Generally speaking, only after breaking the sea of gods, can the inner world be perceived and rejected by the whole world.

However, Luo Zheng only had five levels of life and death, and actually felt the repulsive force. This is a little strange.

What's more, Luo Zheng has been integrated with the will of the world, and he will be rejected by the world. Doesn't that mean that he rejects himself

It's a pity that Luo Zheng can't question the world. Even if he asks, there is no answer. The world is a collection of all the creatures in the world, not a single will.

Even though he felt the repulsive force, Luo Zheng was still trying his best to suppress himself. Fighting against the repulsive force would even cost Luo Zheng's strength!

"Something's wrong," said Luo Zheng.

Through the will of the world, Luo Zheng also explored the four kingdoms of God and the land of Poseidon. Liuyu should also be excluded, but they seem to be very easy to suppress themselves in this plane, which did not cause too much trouble to them.

However, since Luo Zheng's cultivation broke through the five levels of life and death, the invisible repulsive force has become stronger and stronger day by day, and even doubled!

On the first day, Luo Zheng was very relaxed.

On the second day, the repulsive force had already exerted pressure on Luo Zheng.

On the third day, the repulsive force had already affected Luo Zheng. He had to be distracted to suppress the repulsive force, otherwise he would not be able to concentrate on cultivation.

On the fourth day, Luo Zheng's face showed a bitter color! He has to pull out quite a lot of power to suppress it!

At this time, Ning yudie has found something strange, and she is also concerned about her husband. Seeing Luo Zheng worried, she thinks that Luo Zheng is not feeling well.

But at this stage of cultivation, it can be said that all kinds of diseases are not born, and those small problems can not exist at all

In order to dispel Ning yudie's doubts, Luo Zheng tries to calm down and tells Ning yudie that it's nothing.

But on the fifth day, Luo Zheng couldn't help but summon the three girls and tell them the truth. He told them that he was afraid that he couldn't resist the power of exclusion and would be driven out by the whole world.

After hearing this, the three girls were also shocked.

Although they know that Luo Zheng is going to fly to the upper world one day, it's just that Luo Zheng is still in the fifth place of life and death. How can they be able to accompany Luo Zheng for another period of time? Why are they going to fly now?

But seeing Luo Zheng's hard work again, the three women finally had to believe it.

Ning yudie is depressed. She has been with you for thousands of days, but she doesn't like such a sudden

Luo Zheng is even more depressed, and he doesn't know what the great world means. Originally, he integrated the will of the great world, and he is the spokesperson of this face. Now he can't wait to be kicked out by the great world, and he can't figure it out. As for Qinglong, he can't explain this phenomenon in any way.

In the end, Qinglong attributes the problem to Luo Zheng's "secret art of chaos", and the problem can only appear here, because feisheng is actually related to the inner world, and ordinary people will fly up after opening up the inner world, but it is a sea of truth that forms the inner world.

Although Luo Zheng did not open up the inner world, what he carried was not the true yuan, but the Qi of chaos!

Luo Zheng can only agree with this conjecture. However, his "secret art of chaos" has already embarked on a completely different road from others. I'm afraid even his master can't explain it here. Only Qinglong's conjecture is the most reliable.

On the fifth day, Luo Zheng had to spare one third of his strength to suppress himself!

On the sixth day, Luo Zheng had to use the strength of the dragon scale. Only in this way can he keep himself from being promoted.

At this time, Luo Zheng already knew that he would not be able to delay today.

Ning yudie and Su Lingyun have completely stopped practicing these two days. This time they leave, and the next time they meet, I don't know when. As for Xi Youqin, she has been sticking to Luo Zheng all day long. These two days, she just sticks more tightly. She also knows that when Luo Zheng leaves, she will also leave the central region and practice in the indefinite tower of the purple pole.

Even if she can't imagine how to find her own great soul in the world of heaven, there is another problem that she can't imagine?

The power of dragon scales is not endless. Luo Zheng constantly uses the power of dragon scales to suppress himself. Even those dragon scales are dim. Fortunately, there are many dragon scales lit up in Luo Zheng's body. After this group of dragon scales are dim, he can draw another group of dragon scales.

At noon, xiyouqin is in a hurry to make a large table of dishes.

The whole family gathered in the ice palace of yundian. The three women's faces were different, but their eyes were full of attachment.

