Although no one dared to escort Luo Zheng, Luo Zheng came to Yanwu hall consciously.

Although Luo Zheng is very dissatisfied with the current rules of the Luo family, the second uncle and the third uncle can't do justice themselves, and their sons are also out of their way. For example, when did Luo peiran and Luo Chengli put the family rules in their eyes? This is also why a few people who can't get on the stage dare to make such a fuss.

But others trample on the clan rules, others despise the clan rules, but it doesn't mean Luo Zheng doesn't abide by them. It's not pedantic, it's insistence.

The atmosphere of Yanwu hall is different from the past.

What Luo Zheng has done to Huang Ge and Fang Cong has spread all over the Luo family.

Two years ago, Luo Zheng was demoted to be a slave and became a meat target of Yanwu hall. He was always submissive. No matter how the Luo family beat him, he endured, gave in and kept silent, just like a docile sheep.

We have forgotten that he used to be the head of the Luo family, and they have also forgotten that Luo Zheng himself has the strength of refining meat.

Now these children of the Luo family understand that Luo Zheng is not a patient. The children of the Luo family can beat him wantonly because his surname is Luo.

Others are not qualified!

Because of this, the children of the Luo family in today's Yanwu hall look at Luo Zheng and feel a little awed. When the head of the Luo family asked the children to choose meat targets, no one actually chose Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng showed a helpless smile, which was not the result he wanted

What he needs most now is to temper his body, but these Luo family children directly ignore themselves. How can this be?

You can't go up there and say clearly that I'm very short of fighting. Why don't you fight me?

Seeing that the meat targets around him are led away one by one, only one of the actors in Yanwu hall is left alone. Luo Zheng is very upset. The children of the Luo family should not be counselled like this!

He went to Luo Dalong who was aiming at the stone man and said, "Dalong, what's good for a stone? I'll practice with you."

"This..." He was as reckless as Luo Dalong and hesitated on his face.

"I'm a meat target, so I'll practice with you! Don't worry, my skin armor is thick and can't be broken, "Luo Zheng said after patting his chest.

Luo Zheng said so, and Luo Dalong was embarrassed to push again, otherwise he would appear too cowardly, although his real idea in his heart was not to provoke Luo Zheng.

Luo Dalong has some scruples in his heart. It's not the same thing to fight with this fist. He can play a very powerful role in his daily life. Now he only plays five or six points at most.

This soft fist, the effect of tempering is not good, hit on Luo Zheng's body produces too little warm current, which makes Luo Zheng very dissatisfied.

"Big power! Hit me hard here

"It's too slow. What are you worried about?"

"It's like that, but it's not as good as yesterday."

Seeing a meat target, Chunchun, who is good at inducing others to beat him, a group of Luo's children in Yanwu hall are surprised and their faces and chin fall out. They really can't guess what Luo Zheng is thinking.

Luo Dalong didn't think much. Under the guidance of Luo Zheng step by step, his state was gradually adjusted, his hands and feet were gradually released, and his strength returned to the normal level.




The power from fists to flesh beat Luo Zheng's body crazily, and streams of warm water flowed to Luo Zheng's body, stripping the impurities from his bones.

Each punch will make his bones pure, and the strength and toughness of his bones will also be improved.

As long as he is beaten, it's like swallowing heaven and earth's Alchemy pill. The joy brought by the change of germplasms is indescribable. On the surface, he shows the color of pain, but in his heart, he wants to shout out: let the fist come more fiercely!

Three pots of water have been leaked from the copper pot used for timing in Yanwu hall. Three hours have passed.

At this time, the servants of the Luo family brought food. Both the children of the Luo family and the meat target needed to replenish their physical strength. However, the children of the Luo family ate delicacies, while the meat target was treated with clean water and hard steamed bread

After three hours of tempering, Luo Zheng also felt very hungry. It took him a lot of physical strength to temper his body. He didn't dislike the bad food. He grabbed the steamed bread and was ready to put it in his mouth.

Just at this time, a porcelain basin was suddenly handed to Luo Zheng, which was full of delicate meat, and exuded an attractive meat flavor.

Luo Zheng looked up, but Luo Dalong handed over his bowl. Luo Dalong laughed and said, "eat together."

Luo Zheng is also not polite, a big mouthful of steamed bread, a big mouthful of meat to eat up.

"If you beat Huang Ge, the second young master will deal with you," Luo Dalong said in a low voice.

Luo Zheng wolfs down his food. Since he became a meat target, he hasn't eaten such delicious food for a long time. He nods his head. He knows Luo Dalong's kind reminder.

After all, he used to be the head of a small family. He could see these things more clearly than Luo Dalong's collateral children.Second uncle and third uncle let themselves live so long, the biggest reason is not kindness, but his strength is too low, just like an dispensable ant, can not constitute any threat to them.

But if Luo Zheng bit them and made them feel a little pain, they would also press him to death without hesitation.

"But it's a relief. The old guy surnamed Huang has long been disagreeable with us," Luo said with a smile.

