With the strength of refining marrow realm, he faced his own pressure without retreating or shaking, and stood in the same place with his teeth. This alone shows that Luo Zheng's strength is far superior to that of his peers.

Even if Wang Hengzhi, who was born with double nature, didn't face Wang yanmiao's pressure directly, his face turned pale at the moment, and he had to urge Zhenyuan in his body to resist the pressure.

Luo Zheng is just refining marrow, and there is no real yuan. At the moment, it is very difficult for real Qi to condense.

Relying on the strength of his body and the tenacity of his soul, he did not step back.

"This man's" intention "is not as powerful as the intention of punishing heaven in Tianshu Pavilion, but the fierce pressure of burning Zhenyuan is so terrible..." Although Luo Zheng's will was poured out like iron, it was also very hard to be eroded by this pressure.

Many people encounter such a strong person, in the case of such a huge gap, even a trace of resistance in the heart is difficult to produce, so is Luo Zheng.

He suspected that in the next moment, his whole body would be crushed by this power

"No, never back up!"

In this world, having the willpower far stronger than ordinary people can indeed create miracles.

The gap between Luo Zheng and Wang yanmiao is too big, just like the gap between heaven and earth. This gap can not be made up by willpower alone.

Therefore, Luo Zheng's hard support at the moment, and the pain he suffered can be imagined.

Seeing Luo Zheng struggling in front of him, Wang yanmiao's face also shows a trace of surprise. The boy's tenacity is far beyond Wang yanmiao's imagination.

Wang yanmiao is very clear about how strong his power of burning Zhenyuan is. In order to make Luo Zheng's memory more profound, he deliberately pushes most of his power towards him.

Refining marrow

The flesh is not beyond the limit

Can you stand in front of me?

"Hard support? I see how long you can last! " There was a faint sneer on Wang yanmiao's face, and then Zhenyuan burst out of his body, burning more madly, and the pillar of light from his body was also dazzling.

At the same time, Wang yanmiao's "Lotus killing intention" is becoming more and more intense. The lotus killing intention, with great power, seems to devour Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng's body is far different from that of ordinary people. He can resist the pressure caused by burning Zhenyuan. After all, he is a mysterious body.

But his soul, at the moment, is a little unbearable.

The last time he suffered from the erosion of "the meaning of punishing heaven", he relied on the roar of the green dragon in his mind. But at this time, the melting pot of heaven and earth in his mind was quiet and did not move at all.

"It's up to you!"

This power, combined with his "Lotus killing intention", is really terrible, but it can not cause substantial harm to itself.

It was mainly Wang yanmiao who oppressed my soul and affected my mood.

Only when we stabilize our soul and maintain our state of mind, can we fight against it!

"By the way, use that move!"

Forget yourself!

Forget yourself completely!

The state of selflessness is actually a very profound realm of soul cultivation.

Even if it is according to the strength of the divine realm, few people understand this realm, because the cultivation of the soul and the cultivation of the body are totally different things.

Forget yourself without desire.

After entering the state of selflessness, Luo Zheng completely looked down at himself in another posture, as if his body was just an empty shell, which you could destroy, but I was not moved by it or afraid of it.

As for you, no matter how powerful Wang yanmiao is, no matter how strong the lotus will be. If you want to destroy your body only by these, it's a dream.

After entering the state of selflessness, Luo Zheng has completely calmed down, and his pale face has gradually returned to normal. His eyes show an ethereal color. He looks at Wang yanmiao very quietly, even with a faint smile.

You are as strong as you are. You can kill Wang Yan in a thousand ways. I'm still here!

Wang yanmiao thought that Luo Zheng couldn't stick to it, so he just put in more real yuan to burn and explode, which was enough to become the straw to crush Luo Zheng.

He did not expect that the boy was so stubborn, not only did not step back, but more relaxed in the face of himself, the smile on his face, is mockery?

Wang yanmiao thinks that he is a giant, while Luo Zheng is an ant that has been crawling on the ground. This ant is very tenacious. He breathes a little, but it is firmly on the ground, and does not move at all. So he breathes a lot, but this ant still stubbornly on the ground, and even mocks him!

Unconsciously, Wang yanmiao's anger rose in his heart!

With such status and strength, he would be angry with a guy in refining marrow.

It's the equivalent of an adult getting angry while teasing an ant.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, it sounds so unbelievable.Before Wang yanmiao face Luo Zheng etiquette, humility, restraint now also has disappeared without a trace.

He took an ant seriously.

"Get down on your knees!" Wang yanmiao slowly raised his hand and pressed it gently towards Luo Zheng.

Since you can't be suppressed by your power alone, use your real strength!

