All the treasures that can strengthen the soul power are very rare, so their value is immeasurable.

From the perspective of product level, this jade can only be regarded as a treasure of immortal level, but there are many treasures of immortal level in the middle region, and how many of them can enhance soul power?

Even in the world business alliance, this jade is definitely a good thing.

When master Nie heard that Shi Kefan wanted to give the jade to Luo Zheng, his heart was also unbalanced. Unfortunately, they didn't dare to say anything at this time. Everything they said was ridiculed by others. In Luo Zheng's contrast, they were like wine sacks and rice bags. They were useless!

In fact, they are not so unbearable. After all, their Rune skills represent the highest attainments in the Middle Kingdom. In particular, master NIE is the only master who can draw five-star runes. In any sect, they are absolutely national treasures.

It can only be said that Luo Zheng is excellent. When they are put together with Luo Zheng, there is no possibility of comparison at all!

Shi Kefan dares to send Yang Hun Yu to Luo Zheng. Naturally, he has the idea of wooing Luo Zheng.

The action of Tianxia Business League is not unpleasant. When Mo yuezhang handed Luo Zheng's first Rune to the headquarters of Tianxia Business League, the three leaders had noticed Luo Zheng.

It's a pity that things are changing too fast. From shenglongtai to Wudao assembly, and then Luo Zheng suddenly appears from shenglongtai. In order to calm down the situation, Shi Kefan can only press the secret of shenglongtai's rise face to face, which is a small offence to Luo Zheng.

The world business alliance is not afraid of Luo Zheng, but for this kind of talent, the world business alliance has never spared a lot of money to win over, which is the point where the world business alliance can develop to today!

It's not too late for this jade to make up for Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng didn't refuse. He was very clear about the value of soul jade. After entering the war soul realm, this level of soul jade didn't do much for Luo Zheng, but it could be used as a gift. Even if it was auctioned off, it would be a lot of money!

After accepting yanghun jade, Luo Zheng turned his head and said, "I have just finished drawing these runes. I don't know if there is any mistake."

After the deacons of the world business alliance assembled the last three pieces of stone with four-star runes, Xiao took out a plate in his hand to test whether the boundary was normal.

Nie tower master and others are not without malicious thought, the best is Rune can't work, the border can't open!

It's a pity that Xiao opened the array disk in his hand. With the rotation of the array disk, a boundary diffused out from the edge of the competition field and quickly converged towards the top of the competition field, forming a complete light curtain.

After the first light curtain came into being, the second, the third, the fourth

There are six light screens, which are closely attached to each other, blooming a faint light!

The light emitted by these six light curtains is more solid and stable than the previous light curtain! This is the effect of perfect strokes! Luo Zheng uses his perfect brushwork to stimulate the activity of materials to the greatest extent. Naturally, the more powerful the light curtain is, the more powerful it can bear the blow!

"Good! It looks like it's been successfully repaired! " Seeing the light curtain, Shi Kefan was also very satisfied. "Young Xia Luo, this is the agreed reward of 50000 pieces of top grade Zhenyuan stone!"

As soon as Shi Kefan's voice fell, someone brought over a disc, in which was placed a plate made of purple crystal, "in any of our world business alliance's ticket houses, you can take out 50000 pieces of the best real stone."

Luo Zheng nodded, then put the Amethyst name plate into Xumi ring.

"It's finally fixed! The battle can start again! What about the makers? Come on, let's make a bet when the odds are out! "

"How much did Luo Zheng make after repairing this Rune?"

"Don't you hear me? Fifty thousand top grade zhenyuanshi, the sanpinzong sect I'm in doesn't have so much income in two years.... "

"Crazy, that boy is rich, rob him!"

"Ha ha, first of all, you must not be his opponent. Then, the clan you are in can't be the opponent of yundian, robbing him? I want to die

After an hour's delay, many soldiers began to riot again.

When Luo Zheng returned to the high platform where the cloud hall was located, Xiao nodded with satisfaction and began to draw lots again.

The contest of the martial arts conference began again.