Luo Zheng is thinking about things in his mind. After all, there are some details. He wants to make it clear. However, with Ning yudie's current strength, no one in Zhongyu seems to be able to pose a threat to her. He is just afraid that she will inadvertently break into the back of the world in the future and remind her of these thingsAt night, Luo Zheng could not suppress the repulsive force.

At the moment when Luo Zheng removed the power of dragon scale, a bright silver light wrapped Luo Zheng. In that light, Luo Zheng gave a faint smile to Ning yudie's three daughters.

Ning Yu butterfly bit her lip and wanted to say something else, but the bright silver light was getting stronger and stronger. Luo Zheng had already been in it, and could not see clearly. Then he suddenly shot into the sky!

Because it's night, this brilliant light is even brighter than lightning. All the people around Yunhai city have witnessed this scene. All kinds of rumors have been around for a while, but suddenly they don't know that the first person in Zhongyu went to the upper world in this light.

Three women are staring at the empty hall, suddenly, feel what is missing in the heart.

Among them, xiyouqin is the most indifferent. She always believes that she will meet Luo Zheng again soon!

At this moment, she is looking at rather rain butterfly uncomfortable appearance, suddenly said: "what did you just plan to say with Luo Zheng?"

Ning yudie pursed her mouth, looked down at the floor, but said: "nothing..."

Seeing this picture of Ning Yu butterfly, where does Xi Youqin believe Ning Yu butterfly's words? But Ning Yu die doesn't say that Xi Youqin can't force her.

Ning Yu butterfly just turned his body, then suddenly covered his chest, throat a while uncomfortable, is a retching sound.

Xi Youqin and Su Lingyun stare at her, and suddenly they understand something. Ning yudie is pregnant.

In fact, it was only a few days ago that Ning yudie realized that she was pregnant, but she didn't have time to tell Luo Zheng. These two days, she suddenly heard that Luo Zheng couldn't suppress herself and was about to be kicked out by the world. She was even more perplexed.

The martial arts master's control over her body is far more than that of ordinary people. In front of Luo Zheng, it's extremely easy for her to suppress pregnancy and vomiting. It's just that living creatures form in her abdomen. It's not a good thing for ordinary people to suppress it. She won't vomit until Luo Zheng leaves

Seeing Ning yudie's uncomfortable appearance, Xi Youqin murmured, "why don't you tell him?"

Ning yudie shook his head, "now is not the time."

Xiyouqin said with a smile, "it doesn't matter. I'll talk to Luo Zheng when I meet him one day."

"What do you mean?" That a burst of retching feeling finally dissipated, rather rain butterfly heard this, the heart is also strange.

"It's not interesting," Xi Youqin said with a faint smile. "I'm leaving Zhongyu too. Tomorrow I'll go to xulingzong to say goodbye to my great grandfather and Xi Xiaojie!"

"Are you going to the purple pole?" Rather rain butterfly brow a wrinkly then ask a way.

Although Luo Zheng didn't say it, Ning yudie also knew that he wanted to protect Xi Youqin and Su Lingyun. After all, now she is the strongest.

"Yes Xiyouqin nods a little complacently. In the absence of Luo Zheng, xiyouqin's temperament returns to its original appearance.

Ning Yu butterfly completely did not expect this, almost conditional launch said: "I do not allow."

But where can Xi Youqin listen to Ning yudie? She just snorted coldly, "you are in charge of me!"

Ning yudie also knows that she can't interfere with xiyouqin. In fact, on the day of her and Luo Zheng's double practice ceremony, she also saw an old man of the same family saying a lot to xiyouqin. Xiyouqin seems to be very happy. It must have something to do with this matter after all. Looking at xiyouqin's calm appearance, Ning yudie is more and more sure.

So Ning yudie even has a little selfishness in stopping Xi Youqin. It's about that I can't fly to the upper world now because I don't have enough cultivation. Naturally, I don't want Xi Youqin to go to the purple pole world. It's too tricky to save the country by this curve

There was a dispute between the two women, but they didn't notice Su Lingyun.

The determination in Su Lingyun's heart has been magnified countless times at this time. She knows that her talent is the weakest, and she has to work ten times as hard as the two girls to catch up with them.

However, Su Lingyun is not clear. She will have another adventure in the future.

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