From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 352: : Xuanling Pavilion

"Starting from Douluo marrying the Second Emperor of Ice and Snow(!

Ya Fei quickly caught up with Ye Han, looked at the man's handsome profile, hesitated for a moment, then took a step forward and wrapped her arms around Ye Han's arms lightly.

If she wants to have a certain status among these powerhouses, she must take advantage of the situation.

As for whose power to borrow, there is no need to say much about this.

"Actually, you can hold it tighter." Ye Han said lightly without turning his head.

Facing the serious Ye Han, Ya Fei had no resistance, she involuntarily obeyed, and hugged his arms tightly.

Then, she felt that arm in her arms, twisting from side to side, constantly grinding.

Ya Fei had just returned to her normal complexion, but in an instant, her blood was congested again, and she turned a deep red.

"You bastard, I'll bite you to death."

Ya Fei scolded and angered, she directly grabbed Ye Han's arm and bit it down.

Of course, she also knew how strong Ye Han's physique was, so naturally she wouldn't really bite.

Ye Han smiled and looked at Ya Fei's bulging childish appearance, knowing that this was a woman who was determining her position in his heart.

Ye Han has always been very tolerant of his own woman, so he let her toss and toss, cooperated with her actions, screamed in his mouth, and kept begging for mercy.

And this scene happened to be watched by Ji Xingtian and Fa Yan.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! ~

"Jan Tian, ​​Fa Qian, Fujiyama, it's quite early!" Ye Han greeted.

When Ya Fei heard this, she didn't believe it at all.

"You bastard, then if I don't bite you, I just want to bully me all day, right?" Ya Fei said vaguely, and the strength in her mouth couldn't help but increase a lot.

"Cough, cough, Yafei."

Mittel Fujiyama couldn't stand it any longer, and said, "It's too outrageous. Love between men and women is a common thing in the world. The adults like you, how can it be called bullying?"

Ya Fei's expression froze, and she raised her head involuntarily, her eyes swept across the faces of Fujiyama, Jia Xingtian, Fa Qian, and then looked at Ye Han with a stiff expression, and finally, she slammed on the back of Ye Han's feet. Step on it.

What the hell!

Ye Han screamed, his handsome face twisted.

Ye Han really understood what it felt like when those high heels stepped on his feet.

It's so painful.

"You, you, are you okay?"

Ya Fei panicked, Ye Han's painful expression had already told her that she had made a big disaster.

"It's okay!~"

Ye Han shook his head, an arm passed through Ya Fei's slender waist, and then slowly slipped down, holding the round, pinching it hard.

Ya Fei's eyes became teary in an instant, and she didn't even need to look at her to know that her **** was definitely swollen.

"If you dare to step on my feet next time, I'll slap your **** into eight pieces." Ye Han smiled and pinched Ya Fei's upturned nose with a doting face.

The old guys on the opposite side peeped at each other, thinking to themselves, are you feeding dogs? Or feed the dog? Or feed the dog?

"Okay, let's not make trouble, then we should talk about business." Ye Han walked into the room behind several people with Ya Fei who was inconvenient to move, and said, "For our newly established forces, you might as well talk about yourselves. idea."

"Well! First of all, what is the purpose of our establishment of this force? I think this should be clear." Mittel Tengshan said first.

Hearing the words, the other two nodded slightly, agreeing with this point of view.

"Then what do you think is the best goal, you can speak freely without any scruples." Ye Han said.

There are so many shrewd and strong old guys, if you have to do everything yourself, what do you want them to do?

"I'm good at business. If I were to set a goal, it would naturally be for a business empire to spread across the continent." Mittel Fujiyama said without hesitation.

Jia Xingtian nodded and said, "My goal is to unify the land of the Western Frontier and build a huge and unique empire, the supreme dynasty."

"I want to use the teacher's alchemy skills to establish a medicinal herb workshop, attract some powerful forces, and then slowly develop, secretly think of myself, this is more appropriate."

Compared with the previous two, Fa Yan's proposal is tantamount to being more stable and moderate.

The three people spoke, each with their own merits, all of which belonged to their own areas of expertise, and they were quite satisfactory.

Ye Han nodded, without expressing his opinion, but looked at Ya Fei who was leaning on him, and said, "What do you think."

