Seeing the wind blade, Luo Zheng's face also showed a trace of joy, and finally found the black wind blade!

Seeing that the direction of the black blade was wrong, Luo Zheng adjusted his angle and went straight to the black blade.


This wind blade, which contains five levels of wind system rules, directly hit Luo Zheng's chest and made a dull sound.

"Power shift!"

Just at the moment when the black wind blade hit his chest, Luo Zheng did not forget to explore yuanci holy mountain through the will of the world.

Under this investigation, Luo Zheng's eyes also flickered slightly. The convenience of yuanci holy mountain was that there was a light white trace

Even the wind blade, which contains five levels of wind system rules, can only leave a faint trace. This yuanci mountain is so huge, when will it be cut?

Luo Zheng's face showed a trace of melancholy.

However, Luo Zheng would not give up easily. During his stay in Zhongyu, Luo Zheng not only wanted to practice, but also to prepare for the ascent to the upper world.

He understood that if he could collect it at a small price, why would he not do it?

As we move forward, the number of black blades is also increasing, while the number of blue blades is decreasing

"Puff, puff, puff..."

The tracks of these black blades are different. Luo Zheng can only try his best to use his body to collide with the black blades. Under the constant impact, all the forces are directly transferred to the bottom of yuanci mountain.

"Ten ways..."


"Thousand ways..."

In other people's eyes, the black wind blade almost symbolizes the existence of death, but Luo Zheng can't wait to rush to them

Luo Zheng smashed three thousand black wind blades under the rapid collision. He continued to investigate yuanci holy mountain. The three thousand powerful wind blades were transferred to the bottom of yuanci holy mountain by Luo Zheng. At present, he finally cut a cut less than the thickness of his thumb!


Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng was speechless.

Under thousands of black wind blade cutting, the level of yuanci holy mountain is only such a fine trace.

How many black blades does a mountain need to peel off from its base? Isn't it tens of millions or even hundreds of millions?

It's no use going on like this. Although there are many black wind blades in the storm, they are also distributed over the sea of violent stars. It will not be agreed that they will rush to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng thinks that he doesn't have this charm, but he has to hit those black wind blades by himself. He is afraid that it will take decades to peel off the yuanci mountain.

Luo Zheng is not without the spirit of Yugong, but he really does not have the time.

So he could only keep close to the center of the riot star sea

When the storm stopped, Luo Zheng once entered the center of the violent sea of stars. Except for some powerful beasts, he did not find anything strange.

Now the storm is raging, I'm afraid those level 11 beasts dare not float on the surface, and there are only black wind blades around.

Just after Luo Zheng continued to march forward for thousands of miles, his eyes suddenly flashed. He saw not far away that there was a strange black wind blade cutting towards this side!

This black wind blade has the same shape as the previous black wind blade, but the strange thing is the way it moves. In the process of flying, it is constantly disappearing and appearing. So at first glance, it seems that it becomes transparent for a while and black for a while, and the two colors flicker alternately, and the law of wind system seems to be more powerful!

Luo Zheng can't judge the level of the law power contained in the wind blade. So far, Luo Zheng has only practiced the first level of wind system law. The black wind blade was only learned from the seven people of Tianwei clan that it was the five level wind system law.

It's just that the power of the law in this strange wind blade is higher than that of the black wind blade. He can only estimate that the wind blade contains the sixth level of wind system law.

Luo Zhengzheng is a little worried. With the power of the black wind blade, I'm afraid it's going to be a monkey's year to cut like this. So it's overjoyed to see this two-color wind blade!

"Up to the top!"

At the moment when Luo Zheng just rushed up, the constantly changing wind blade had cut into Luo Zheng's body. With extremely high speed and strong power, the air burst out of the impact on Luo Zheng's body, which made the ocean below Luo Zheng suddenly spread out an almost bottoming vortex!

It's just that the power released is so terrible, and most of the power of the two-color wind blade has been transferred to the level of yuanci holy mountain by Luo Zheng.


Yuanci mountain, thousands of miles away from Luozheng, suddenly vibrated

Yuanci holy mountain, which contains the power of five elements, has been standing here for countless years. Years have not left any traces on this mountain. Whether it is the erosion and beating of the sea day after day, or the cutting of the wind blade, it has not shaken this mountain. After all, it is far away from the center of the storm, and there is not a strong wind blade.At this moment, the yuan magnetic mountain suddenly vibrated, the huge force directly cut to the bottom of the mountain, and a large amount of seawater rolled up. The sea around the yuan Mun Shen mountain was like boiling water, which showed a huge amount of foam. The amount of foam was too large, and the ocean was originally blue, which was reflected by foam into a piece of cream color, just like a rice soup.

"Effective!" Luo Zheng's face was even more cheerful.

It's just a two-color wind blade, which leaves a cut of about Zhang at the level of yuanci holy mountain. The cut is so sharp that it seems that a god holding a huge axe cuts an axe at the bottom of yuanci holy mountain.

The power of this two-color wind blade is hard for Luo Zheng to imagine. If there is no power transfer, Luo Zheng himself will be cut into powder by this two-color wind blade.

"Come again!" However, Luo Zheng gazed, but he did not find the double color wind blade.

But this time, Luo Zheng already has hope in his heart. Now that he can find the two-color wind blade here, Luo Zheng can continue to march towards the center of the storm.

He continued to fly forward. There were only a few two-color wind blades along the way, but Luo Zheng didn't let go of them every time. After encountering dozens of two-color wind blades, the gap at the bottom of yuanci mountain became bigger and bigger

But further on, Luo Zheng hesitated.

Who knows what's in the middle of the storm? He's not afraid of the two-color wind blade. He's afraid that there are some powerful beings in the middle of the storm that can't be provoked, and he'll be in trouble if he can't get away.

After hesitating for a while, Luo Zheng continued to rush forward under the gritting teeth.

The more you go forward, the more two-color wind blades there will be. Every two-color wind blade can leave a cut at the level of yuanci holy mountain. Although yuanci holy mountain is huge, it will eventually be peeled off. Luo Zheng's mind tends to be stable.

But just after Luo Zheng made another 200 miles, he found a new wind blade, which turned out to be golden!

What's more strange is that the golden wind blades are not like ordinary wind blades, shooting aimlessly around, but gathering together in groups, just like migratory birds floating in the air.

"Are these wind blades intelligent?" Luo Zheng looked at the golden wind blade with a gaping expression on his face.

The wind blade is just something produced in the storm. The more powerful the wind blade is, the higher the wind system rules it contains. But no matter how advanced the wind blade is, it can't produce intelligence, can it? To put it bluntly, isn't it a wind?

It's just that there are too many unsolved things in the world, just like Luo Zheng's integration of the will of the world. He used to be omnipotent in the world, but he is still very confused

Just when Luo Zheng was looking at the golden wind blades, some golden wind blades found Luo Zheng. One of the golden wind blades hovered in the distance, and then the other golden wind blades started to chase Luo Zheng!

"Run away!"

At this moment, Luo Zheng had only one idea in his heart.

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