Luo Dalong is not the only one to relieve Qi. Except for the two and three bedroom people, all the children of the Luo family feel very relieved.

Although the children of the Luo family in the martial arts arena didn't say it as clearly as Luo Dalong, their eyes have already said everything.

What Er Fang and San Fang have done in the past two years can be described as reverse actions. They have greatly reduced all kinds of monthly cases of collateral children. Even the pills used for practicing martial arts have been cut again and again. Even a few servants can climb on the head of Luo. Why?

Almost all of the resources are inclined to Luo peiran and Luo Chengyun. It's strange that the collateral children can balance psychologically.

Now everyone misses the time when Luo Zheng's father was the head of the family. At that time, the family rules were strict, but the Luo family didn't have so many intrigues, nor did any servant dare to bully others, let alone so much injustice!

It's a pity that such a good day will never come back.

Even this kind of nostalgia, Luo family children only dare to hide in their hearts, dare not take out criticism, for fear that they will be punished by "clan rules".

This Luo family is rotten! Luo Zheng sighs in his heart that if I have a chance, I will gouge out the rotten sores of the Luo family when I grow up!



In front of the magnificent residence of the third room of the Luo family.

Huang Ge's head was covered with gauze one layer after another. He only showed his nose, eyes and mouth. He couldn't see himself at all.

With a plop, he knelt down on the ground and cried in a sharp voice: "young master, you have to make the decision for me!"

Right in front of Huang Ge, a young man in green leans on the chair. He is handsome, but there is a arrogant and fierce atmosphere between his eyes. He is Luo Li, the second young master of the Luo family.

"I heard that you want to take Luo Zheng as a slave and take care of your daily life?" Luo said with a crooked head and a smile.

"Young master, it's not that..." Huang Ge denied with a cry.

Naluo didn't listen to Huang Ge's explanation at all. He said with a smile: "although Luo Zheng was demoted to be a domestic slave, at least his surname is Luo, and he was once the head of the Luo family. Even if I accept him as a slave, it's not suitable. You really need to burn your head to do such a boring thing. You deserve to be beaten."

Huang Ge kowtowed and continued to cry: "young master, it's a small mistake this time, but you still have to decide with me..." While he was crying, he quietly made a gesture to the side.

Next to him, a middle-aged woman, about 40 years old, went to Huang Ge without saying a word and knelt down.

This middle-aged woman is Huang Ge's wife and Luo Yun Yun's wet nurse. She has taken care of Luo Yun Yun since she was a child. Luo Yun Yun lost her mother when she was young, but she has a good relationship with this wet nurse and is in love with her mother and son.

"Er Niang doesn't have to kneel. Huang Ge, please stand up too!" Luo Yun Yun waved his hand,

Huang Ge's voice trembled: "master Yun Yun, have you agreed?"

Luo Qiyun got up from his chair and walked for two steps. He said: "cousin peiran said before that to keep Luo Zheng alive is to let him live and let him watch. However, Luo Zheng is not an important person. Now cousin peiran is about to leave for Qingyun sect. I'll help him get rid of him! "

Huang Ge a listen, that piece does not form the shape of the mouth to grin to say: "thank you young master!"

"But this matter, still have to wait," Luo carrier touched his head, said: "I just swallowed the family's last Tiandi Zaohua pill, this month I also want to shut up, the medicine refining wash body, or wait until a month after the family refining day, to that day I choose him as the object of death, personally kill him."

With that, Luo's face exuded layers of evil spirit.

Family training day is the day when the children of the Luo family review their strength. On that day, the elders of the Luo family will come forward to review the achievements of the cultivation of the children of the Luo family.

At the same time, the national refining day is also an opportunity for meat targets.

As long as you can survive in the environment of death struggle on the day of national training day, you can regain your freedom.

Even the most humble targets have the right to long for freedom. If they do not see the dawn of freedom, they will soon be unable to bear the pressure of being beaten every day and die quickly.

To set this rule is to let all meat targets have a glimmer of hope that they can survive a fierce battle on the national refining day and get out of the Luo family, so that they don't have to be such cheap meat targets any more.

However, the environment of "fight to death" itself is unfair. Meat targets are often beaten in ordinary days and are troubled by various injuries. How can they fight with the well-trained elite children of the Luo family?

I don't know how many meat targets were killed alive. On the family training day, that day is the day for the elders of the Luo family to review the strength of the Luo family's children. According to their strength, they will be rewarded. Every Luo family's children will do their best, and they will be the heaviest and most ruthless."Well, young master, let Luo Zheng live another month!" Huang Ge kowtowed a few more and got up from the ground. The eyes under the gauze showed the fierce light of hatred.

After Luo Qiyun left, the middle-aged woman persuaded Huang Ge: "that Luo Zheng boy is also very poor. Why do you have to force him to death? He shouldn't have hit you, but just teach him a lesson. "

Huang Ge said: "you are a woman's family, in addition to women's benevolence, but also know a fart?"

Scolded by her husband, the middle-aged woman mumbled a few words, and finally sighed and didn't speak again.

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