Wang yanmiao's arm gently waved, Luo Zheng around appeared a lotus, like rain in general, Pa Pa Da, fragmentary began to scatter.

The weight of those lotus is amazing, some lotus touch the ground, immediately crush the black gravel of the ground, and sink deeply.

Every lotus has the weight of ten tripods!

There are some lotus flowers scattered on Luo Zheng's shoulder, rooting and sprouting on Luo Zheng's body!

In the twinkling of an eye, more than a dozen lotus flowers fell on Luo Zheng's body, head and back.

These lotus flowers have the power of more than 100 tripods.

It's equivalent to more than one hundred tripods. The terrible gravity of more than 100000 Jin pulled Luo Zheng's figure to the ground.

"What a terrible weight!"

Luo Zheng's back was bent by the lotus.

This huge force made him unbearable.

But his spine bent again, but his legs were still straight!

"This strength, just want me to give in?" Luo Zheng clenched his teeth, stiffened his body, and showed unyielding in his eyes.

"Oh? Thirteen lotus flowers are the strength of 130 cauldrons. They can't make you kneel down? " Wang yanmiao's eyes were full of ridicule. With another wave of his hand, more than a dozen lotus flowers fell lightly and absorbed on Luo Zheng's body.

More than 200 cauldrons of strength!

"I see you how to support," Wang yanmiao light said.

"It's too late!"

Luo Zheng's feet had sunk deeply, and thick black gravel wrapped his legs.

Luo Zheng gasped and looked at Wang yanmiao's face full of disdain.

Huge pressure, will he step by step into the ground, his knee is also in a little bit of bending, so to kneel down for him is sooner or later.

"Yes, that's it. Kneel down. You are qualified to talk to me only when you kneel down Wang yanmiao said with a smile.

Just at the moment when Luo Zheng's knee was about to touch the ground, Luo Zheng suddenly roared: "you want me to kneel down with you! Dream

While he roared, Luo Zheng communicated with the green dragon sculpture in his mind. The seven dragon scales lit up at the same time. A force from ancient times, from the wilderness, and from the depths of the universe surged to Luo Zheng's body in a very turbulent posture.

At the same time, Luo Zheng whole body up and down, each muscle at the moment is also high taut up.

The lotus flower will open up and down in a moment!


The broken Throwing Knife in his hand shot out suddenly.

"Startling sting!"

The gray soul stabs at Wang yanmiao first, and stabs Wang yanmiao's head.

This set of attacks, Luo Zheng after countless actual combat, repeated use, has been extremely skilled, almost at one go!

This is also his biggest killing move now!

Wang Yan is not ready to defend, but is stabbed by Luo Zheng's startling spirit.

If a general strong person is stabbed by Luo Zheng, his soul will be damaged and his pain will be unbearable.

Even he Tiancheng, who is as strong as he Tiancheng, is like this.

But when the soul spikes into Wang Yanyao's head, a red light curtain suddenly appears on his head, blocking the front of the soul spikes.

However, "Jingshen stab" is a skill of heaven level after all. The sharp stab of soul is only slightly blocked, but it still pierces the red light curtain and pierces into Wang yanmiao's head.

Wang Yanyao is worthy of being a strong man in the divine realm. His soul is also very strong. The sharp spike of his soul just makes him dizzy for a moment, and then he returns to normal.

But at that moment, he almost killed Wang yanmiao.

Luo Zheng's broken Throwing Knife came at him. When Wang yanmiao regained his consciousness, it was only a few feet away from his head.

A lotus suddenly appears in front of the broken Throwing Knife, and then it is penetrated by the broken Throwing Knife.

Two lotus flowers, blocking in front of the broken Throwing Knife, are still penetrated by the broken Throwing Knife.

It wasn't until the third lotus, with the power of the top ten cauldrons, hurled its sword at the broken place that it let the sharp one deviate from its aim.

But even if it deviated from the direction, the flying knife still left a bloodstain on Wang yanmiao's handsome face.

It can be imagined that if Wang yanmiao's reaction was any slower, he would have become a lifeless corpse at the moment.

Wang yanmiao was gifted since he was a child. He went to martial arts with the wind and the water. At a young age, he was already in the divine realm and became a rising star among the imperial families.

Although he lived in a royal family, he was only a small family compared with the seven major families.But because of the birth of Wang yanmiao and Wang Daonan, Wang yanmiao's father, the two of them gradually put the Wang family in the top ten, keeping pace with the traditional seven families!

No one who practices martial arts can walk with the wind and water.

But this time, it was Wang yanmiao's closest to death.

In addition, the opponent is a small ant in the marrow refining realm

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