Luo peiran was lying on the black gravel with despair in his eyes.

What's wrong?

Luo peiran couldn't figure it out in any way.

He swallowed the heaven and earth nature pill and made great progress in his strength. He entered Qingyun sect and got to know the Wang family. He used Luo Yan to get great benefits from the Wang family and became a congenital creature in a short time!

Luo Xiao is the only one in the Luo family. He is a natural creature!

He is still young. We can imagine that the road in the future will be clear and smooth.

When his strength further, after returning to Chongyang County, he can lead the Luo family into the ranks of the largest family in Chongyang County.

But today, just a few faces, he was defeated by Luo Zheng.

"I am a born creature! Why are you so vulnerable in front of you Luo peiran blankly open eyes, unwilling to look at Luo Zheng said.

Luo Zheng sneered, "you are a realm, but what's the use of pills piled up?"

Among the gentry, there are many wastes piled up with pills like Luo peiran. Although the realm is high, his real combat ability is far inferior to that of Luo Zheng, a warrior who has emerged from a sea of corpses.

After that, Luo Zheng turned his head, blinked his eyes, and his face was also sad.

If his father had not died in vain, Luo Zheng would never have been willing to be fraternal. After all, he was a member of the Luo clan!

However, the second and third rooms are the murderers of their father, but they have to avenge their father.

"Wang peiran is going to take revenge on him, isn't he?" Luo Zheng looked at Wang Hengzhi with a sneer and his eyes were cold.

Wang Hengzhi was about to rush up, but he was stopped by Wang yanmiao. "Big brother, this boy doesn't know that the heaven is high and the earth is thick. He not only abandoned Luo peiran, but also dared to contradict you. Is he going to let him go like this..."

Wang yanmiao shakes his head, walks to Luo Zheng and says: "the strength of refining marrow realm is so bold. It's worthy of being Luo Yan's brother. Both of them are very talented. Good, good!" Wang yanmiao's eyes revealed a lot of praise.

Wang Heng's suddenly some don't understand, before elder brother unexpectedly give Luo Zheng three times in succession bow, now return him so high praise, this is why?

Luo Zheng's pupil is slightly coagulated. Just now, he even scolded Wang yanmiao face to face, but at this time he was not annoyed at all. This man's mind is too deep.

"But --" Wang yanmiao suddenly changed his words, and his soft eyes suddenly became sharp, just like before.

At this time, Wang yanmiao's "Lotus killing intention" has fully burst out, and the gentle light on him, just like a hedgehog, plunges to Luo Zheng.

Wang yanmiao continued: "as Luo Yan's brother, you can't even go to the top of purgatory mountain, and it's even more impossible to save Luo Yan. Now there are few people in Qingyun sect who can help Luo Yan leave purgatory mountain, and I, Wang yanmiao, is one of them. So I want to know, where did you say that I don't deserve Luo Yan

Wang yanmiao's "Lotus killing intention" is pressing towards Luo Zheng. It's like a big mountain. If it's not for Luo Zheng's strong soul, it's very difficult to stand up to Wang yanmiao.

In the face of such a strong man, Luo Zheng didn't have the slightest fear on his face. "Even so, so what? My own sister, naturally, I will save her! Don't bother outsiders! "

Wang yanmiao chuckled, shook his head, carried his hands, and said, "although you can easily solve Luo peiran's congenital problem by refining marrow, you still have It's so weak. It's like an ant. If you are not Luo Yan's brother, with your strength, you are not qualified to stand here and talk to me! "

After that, Wang yanmiao's shoulder appeared a fresh flower. After the flower appeared, it expanded rapidly. Then it was ready to bloom, and then it suddenly bloomed. It was a pink lotus.

When the lotus bloomed, a white light came out from him and rushed away!

This column of light, almost half of the purgatory mountain will be lit.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were attracted.

Even those dedicated ascetics on purgatory mountain also cast surprised eyes one after another.

"Who is burning Zhenyuan? How powerful it is

"According to the divine realm! It's actually a strong one according to the divine realm! Why come to purgatory mountain

"The man was dressed in purple. He was a pro disciple. In front of him was a white disciple?"

"How can it be? Outside disciple? In front of zhaoshenjing, it's like a mole ant. You can kill it with your bare hands. Why do you need to burn Zhenyuan? "

Many ascetics on the hillside of purgatory mountain discussed with each other.

According to the divine realm!

It's a more powerful existence than the inborn.

Among the hundreds of thousands of disciples in Qingyun sect, only a few of them can reach this level, and none of them is a personal disciple.

They couldn't figure out why the pro disciple used such power to suppress an outside disciple.Generally speaking, if a strong person in the divine realm wants to deal with an outside disciple, he can stretch his finger and let the latter go up in smoke.

