Luo Zheng was excited for a long time that night, but he couldn't sleep. He only slept for one hour, but he was still full of spirit.

In the early morning of the next day, Luo's servants opened the big lock of the cellar, put on shackles and leather armor for Luo Zheng, and took him out.

After entering the bone refining environment, his body also has a qualitative change, which is hard to describe. Even walking has changed. Every step is easier, more coordinated and more labor-saving.

If it were not for these damned shackles of hands and feet, he would like to run forward.

Under the guidance of his subordinates, Luo Zheng found something wrong with this road.

The whole Luo family covers a large area, but the planning of the family is also orderly. Except for Yanwu hall, meeting Pavilion, BaiCaoYuan and lianqifang, which are shared by the family, they are basically planned in the vestibule of the house.

And now this road, but it is a circle inside, seems to be going to the backyard of Luo family!

Luo Zheng's brow slightly wrinkled up, he did not say a word, all quietly watch its change.

I haven't been to the backyard of the Luo family for a long time. The appearance here has changed a lot. In particular, the second and third rooms of the Luo family have added a lot of pavilions and pavilions, opened up several ponds, built small bridges, flowing water and pool pavilions.

The exquisite workmanship of these buildings is amazing. The carved beams, painted buildings, dragon patterns and Phoenix dances are all made of gold, and the roofs are decorated with bright gems

Seeing what Er Fang and San Fang have done, Luo Zheng can't help sighing. Although Luo's family has a lot of money, it's nothing, but in today's world, only those who are strong can survive. For a warrior, this wealth is only the last resort. If a family is content with pleasure

I'm afraid the Luo family will be defeated by the second uncle and the third uncle.

Just after Luo Zheng passed a pond, he turned into a different hospital.

There are two people sitting opposite each other drinking tea in this other courtyard. How happy they are.

Luo Zheng fixed his eyes, but one of them disappeared for two days. The other was an old man over 50 years old in a satin suit. He was also known by Luo Zheng. His name was Huang Ge, and he was originally a servant of Luo's family.

Because Huang Ge's wife is the nanny of the third uncle's eldest son Luo Yun, and Huang Ge is very good at flattering and studying relationships. She has a good relationship with the third room of the Luo family, and her status is rising.

Now, because the second uncle and the third uncle control the power of the Luo family, Huang Ge's position is even higher, and he becomes the chief manager of the Luo family, even the collateral children of the Luo family.

Luo Zheng has long heard of his arrogance.

Before Luo Zheng went in, he heard the steward and Huang Ge say, "master Huang, the other courtyard that the young master gave you is really a masterpiece. If you are not wrong, the jade dragons carved on the door plaque are all made of high-quality corundum seeds, right?"

Huang Ge said with a smile: "it's still you who know the goods. Not only the jade dragon, but also the glazed tiles on the roof and the bronze lion are made by the best craftsmen in Chongyang County..."

After Fang Guanshi appreciated it one by one, he tut tut said: "Mr. Huang, you are good at everything, but you are short of something!"

"I'm not in the hospital. What can I want? What can I lack?" Huang Ge said triumphantly.

Fang Guanshi said with a smile: "of course, it's the lack of a servant who is quick to serve you. No, I've brought you all. I'll be your servant. I'll keep your face!"

"Who is that man?" Huang Ge asked curiously.

Fang Guanshi pointed to the gate of the other courtyard and said, "look, Mr. Huang!"

Huang Ge followed Fang Guan Shi's fingers and saw Luo Zheng at a glance. How could he not know the famous young master of the Luo family?

Luo Zheng stood at the gate of the other courtyard. Fang Guan's words were exactly the same as Huang Ge's, and his anger rose from his heart. These two dog slaves were so bold and unrestrained.

Although he was demoted as a domestic slave, it was his family's business.

Even ordinary collateral children dare not be too unreasonable in front of him. After all, Luo Zheng's position in the past is here, and he is still the eldest son.

The manager of that side dares to encourage Huang Ge and treat him as the servant who brings the tea and pours the water!

Huang Ge looked at Luo Zheng's eyes, and his wrinkled face was full of a smile. "It's appropriate to ask this boy to take care of my food and daily life, but I don't know if the young master will have an idea there?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Huang. You are in charge of the Luo family. You can transfer Luo Zheng from Yanwu hall in a word. Now Luo Zheng is just a household slave. He has to be sent to Yanwu hall every day to be beaten. How comfortable is it to be a servant here? Most of all, it's just pouring out the feces and urinating. " Fang Guanshi continued.

Fang Guanshi's collusion stirred up Huang Ge. People like Huang Ge, who climb up from the bottom, are most optimistic about their face. The former young master of the Luo family has to pour the pot for himself. This is really an interesting thing. Huang Ge nodded and asked Fang Guanshi: "otherwise, do you want to do this?"

"That's it!" After nodding, Fang Guanshi greets the servants and brings Luo Zheng in.However, Luo Zheng was standing in the same place, still, no matter how many servants dragged him, he didn't move half a point.

Although these servants have two kinds of strength, how can they move Luo Zheng in the bone refining realm?

Luo Zheng's feet were like wedges smashed by a heavy hammer. They were deeply nailed to the ground. The servants were full of strength, full of water and panting.

"Luo Zheng, I'm here to give you a chance. Let me wait on Lord Huang. Don't toast or drink!" When Fang Guanshi saw this, he threw his sleeve.

At this time, Luo Zheng's eyes flashed fierce light and roared. When he entered the bone refining environment, his chest ribs contracted more strongly. This roar was like a thunder on the ground, which made people and Huang Ge's ears numb and very uncomfortable.

