From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 351: :give me sometime

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Live up to Zhaohua, live up to this free body, live up to this life.

It's time to cry, to laugh, to unload all burdens, to live out oneself, to live a wonderful life...

"Well said, then tell me, should I cry or laugh now?"

Tears flowed from Ya Fei's charming and pretty face, and her beautiful, misty eyes looked at Ye Han with a serious expression.

"It depends on what you think."

Ye Han opened his mouth with a smile, and the expression on his face was also extremely serious.

"If in your heart, I'm a total bastard, devil, then you should cry, but if I still have that little bit of goodness, then you should laugh."


Ya Fei was amused.

"It seems that you are still a little self-aware, at least you know that you are a bastard, then can you tell me, what are your advantages?"

The smile was fleeting, Ya Fei looked at Ye Han and spoke slowly, "There are many reasons why I should cry, but there are too few people who make me laugh."

"This is simple. I still have many advantages. I will pick a few simple ones and tell you the obvious ones."

Ye Han patted his chest and said, "First, my strength is very strong, right?"

"No, when will Dou Ling be considered strong?" Ya Fei asked.

"Uh, okay!"

Ye Han was stunned for a moment, frowned for a while, and said helplessly, "Okay! Although I can beat Douhuang with five or six stars now, but who made our family Yafei have a lot of knowledge, I don't care about my cultivation. up!"

Ya Fei's expression was slightly condensed, and a trace of doubt flashed in her eyes.

Wouldn't he really be able to defeat a five or six star Dou Huang?

As for other words, whether they were ambiguous or cynical, Ya Fei chose to ignore them all.

"I'm handsome, you shouldn't deny that, right?" Ye Han said.

Yafei nodded noncommittally.

Ye Hanjian has star-shaped eyebrows, straight facial features, handsome and elegant, although he doesn't want to admit it, he can't open his eyes and talk nonsense.

If it weren't for his deceptive appearance, how could Ya Fei get along with him alone and entertain him personally when they first met.

No matter which world you are in, being good-looking always has certain advantages.

"Then you should be happy with a handsome guy like me by your side. Just like me, I am happy and excited when I see beautiful women." Ye Han said.

"No matter how handsome you are, it can't hide the fact that you are a despicable and shameless person." Ya Fei said lightly.

The expression on Ye Han's face froze slightly, he gritted his teeth, and just suppressed the urge to hit someone.

"I am now a seventh-grade pharmacist, I am so young and promising, shouldn't this hateful world be a little tolerant of my character?" Ye Han said shamelessly.

He directly threw his real age out of his mind and looked at Ya Fei's eyes with unprecedented sincerity.

The expression on Ya Fei's face was slightly moved. Indeed, looking at his appearance, he was only about twenty years old, but he possessed the strength of an alchemy master who made Fa Qian apprentice, which was indeed against the sky.

And genius? There are always some quirks, and most people in the world will report a tolerant attitude to understand and forgive.

However, the premise is that you don't come to provoke me!

Anyone who encounters it will feel bad.

"Alas! It seems that you misunderstood me too deeply."

Ye Han was helpless and let out a sigh.

Dodging slightly, she came to Ya Fei and sat down, her speed was as fast as lightning, but her movements were extremely gentle.

Gently, here I come.

Gently, I opened my arms and embraced you.

Ya Fei resisted symbolically for a few times, perhaps because she accepted her fate, or perhaps she was used to it, but she quieted down and leaned against Ye Han's arms gently, without any more futile struggles.

Last night's fears and fears, this morning's great sorrow and joy, and the tension and excitement in the sky just now, at this moment, she really needs a hug, so that she can calm down and think about the road ahead.

Ye Han's IQ is determined by the person, and now his IQ is as high as 250, and he instantly notices Ya Fei's mental exhaustion.

Seeing this, Ye Han at this time was an unprecedented rule, and he acted as a tool person, gently hugging Ya Fei's round and fragrant shoulders, and letting her head rest on his shoulders.

"Give me a moment, okay?"

Time passed, and I don't know how long it took, Ya Fei suddenly spoke, breaking the unprecedented tranquility.

Ye Han "......"

With an IQ of 250, it is difficult to guess the meaning of this sudden sentence!

"I-give me some time..."

Ya Fei's charming and charming face blushed slightly. Seeing the suspicious look on Ye Han's face, she couldn't help lowering her head and said, "Give me some time, I, I will consider being your woman."

After he finished speaking, Ye Han saw that on the small head in front of him, the crystal earlobes suddenly congested with blood and became almost transparent.

Ye Han was dumbfounded for a moment, then held up the little head in front of him, looking at the charming and charming face with a red face close at hand, seeing the more gorgeous red lips, Ye Han leaned over and kissed gently .

Ya Fei's eyes flickered slightly, not knowing whether her decision was right or wrong, seeing Ye Han's approaching face, she closed her eyes as if resigned.

Just when she thought that Ye Han was going to act recklessly, Ye Han suddenly raised his head and said, "Okay! I'll give you time."

"No matter what your thoughts are in your heart, what the final decision will be, I will not force you, this is my promise to you." Ye Han smiled.

Ya Fei smiled bitterly, she knew that she had no choice.

Ye Han might not force her, but can she really leave Ye Han now?

Ya Fei is very clear, no.

Relying on Ye Han, she can survive very well, but if she leaves Ye Han, she is a weak woman...

Now, without the Mittel family, she has only one way to be his woman.

Although the ending is doomed, she still wants to gain enough respect.

Now, respect, Ye Han has given her.

dong dong dong! ~

At this moment, the door of Ya Fei's room was knocked.

Ya Fei jumped up from Ye Han's arms instantly like a frightened rabbit.

"We are upright and upright and haven't done anything shameful, what are we afraid of?" Ye Han looked at Ya Fei and said.

"Do not talk."

When Ya Fei spoke, the weakness just now disappeared instantly.

Ye Han reluctantly spread out his palms, expressing that he would listen to her.

Ya Fei's pretty face all over the red glow quickly returned to normal color at a speed visible to the naked eye, she glared at Ye Han, then cleared her throat and said, "Come in!"

After speaking, the door was pushed open.

A maid stood outside the door, bowed respectfully, and said, "Director Ya Fei, Jiama Empire, Jia Xingtian, President of the Alchemist Guild, Fa Yan, Fujiyama, several adults have come and said they have something to see."

The words fell, and the little maid involuntarily raised her head secretly and glanced at Ya Fei, her expression full of doubts.

If someone else asked to see Ya Fei, the little maid would understand.

But what are the identities of Jia Xingtian and Fa Yan, and Fujiyama is the patriarch of the Mittel family and the owner of the Mittel auction house, but these people with such high power and unattainable heights, and now they are humble and use it. The word "seek".

How could the little maid not be Let's go! To explain some things, I have to go to a good show. "Ye Han got up, crossed Ya Fei, stretched his waist, and walked towards the door first.

The little girl lowered her eyebrows and didn't dare to look around, only to see a pair of long legs walking past her eyes.

Immediately, a section of snow-white, round and beautiful legs paused in front of her eyes, and Ya Fei's soft voice sounded, "You don't need to follow, go down!"

"Yes!" the little maid replied.

Ya Fei nodded, retracted her gaze towards the little maid, and chased after Ye Han's back.

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