Ya Fei took a deep breath, endured the physical discomfort, raised her head from Ye Han's arms, and said, "It depends on your ability."

"As long as you can grasp it, you can blossom everywhere. The three methods can be used together to develop in an all-round way. If you can't grasp it, you can only choose one."

Hearing that, Jia Xingtian, Fa Yan, and Mittel Tengshan, the three of them couldn't help but look at each other, and their gazes towards Ya Fei couldn't help being a little dignified.

This woman's ambition can be seen from the few words she talked about freely.

With Ye Han's help, her future is absolutely limitless.

"Can you hold on to it? That's what you asked."

A weird smile appeared on the corner of Ye Han's mouth. He leaned over slightly and leaned against Ya Fei's ear. He said, "You take off your clothes at night, look at the palm print on your butt, and you'll know if I can grasp it."

"Hey, you, can't you be serious?" Ya Fei was so embarrassed, she pushed Ye Han away and said.

This guy destroys the atmosphere, but he is a good player. The image he just created is now completely destroyed.

"Okay, okay! Now, I am very serious to announce that our force is called Xuanling Pavilion, and it consists of three parts. The first part, the Ministry of Military Affairs, is temporarily in charge of Jia Xingtian, and the plan to conquer the world and unify the western frontier is just I will give it to you to execute it, and at that time, I will send a hundred Douhuang for you to dispatch."

As soon as Ye Han's words came out, the whole place was silent, and no sound could be heard.

"Isn't it just a hundred Douhuang? What's so amazing, a group of ignorant turtles. If it weren't for the transformation of the grass, I could get you hundreds of thousands of Douhuang." Ye Han can easily guess into the minds of these people.

However, these people obviously did not know what Ye Han was thinking.

The power of a world, in a place where birds don't **** on the western edge of the Dou Qi Continent, is so powerful that it can overthrow all the local forces in this barren land at any time.

It is a pity that the absolute power that can affect the entire battle situation is all sealed by the power of this world, otherwise why would it be like this.

Now, we can only do it slowly and develop slowly.

"Mitter Tengshan, from now on, the business method developed by the Mittel family is up to you, called the Ministry of Commerce." Ye Han quickly converged his erratic thoughts, looked at Mittel Tengshan, and said, "If If you need force, find Ya Fei and let her dispatch from it."

"Since you have chosen to join the force I set up, I will naturally not disappoint you. Tomorrow, I will give each of you two Po Zong Dan, which will add punishment to the sky, Fa Yan, you should have 60-70% confidence in taking this pill. Become Douzong, Fujiyama, your strength is still a bit weak, and in the future, let Fa Yan get you a few more pills to improve your cultivation, and the Pozong Pill will be used one day sooner or later." Ye Han said.

It is not a wise move to rely on medicinal pills to improve the realm, and the future improvement of the cultivation base is likely to be greatly affected.

However, for these few people, being able to be promoted to Douzong is already the greatest luck, so why would they care about that.

"Fa Yan, the Alchemy Masters Guild will be called the Pill Department from now on, and you will be in charge." Ye Han said.

The three departments work together, and we will definitely have a place in this Dou Qi Continent in the future.

Today, we are huddled in a corner, unknown to outsiders, but sooner or later, we will be famous on the mainland, become famous in history, and become an existence that future generations will look up to.

Ye Han was impassioned and made a big cake for these people.

Even the three old guys were excited by Ye Han's generous remarks, and they wanted to fight immediately.

"If I'm not here, what is the matter, you can find Ya Fei, she will take over the overall situation in my place." Ye Han said.

Then, regardless of the reaction of these few people, he waved them away directly, and he was going to refine medicine pills for them.

Jia Xingtian and Mittel Tengshan left very But when Fa Qian heard that Ye Han was going to make alchemy, his eyes lit up, his face was stubborn, and he had to stay and help no matter what.

So, Ye Han could only cry with a sad face, while refining Po Zong Dan, while cursing, explaining some medicine refining knowledge to this cheap disciple.

In this regard, the happiest person is Ya Fei.

This woman is really frightened and scared of Ye Han now, especially when she is alone, she is really afraid that Ye Han will suddenly do something to her that everyone is angry with, and at the same time, inevitably, she is also curious about his identity An unknown emotion.

Although the two had known each other for a short time, many of Ya Fei's firsts were given to Ye Han, so how could she be at peace.

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