Although the rune drawn by Luo Zheng is only three-star rune, the speed of drawing is too fast.

A rune master has no requirements for accomplishments, but he has very strict requirements for soul power. However, a rune master's accomplishments may not be too strong, but his soul power must be much stronger than that of a martial artist of the same level.

Luo Zheng did it all at once, without a break. He finished drawing the first Rune How much soul power does it take?

Shi Kefan winked at the deacon of the World Business League.

The Deacon opened a jade box, which contained a pure black pill and sent it to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng glanced at the jade box and asked suspiciously, "what is this?"

"The best soul nourishing pill is used to warm the soul power you lost when you just drew the rune," the Deacon said respectfully.

Luo Zheng said with a smile, "no! How much soul power has been used? "

After his soul stepped into the war soul, his soul continued to grow. Not to mention drawing this three-star rune, even if you are refining 100 or 500 three-star runes, you don't need to rest. What kind of soul nourishing pill do you need? What's more, although this soul nourishing pill is the best one, there are some impurities in it. After Luo Zheng ate it, he had to work hard to refine the impurities. How troublesome?

Shi Kefan's small eyes stare at the three masters of Rune tower. How did these masters draw runes? Don't mention drawing a rune. Sometimes when a rune is half drawn, they have to take a bath, wash their hands, burn a root of incense, and then swallow a soul nourishing pill, for fear that their soul power will be damaged when drawing a rune!

The shelf is bigger than anyone else. The rune produced may have some effect! In this way, their runes were sold at a high price. People inside and outside the business alliance were treated equally, and they were killed by the people in their Rune tower.

Although part of the income of Rune tower should be included in the book of the world business alliance, what Shi Kefan can't stand is their style!

It's good to see Luo Zheng now! Give me a hard hit on these three old guys!

Nie TA Zhu and the other three masters of Rune had their heads down by this time. As a teenager, drawing three-star rune is as simple as eating meat and drinking soup. Even if people don't despise themselves, they will despise themselves

As for the perfect stroke or something If you don't say it, you can't catch up with me all your life.

After drawing the first rune, Luo Zheng's hand became hotter and hotter, almost without stopping. His hands holding the rune pen rose and fell, and lines full of perfect strokes quickly outlined on the stone.

"What's the matter? How is Luo Zheng in those repair runes

"Don't you hear me? The old guys in the rune tower said that it would take three days to repair. Luo Zheng said that he could repair it in an hour! "

"Three days? Why don't they die? Let me wait for three days, and I'll see a fart! "

"But how can Luo Zheng repair those runes? Isn't it the tower of runes, or even the holy land of the whole Rune world in Central China? No one in this Rune tower can repair it. Luo Zheng, a warrior, can repair it? "

"Since he knows how to draw runes, Luo Zheng himself should also be a rune master. I can only say that this world is really hard for people to work. According to the divine realm, he can defeat those top disciples of Shendan realm, and he is still proficient in drawing runes..."

Many warriors in the stands are whispering. They don't know how amazing the perfect brushwork is, and they don't know what the speed of Luo Zheng's drawing runes means. They only know that the three old guys in the tower of runes need three days to complete, and Luo Zheng only needs one hour, which is enough to prove Luo Zheng's level of runes.

Xuemuya and Xuanyin hall, as well as the master of xulingzong, looked at the speed of Luo Zheng's drawing runes, and swallowed their saliva.

How lucky is yundian to receive such a disciple!

The strength is strong, the talent is amazing, the attainments on Rune are also outrageous! The master of the rune tower, even the poisonous blood lady of xuemuya and the black crow of heishanzong all paid a visit in person and spent a lot of money to buy runes! Now it seems that master Nie's strength is just a piece of cake in front of Luo Zheng

Even if you know how to draw runes, you can easily take out a top-quality holy instrument and present it to your master! This disciple is also a local tyrant!

The poisonous blood lady looks at Luo Zheng. Her eyes are as complicated as they need to be, and as jealous as they need to be. Then she looks at Ning yudie, who is silent on the high stage. She thinks that this boy is really good. If I were Ning yudie, I would like him very much. It's just that the cultivation gap is too big, but this boy beat Cui Yun, who has divine talent, according to the divine realm I'm afraid the talent is higher than Cui Yun! I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before we step into the realm of God and elixir

Poisonous blood lady thinks about these things in a mess, but Ning yudie smiles and thinks nothing. She just quietly looks at Luo Zheng's serious drawing of runes. When a man is serious, his charm is almost infinite.One stone, five stone, twenty stone, fifty stone

Those burned runes are restored one by one by Luo Zheng.

Soon, 126 pieces of burnt stone were repaired successfully by Luo Zheng! A few deacons of the world business alliance picked up the stone to install it.

These flakes need to be arranged in a certain order to be able to play a role.

In addition to these three-star runes, there are still three relatively large pieces of stone, which are three four-star runes.

It is more difficult to draw four-star runes than three-star runes.

Luo Zheng originally wanted to restore it directly according to the four-star rune, and the stone pieces had been placed under his hands. But before writing, Luo Zheng's eyes flickered and inadvertently looked at the high platform. His eyes swept over Luo Yan's face. His sister was still like a piece of wood, and had no reaction except breathing.

He looked cold, and the rune pen in his hand was shining. The first line was drawn in accordance with the burned four-star rune, but in the middle of it, his pen turned!

A very special Rune appears on the stone. It's a divine pattern!

However, Luo Zheng's drawing is very ingenious, which is not very different from the ordinary four-star rune. Only when Nie TA Zhu and others pour their souls into it can we see Luo Zheng's moves. However, at the moment, Nie TA Zhu can't even lift his head under Shi Kefan's irony. Where can he feel the four-star Rune drawn by Luo Zheng with his soul?

The difference between the four-star Rune and the three-star rune is only one star, but the difficulty is very different, and the degree of complexity increases geometrically.

Luo Zheng's writing style was constantly changing. About a year later, the four-star Rune was finally finished.

The ink of the four-star rune is made of Yunjin powder, Millennium bones and other materials, of which Yunjin powder is the main raw material, so when the four-star rune is made, it twinkles with golden light, but under the golden light, a few inconspicuous gold lines build a more mysterious divine pattern!

Seeing that the four-star Rune was also drawn by Luo Zheng, Shi Kefan sighed with relief and said with a smile to the master of Nie Tower: "Mr. Nie, it seems that your name is really going to hang up here!"

Nie TA Zhu stared at Luo Zheng's four-star Rune for a long time and then said, "I'll hang my name upside down when I go back!"

The rune master on the rune tower has a name in front of every room, which can be hung upside down, but he is really lost!

Shi Kefan's heart is also sneer, this time let you suffer a little blow, after the province always put out such a stinky face!

In a short time, Luo Zheng's second and third four-star runes were all finished, and then the deacons of the world business alliance also moved the three four-star runes back and arranged them one by one.

Shi Kefan went to Luo Zheng and said with a polite smile, "young Xia Luo, I think you have drawn more than 100 runes in succession. Should you supplement them? If there are impurities in the soul nourishing pill, I have a soul nourishing jade here. You can warm your soul by wearing it around you. It's also an extra gift for you to repair the rune. "

"Raise soul jade!" The three masters of rune, the master of Nie tower, had a flash of vision when they heard this!

They all know that the world's business alliance has a jade pendant that can nourish the spirit. They have asked for it for several years, but they haven't been able to get it. Now the alliance leader is going to give it to an outsider?

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