Just when Zhou Huang announced the call, two or three bright silver lights went straight into the sky. Only half of shenhaijing Dafeng obeyed Zhou Huang's edict and rushed to the palace of the black iron kingdom. Those shenhaijing Dafeng also had a good relationship with Zhou Huang. Some of them were warriors from his Zhou family

This happened not only in the black iron Kingdom, but also in the outer part of the holy sea of Tianyu, which was once a wonder for the people of the four kingdoms!

Although some of the great powers of Shenhai are not so eager, they also choose to ascend after they explain the family affairs and instruct their disciples and grandchildren.

In fact, Zhou Huang, Tianfeng zhanhuang, Tianyun Guozhu and Dayu Zhandi were also anxious. Seeing their subordinates rushing up one by one, why didn't they worry? But after all, they are the Lords of the country. Unlike those powerful people in Shenhai, they are all alone. At most, they can leave after telling their descendants.

As lords, they have too many things to deal with before they can fly.

Among them, the most irritated one is the emperor of war of Dayu. The whole Dayu kingdom is close to 20 shenhaijing daemons, and almost all of them soared in a short half day. Only one of them stayed, and the one who stayed was his brother of Liu family!

At the moment when the passage was restored, Emperor Yu had already announced that he would summon all the shenhaijing powers, but in the past these guys who were very respectful to themselves did not care about themselves at all! Dayu war emperor originally wanted to threaten these guys. Who dares to fly up without authorization, he will destroy these families where shenhaijing is powerful! But he didn't say it after all. He also wanted to fly up. What if he should fly up and the Liu family would be destroyed?

This is also the fact that Dayu Zhandi was too strict with other Shenhai areas in Shenzhou on weekdays. At present, people are just like birds struggling out of bondage. They no longer need to be influenced by Dayu Zhandi's bird spirit. Where can we listen to him?

Comparatively speaking, the number of shenhaijing powers left by the other three countries is a little more, but within one day, the rising shenhaijing powers still account for as much as 70%. I believe that in the near future, there will be a reshuffle of the forces in the mainland of China. After all, all the shenhaijing powers will soar, so the strength of the four shenhaijing powers will be greatly weakened, and I'm afraid it will be too late It's a competition between a group of strong people in life and death.


This scramble to ascend did not happen in the land of Poseidon.

The reason is very simple. The number of divine sea realm powers in the sea god continent is far less than that in the Divine Land continent. Each race has two or three more and one less. Moreover, the Divine Land continent is in chaos. As the divine sea realm powers in the race, they naturally have a very strong sense of mission and crisis. The Divine Land continent is dominated by human beings, so there is no sense of crisis.

But situ Haotian and others discussed this issue for a long time.

One of the most depressing is the plume.

Now that the tower of sin has been fully unfolded, there will be an explosive breakthrough in the number of strong men in Poseidon.

Among them, the Terran and the demon night clan, who control the evil tower, are bound to become the rulers of the sea god continent.

It's not this that makes Liuyu depressed. She doesn't want to fly

Once Liuyu had an unusual desire to rise. She knew her talent. Through the tower of sin, she also knew that the talent that could be recognized by the heaven family, even if it was only in the second row, was definitely the best existence in the upper world. She could release more light for the demon night family and win more honor for the three kings.

But now She didn't want to fly.

The reason is very simple, she has involuntarily involved in the fight between the two kings.

Luo Zheng smashed the statue of the king of punishment twice, making the king of punishment in a rage. The last time Luo Zheng returned to Tianyu holy land, he had a direct conflict with the king of punishment, and the king of punishment also ordered himself to kill Luo Zheng and Xun.

But Liuyu didn't do it. According to the truth, she disobeyed the will of the king and was a capital crime.

If you go back to the upper and lower worlds, you can imagine

But if you don't fly up, will you stay in the sea of God all your life? Although she is still very young, she is only over 200 years old, but every warrior has his own ambition. How can she be willing to waste her life?

So when the flight path is opened, Liuyu is always in a state of contradiction


As for Zhongyu, there is no divine sea power in Zhongyu

The restoration of the flight path has caused a great disturbance in other places, that is, even in the uncivilized wild land, there are some creatures flying up, and in the boundless sea area, there are also some powerful beasts flying up.

But in Zhongyu, except for Luo Zheng, thousands of other creatures don't know about this event. The sun still rises, the civilians still repeat their ordinary life, and the warriors still practice tirelessly.

Luo Zheng, however, has begun his third life and death.

As long as the black eyes don't appear, xiaotianjie doesn't pose a great threat to Luo Zheng. After swallowing the old man's elixir of Tianwei clan, the speed of Luo Zheng's cultivation has also increased by several steps. Although the old man said that the elixir can only make him step into the sea of God, it is quite useful for Luo Zheng now.In addition to cultivating and accompanying the three daughters, Luo Zheng also focused on the four great kingdoms. He found that the four great kingdoms had almost risen, and only a few of the five or six quite young ones were still in the kingdom.

To Luo Zheng's surprise, Huo yun'er also soared

This woman, who has the blood of Zhenfeng, also flies up, which really surprised Luo Zheng. However, after exploring, Luo Zheng realized that she is not flying up.

When she left the world, Huo yun'er had just broken through the realm of life and death. It was just that the blood of Zhenfeng in her body burst out, and a special flame was born directly. As for what the flame had to say, Luo Zheng was not clear, but after she entered the flame, she disappeared in this face. Luo Zheng estimated that she did not go to the Terran, but mostly entered Zhenfeng In the big world where the clan is.

It was a pity to think that she had promised her that she would return to the mainland of the kingdom of God in the future. However, since she has entered the upper world, there is a possibility of seeing her again in the future. It's just hard to imagine the vast world. Luo Zheng also knows that this hope is very slim.

In a hurry, Luo Zheng's accomplishments are steadily improving.

In the past two years, he made several explorations on yanghun wood. Xun's soul still recovered slowly in the warm cultivation of yanghun wood, but he fell into deep sleep and didn't wake up.

As for Feng nianyun

Entrusted by Qinglong, Luo Zheng also asked her to communicate with Qinglong several times. In this lower world, there is no means to solve the soul sealing Dharma. If you want to solve the soul sealing Dharma, I'm afraid you have to go back to the upper world.

If Luo Zheng ascended in the future, he would not go up with Feng nianyun.

In fact, there is a simple way to send fengnianyun back to the upper world. Shenglongtai can do it easily. Moreover, fengnianyun originally belongs to the real dragon family, so it is most suitable to take shenglongtai. Unfortunately, Luo Zheng just gave this suggestion, fengnianyun and Qinglong refused.

It seems that it's not only Qinglong who has something to do with the real dragon clan. Feng nianyun also doesn't want to return to the real dragon clan. In this way, Luo Zheng has no good way to help Feng nianyun.

She can only put her body in the depth of the cloud hall and keep close watch. No one else can get close to her

In the future, after finding the means to solve the soul sealing Dharma in the upper realm, he returns to the lower realm to help Feng nianyun solve the problem.

Luo Zheng's accomplishments are still soaring. The old man's elixir of Tianwei clan continues to exert its effect. Soon, Luo Zheng has ushered in the fourth life and death disaster, and the time between the fourth and the third is only three months!

The interval between life and death is getting shorter and shorter.

For Luo Zheng, this period is the most comfortable time. He even wants to deliberately suppress the speed of cultivation and spend some time with the third daughter. However, the rapid progress of cultivation makes Luo Zheng feel helpless.

But he thought that even if he entered the sea of God, he would suppress himself and not rush to rise.

However, after the fifth life and death, he found that he was rejected by the world!

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