The situation in the competition field is still unchanged, and the zongmen martial artists still occupy a considerable advantage. The competition between the zongmen martial artists and the independent martial artists basically ends with the victory of the zongmen martial artists.

However, a black horse was also killed among the independent warriors, that is, Ao Xiang from Hulun grassland.

Although only according to the absolute strength of God, Ao Xiang defeated the two sect warriors one after another with this machete! There was a big surprise, and the atmosphere on the scene was mobilized again.

After all, most of the martial arts in the stands are independent martial arts, or martial arts from the sanpinzong sect. These martial arts are not qualified to enter the big gate, so they will have the idea that the independent martial arts may not be inferior to the martial arts of the sect!

And Ao Xiang's appearance just conforms to their mind. Besides, Ao Xiang just follows God's extreme cultivation. It's a great thing to defeat the warrior in Shendan realm.It happened that Ao Xiang came out three times in ten matches in the draw box. Ao Xiang won all three battles and adjusted the atmosphere of the whole match field to the highest point in one time! The whole scene is very hot, the dealer will Aoxiang's odds have been raised again and again.

After Aoxiang's third match, he drew cards. In the previous matches, all he drew were exemption cards. This time Aoxiang won a challenge card.

When Ao Xiang took out the challenge card, he stood on the competition field and made a circle.

"He won the challenge card. Who does he want to challenge?"

"Do you want to challenge Xiaojie of xulingzong? It's said that that guy is the only God level genius of xulingzong. He also practices according to God's utmost. It's very possible! "

"Not necessarily. I think it's more likely to challenge Luo Zheng."

Ao Xiang's eyes did not stay on the side platform of the independent warrior. He began to sweep one by one on the high platform, and finally crossed with Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng's eyes flashed slightly, "do you want to challenge me?"

The eyes of aozong, who was staring at the emperor, fell on the platform again.

Behind Cui Xie, there are two women, one of whom is Luo Zheng's sister Luo Yan. Beside Luo Yan, there is another woman who is also closed. When his eyes fall on her, his eyes reveal endless sadness, and the hand holding the machete also clenches tightly.

But soon, that touch of sadness was replaced by the color of fortitude, he raised his voice and cried: "I challenge, the independent warrior Si Miaoling!"

"What Luo Zheng's eyes flashed. At the same time, he also looked at the high platform where Cui Xie was. His mind was also confused. Why did Ao Xiang challenge Si Miaoling?

On the same day, Luo Zheng and Ao Xiang took part in the external examination. On the same day, Luo Zheng also used the twelve level pagoda to blackmail him. However, Ao Xiang from Hulun grassland seems to have a lot of money, and he didn't blink when he paid so much.

This talent is based on the supreme cultivation of God. He can challenge those who are strong in Shendan, and his strength should not be underestimated. However, Luo Zheng did not expect that Ao Xiang would challenge Si Miaoling.

"Does he have the same purpose as me?" Luo Zheng's heart suddenly beats up. Luo Zheng's eyes sweep around Luo Yan. There is a woman beside Luo Yan. Luo Zheng has noticed that she is the third purple extreme Yin body. If it wasn't for this woman's appearance, Luo Zheng would not face such a severe situation. Of course, Luo Zheng won't blame her.

Is Ao Xiang here for her? It's very possible!

Who is that woman from Aoxiang? It doesn't matter anymore.

"A little trouble!" Luo Zheng frowned.

Si Miaoling is Luo Zheng's target. Before that, Luo Zheng doesn't want any trouble in the middle of the way. If Ao Xiang challenges Si Miaoling and really kills her, it's the best result for Luo Zheng. If he doesn't kill Si Miaoling, on the contrary, he makes Si Miaoling alert. This is the last result Luo Zheng wants to see!

But he couldn't stop him. Maybe at the moment, Ao Xiang's heart is the same as his own.

"Challenge me? Ha ha ha... " Simiaoling shook Lianbu lightly and said with a charming smile, "I think you want to kill me, don't you?"

Hearing these words, Ao Xiang and Luo Zheng's hearts suddenly contracted, and they suddenly turned pale.

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