It has to be said that master's extensive knowledge of all aspects is far beyond Luo Zheng's imagination.

This book is called the spectacle of Vientiane, which records some extremely powerful strange things, among which yuanci holy mountain is one.

The magic of Vientiane not only records the refining methods of yuanci mountain, but also many things beyond Luo Zheng's imagination. However, the materials of those treasures are rare in the world, so Luo Zheng can't find them at this stage.

And yuanci mountain is the existing thing in the world. Although Luo Zheng doesn't know its origin, it can be regarded as ownerless

If it had not been for the Shenhai areas of the four great gods, it would have been settled in the mainland of China.

However, although Luo Zheng has won the acceptance of yuanci Shenshan, there are several difficulties.

The strange storm in the violent sea of stars continues to rage, and the wind blades among them are a great threat to the powerful in the divine realm. Although Luo Zheng has been promoted two levels in a row, he is already a triple cultivation in the realm of life and death, but it is still quite unrealistic to resist the terrible wind blades with his current strength.

The most important point of collecting yuanci holy mountain is to peel off the bottom of yuanci holy mountain. This yuanci holy mountain is so strong that I'm afraid it can't be destroyed under the practice of dozens of Shenhai masters. Obviously, it can't be done with one Luo Zheng.

After pondering for a period of time, Luo Zheng has made up his mind.

During this period of time, the world business alliance suddenly issued a message, that is, to buy all kinds of rare materials, which are very popular. They have appeared more or less in the central region, but they are very difficult to find.

But there must be brave men under the heavy reward. How many people can withstand the temptation of the high price offered by the world business alliance?

Some materials were originally stored in the family and passed down from generation to generation. Now I hear that they are sold to the world business alliance at such a high price

The materials collected by Tianxia Business League were gathered in pieces and then sent to yundian in batches. Because of the huge amount of materials, they also attracted the attention of many sects. After inquiring, they also knew that Tianxia Business League only helped yundian or Luo Zheng to collect them.

But what's the use of these things?

There is a rumor that Luo Zheng is trying to help the cloud hall build a super clan protection array. There is also a rumor that Luo Zheng is preparing for the impact on the divine sea.

It's just that these rumors can't stand scrutiny. The cloud hall already has a huzong formation, and Luo Zheng and Ning yudie are the top figures in the Middle Kingdom. The cloud hall doesn't need to use the huzong formation to protect itself. As for the impact on Shenhai, it's bullshit. At present, Luo Zheng's life and death are only three, which is far away from Shenhai.

Luo Zheng is indeed making the divine pattern. According to the records in the wonder of Vientiane, the acceptance of yuanci holy mountain can be divided into three steps. The first step is to compress it into a very small space. The second part is to suppress the whole yuanci holy mountain with the force of five elements, and the third step is to collect it!

Now Luo Zheng is doing the preparatory work

Because of this, Luo Zheng's time began to be limited again. In the daytime, he prepared materials and made divine patterns, while in the night, he concentrated on cultivation. In the alternation of day and night, three months passed

Luo Zheng's figure appeared in the southernmost sea area of central region.

Ning yudie and Xi Youqin are determined to follow them, but Luo Zheng flatly refuses.

Although Ning yudie's strength has improved rapidly, she is still unable to cope with the wind blade in the sea of stars. The wind blade can contain up to five levels of wind system law. If Luo Zheng didn't rely on his power to transfer, his holy body would be torn into pieces in an instant.

After having the will of the world, Luo Zheng also tried to digest the memory in his mind. In the memory, Luo Zheng knew many secrets in the world

For example, in the northern part of the kingdom of God, there are some extremely powerful ferocious animals and even several very powerful races in that vast wild continent. However, the culture of that wild continent is very backward, which is countless times more chaotic than that of the sea god continent.

Another example is that in the corner of the world, there was once a splendid civilization. That civilization was destroyed 500000 years ago. The reason is that the tower of evil was involved. Under the dispute of the strong in the upper world, only the power that escaped destroyed the whole civilization, and that continent sank to the bottom of the sea

However, no matter how Luo Zheng searched, he could not find any memory of the violent star sea. How the storm came into being, and what was in the center of the storm, the world itself knew nothing. This is a very strange thing.

Besides, behind this area, there are a group of shadow creatures. The strength of these shadow creatures is that even the powerful people of the Tianwei clan are afraid of them. Why do they wander in the back of the world? Will they have any impact on the world? This is also an unsolved mystery.

Luo Zheng doesn't have the ability to solve the mystery now. What he wants now is to put yuanci Shenshan in his own pocket."Hoo Hoo..."

Just into the sky of the riot star sea, into the scope of the storm, the raging wind has swept!

Sea water is sucked up to the sky by the strong storm, just like water dragons, connecting the sea and the sky, which is a wonder.

Luo Zheng's small figure is shuttling rapidly among the water dragons. Just outside the storm, there are many wind blades sweeping towards Luo Zheng.

These wind blades are light cyan and white on the surface. There is only one level of wind system law in them. A few cyan wind blades contain two levels of wind system law, but they do not pose a big threat to Luo Zheng. He does not have to flash and let these wind blades strike him.

"Puff, puff, puff..."

Even if you don't use power to transfer, these wind blades can't damage Luo Zheng.

With these wind blades, Luo Zheng's speed is getting faster and faster, that is, all the way forward, but the destination is not the location of yuanci mountain.

Through the memory of the world, Luo Zheng has found out that the yuanci holy mountain is located to the west of the riot star sea, and now Luo Zheng is heading south, straight to the center of the storm, which is contrary to yuanci holy mountain.

He flew towards the center of the storm, not to explore the mystery of the storm center. No matter what the mystery is, Luo Zheng can't solve it. With his strength, if there is any powerful existence in the center of the storm, he may fall into it if he is not careful.

But if you want to collect yuanci Shenshan, the first step is to peel off yuanci Shenshan from the bottom. With the power of Luo Zheng, you can't do this, but with the help of the power of the storm, it's possible!

These wind blades are extremely powerful, but Luo Zheng can transfer the power of these wind blades to yuanci holy mountain through power transfer!

One wind blade is not enough to peel off yuanci mountain, but what about 100000 wind blades or one million wind blades? If the power of these wind blades is completely transferred in the past, he will not believe that yuanci Shenshan can not be stripped from its base.

After thinking for a long time, Luo Zheng finally came up with such a method

As Luo Zheng marches towards the center of the storm, he is facing more and more fierce wind blades. Gradually, some wind blades with three or even four levels of wind system appear around Luo Zheng. The color of wind blades gradually changes from light cyan to cyan, and then BLACK CYAN

"It's not enough. These wind blades are enough to pose a fatal threat to me, but they can't shake yuanci holy mountain." looking at the wind blades sweeping around him, Luo Zheng thought faintly. He had tried to transfer his power to the bottom of yuanci holy mountain, but the power of these wind blades had no effect on yuanci holy mountain, that is, he didn't even produce a trace.

"Keep going, you should look for those black blades!" Luo Zheng's eyes must have been fixed, and he continued to move forward with hard blades. About half a day after flying, the first black blade appeared.

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