Under such power, I'm afraid that outer disciple will be scared into an idiot, right?

Xiaoyu peak, in the pavilion.

Through Xin GUI's observation, Su Lingyun has a panoramic view of what just happened.

"This boy, it's really not the ordinary one who will cause trouble!" Su Lingyun frowned and looked up at the northwest corner. Even at such a long distance, Su Lingyun could see the light column like a thin line, straight between heaven and earth.

"I don't care about you! You can live and die on your own Su Lingyun's face was full of sullen anger.

Luo Zheng is gifted, but the boy is too stubborn to hear any of her suggestions!

In fact, the tutors on Xiaoyu peak and the other 32 peaks did not have much control over their disciples. After all, the relationship between "tutors" and disciples is not a real relationship between teachers and disciples. In Qingyun sect, only the relationship between pro disciples and masters can be regarded as a relationship between teachers and disciples.

The reason why she was angry with Luo Zheng for disobedience was entirely due to her own temperament

After two breaths, she nibbles her silver teeth and looks at Luo Zheng's resolute face. Finally, she walks out of the pavilion, steps on a flying chariot and gallops toward the purgatory mountain in the northwest corner.

Purgatory mountain, mountain top.

Luo Yan's eyes are calm, her hand is still getting rid of the catapult, and she seems to be immersed in the memory, with a sweet smile on her lips from time to time.

In her mind, the endless memories of her childhood are the most valuable thing.

At this time, she suddenly saw the hillside, suddenly appeared a white light, skyrocketing!

"This is Wang yanmiao's real yuan burning. Who is he fighting with?" Luo Yan slightly over the head, light eyes gathered in the past.

Although there is a long distance between the top of purgatory mountain and the mountainside, Luo Yan has a panoramic view of what happened on the mountainside.

Her eyes first focused on Wang yanmiao, then moved away from him, and noticed the man opposite him.

"White robe? "Outside disciple?" Luo Yan's mouth is slightly tilted, which is a strange thing. I don't know which white robed disciple has such courage to confront Wang yanmiao.

When Luo Yan's eyes moved up and saw the face of the disciple, her eyes suddenly widened

"Brother Brother

Although she had not seen Luo Zheng for several years, how could she forget her brother's appearance?

Why does Luo Zheng appear in purgatory mountain?

Why didn't wang yanmiao mention it? If my brother came to purgatory mountain, cousin peiran would not know.

Why did Luo Zheng confront Wang yanmiao again!

A series of questions came out of her mind.

Let's put these problems aside. My brother is now facing Wang yanmiao. Wang yanmiao is a strong one according to the divine realm, while my brother is a disciple outside. Wang yanmiao can kill my brother just by burning Zhenyuan!

Think of here, a heart of Luo Yan suddenly anxious.

"Absolutely not!"

She stood on the edge of the platform, facing the distance of thousands of meters, but she jumped up and jumped down.


Just at the moment when Luo Yan jumps off the cliff, there are several hexagonal energy barriers below her, which form a semicircular wall and block Luo Yan behind.

"Six square star array!"

Luo Yan's face suddenly sank down.

She was punished to face purgatory mountain. She also knew that there was a star array besieging her on the top of the mountain.

It's just that Luo Yan never thought of running away from here, and never actively triggered the six square star array. Unexpectedly, at the moment, she was blocked by this array.

She took another look at the bottom. With the strength of her brother's disciples, under the pressure of Wang Yanyao, she couldn't last long. She had to go down today!

"Break it for me!"

The girl stretched out her slender white jade finger and poked it at the junction of the hexagon energy boundary.

This finger, though very ordinary, contains the power of terror.


The six square star array is a very powerful array.

By Luo Yan this poke under, connect of three hexagons immediately break.

But at the moment when they were just broken, three hexagonal blocks were solidified to block the gap.

What to do

What to do!

Luo Yan is more and more anxious!

She points to the six square star array again and again, but the energy of this array seems endless. No matter how many blocks of energy boundary she destroys, she can always repair the boundary in a short time.

In the face of Wang yanmiao suddenly burst out of the huge pressure, Luo Zheng stood in place, firmly.This kind of pressure is no longer momentum, but the pressure of real yuan burning and escaping.

Only a small part of the pressure escaped, so terrible, this person's strength, I'm afraid, has been beyond the level of congenital creatures.

He is strong according to God!

"Do you feel the gap with me? I can kill you with a single finger! But even if I want to rescue Luo Yan, it's also a rather laborious thing, and you I'm not even qualified to see her! " Wang yanmiao waved his sleeve and pointed to Luo Zheng.

At his feet, there were pink lotus flowers blooming and thanking.

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