe for the time being.

In order not to arouse the suspicion of the bear people, the evil god also made many clay figurines on the ground of other bear people, causing considerable confusion.

After that, the evil god said to Shencha and the captain on the black ship, "I'm going to xuehaizhou."

"Blood sea state..." When she thought about it, her face suddenly changed, "no! It's a bear territory! "

In the first World War of Lishan, the Xiong clan and Shennong clan were seriously injured, but they were supported by the yuan spirit civilization, and "Kong" was not dead.

The risk of evil spirits rushing into the territory of bears is very high.

"I'm not asking you," the evil god said indifferently, "don't forget my identity."

The evil god is the master of the black ship.

The old captain and Shenda are just subordinates. They can only obey the orders of evil gods.

Soon, the black boat turned around and galloped towards the ancestral land of the bears.

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