"Huang Ge, Fang Cong! Even if my second uncle Luo Bingquan is here, I don't dare to let me serve you. You two humble servants with different surnames are so arrogant. I don't know who gave you the courage to talk like nobody else and let me serve you? "

Luo Zheng's breath rushed to Fang Guanshi. He immediately scared Fang Guanshi back and hid behind Huang Ge.

Fang Guanshi wants to bring Luo Zheng with him today. He wants Huang Ge to deal with Luo Zheng. Now seeing Luo Zheng's excitement, he knows that it has become more than half of the matter. Huang Ge, who is in charge of the affair, climbs up step by step from a domestic slave. He is most afraid that others will scold him for being mean. I'm afraid Luo Zheng can't get away with it this time.

Huang Ge stood still when he heard Luo Zheng's words. His eyes narrowed and he said, "Luo Zheng, don't forget your present status. You are the most humble slave, not the former young master. Now the young master's name is Luo peiran. It's your honor not to call you Luo Zheng, but to call you a meat target to serve me."

"go away!"

Luo Zheng shakes hard, and those servants are suddenly bounced out by him, falling all over the place.

Seeing this scene, Huang Ge continued: "Luo Zheng, you are guilty. Do you want to rebel? According to the clan rules, you will be put to death in a hurry! "

With a sneer, Luo Zheng stepped into the other courtyard with a big stride. As he walked, he laughed and said: "clan rules? How dare a person with a different surname talk about clan rules in front of me? I'll show you today what clan rules are

After that, Luo Zheng is about to hit Huang Ge as soon as he raises his hand. There is a burst of sound between his bones, which is the sound of bone explosion when the strength is turned to the extreme and the bones are crisscrossed.

"Luo Zheng, dare you! If you hit me, the young master will not let you go. You are a meat target. You have no power in the Luo family. You are not afraid of being killed alive... " Huang geqiang said calmly.


As soon as Huang Ge's voice fell, Luo Zheng's slap had already swept his face. After entering the bone refining environment, Luo Zheng's strength almost doubled. Although this slap was not fully exerted, it was also powerful.

Huang Ge's old face was white at first, and then five finger prints floated up, clear as printed, and half of his face was swollen like a pig's head.

"Luo's family rules, make a lot of comments, criticize others, palm mouth!"


"Luo family rules, make trouble for the tiger, self righteous, palm mouth!"


"Luo family rules, gossip, confuse black and white, palm mouth!"


"Luo family rules..."


with each slap, a mass of blood mist burst out. Fang Guanshi trembled when he saw this scene.

This This

It's a little different from the script he thought. Luo Zheng is usually regarded as a meat target. He seems to have no temper. He's submissive. How can he even dare to fight Huang now?

Fang Guanshi didn't understand that Luo Zheng was submissive because he didn't want to worry about them.

At this time, a lot of Luo's children were surrounded at the door. When they saw this scene, they were all surprised and relieved.

Huang Ge, who is in charge of the affairs, runs rampant in Luo's family by virtue of his relationship with Luo. It seems that he really takes himself as the master of Luo's family. Some of his collateral children are angry with Huang Ge every day, and everyone can bear to see Er Fang's face. But Huang Ge doesn't know how to restrain himself. Because they have endured, Huang Ge's arrogance has been increased.

Today, a man jumped out and taught this guy a lesson. He really got rid of his hatred.


The children of the Luo family know very well that the reason why a clansman with a different surname is qualified to be arrogant is that he has a strong dependence, and the root of Huang Ge's arrogance is because of the relationship between Luo and Li.

In addition, Huang Ge was arrogant, but in front of Er Fang and San Fang, he gave full play to the nature of a slave, which was very popular with ER Fang and San Fang.

Luo Zheng's current identity is a domestic slave. If he beats Huang Ge, he will be in great trouble.

Luo Zheng is going to be in bad luck

Luo Zheng took dozens of slaps before he stopped. Huang Ge's face was bloody and bloody. If he didn't look carefully, he couldn't distinguish his nose and mouth. His gray hair was also scattered and looked like a ghost.After Luo Zheng stopped, Huang Ge's mouth moved and said vaguely: "you, you wait..."

Before Huang Ge finished, Luo Zheng slapped him again. Huang Ge turned his eyes and fell on the ground.

After teaching Huang Ge a lesson, Luo Zheng's eyes looked back at him.

When Fang Guanshi saw Luo Zheng's eyes, he could not help shivering. He stepped back two steps and yelled, "Luo Zheng, you are a slave!"

"What happened to the house slave?" Luo Zheng is approaching step by step.

"How dare you break the law!" Fang Guanshi said.

"What is up? What is next? My family name is Luo, even if it's a house slave or Luo, and you forget that my fist is bigger than you, I'll go up! I'm stronger than you. I'm going up! I'm better at Kung Fu than you, so I'll go up! "

With that, Luo Zheng seized Fang Guanshi. With his strength in bone refining, these servants were like obedient chickens in his hands. They were more than ten slaps in the face.

That crackling sound, let other people hear, feel is a burst of tooth acid, how painful it is!

Finally, Luo Zheng, who had enough fighting, smashed Fang Guanshi on Huang Ge's body, and both of them screamed. Luo Zheng said, "today I'll teach you a lesson. You should remember the pain so that you can distinguish right from wrong and understand what can be done and what can't be done in the future."

Having said that, Luo Zheng turned around and walked out of the small courtyard. As soon as he reached the door, the Luo family's children and the group of servants who were watching at the door suddenly scattered in a crowd.

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