Chapter 527 Three Girls

Today's Ye Han is very confident.

In the void space, although his Dou Qi cultivation base has not grown much, his understanding of the rules far exceeds that of everyone in the Dou Qi Continent.

At this moment, he was surrounded by a group of real powerhouses. He was extremely calm and possessed the confidence to deal with all powerful enemies.

"It turned out to be you, that mysterious alchemist." Someone said, looking a little surprised.

The others were a little surprised, but at the moment they were tightly surrounding Ye Han, and they had no intention of letting him go.

"Since fellow Daoists have come out of that mysterious space, we will not be around the corner. Fellow Daoists have stayed in that mysterious space for several years and will surely gain something. We will share a little bit with each of us, and we will leave immediately. , After all, your status is noble, and it is not a last resort, we don't want to embarrass you, we really tear our face, everyone's face is not good." One person said.

Very direct, without the slightest bit of bewilderment, and appearing very sincere.

However, Ye Han's response was more direct.

He punched out, the golden fist pierced through the void, as if a big sun swept across the sky, passing over the person who was speaking in an instant.

"Either get out or die, you choose." Ye Han said, and while he was speaking, the person who was blown by his fist unexpectedly dissipated like dust and sand under the blowing of a breeze, turning into invisible, as if he had never been. There is no general.

Hiss! ~

The pupils of the remaining four powerhouses shrank fiercely, and involuntarily took a breath of cold air.

These people were originally allied on a temporary basis, and there was no trust at all. When they saw a person who didn't even respond, they were killed with one blow, and some people immediately retreated.

"Aren't you going yet?"

Ye Han sneered, waved his iron fist again, and the dazzling golden light reappeared...

"I, let's go now..."

One person was frightened and hurriedly said.

"Unfortunately, it's too late." Ye Han shook his head, his dazzling golden iron fist slashed through the void, and directly beat the person who spoke to ashes, leaving no hair behind.

Their eyes swept away slightly, and the body of the remaining three people trembled fiercely, and then, like bereaved dogs, they turned and fled in an instant, disappearing in front of Ye Han's eyes in the blink of an eye.

"I'm going overseas, do you want to come with me?" Ye Han turned to look at Mu Qingluan and Feng Qinger beside him.

When the two heard this, their expressions were full of reluctance, but they still shook their heads.

After leaving for so many years, the two wanted to go back to report first, so that the elders of the sect knew that they were fine.

The three separated, and then, Mu Qingluan and Feng Qinger found a place where no one was around to make an appointment...

"Call me sister."

Mu Qingluan changed her past gentle temperament, rode on Feng Qing'er's back, grabbed her arm with one hand and pressed her shoulder with the other, and said viciously.

"You fart, Ye Han and I knew each other first. If you want to call me, you will call me my sister." Feng Qinger was full of fighting rage, struggling while yelling, but unfortunately, Mu Qingluan was obviously superior and died. suppress her.

"Humph! What if you met first? Would Ye Han accept you if you didn't follow me shamelessly?" Mu Qingluan said.

While speaking, she was a little displeased, she raised her hand and slapped Feng Qinger's buttocks directly.

There was a clear sound, causing Ye Han who was hiding on the side to raise his eyebrows, swallowing his saliva involuntarily.

Suppressing the thought of wanting to go forward and try the feel, Ye Han shook his head and turned away.

Originally, I was worried that the two would encounter danger on the road and be ambushed, but I didn't expect to see such a farce.

Although the two of them shouted fiercely, there is no doubt that they were measured in their shots, and Ye Han was relieved a lot when he didn't make a killing move...

The long journey is long, but for Ye Han, everything is nothing.

Just walking, in a city, Ye Han actually found three people that he didn't expect.

Those were three girls who looked only seventeen or eighteen years old and looked very similar.

Wearing a red dress, with long sky blue hair, a gentle and noble temperament, it is easy to make people feel close.

One person is wearing a black tights, with long hair that is black and shiny, straight and supple like a waterfall. Compared with the girl in red, although the appearance of the two is similar, their temperament is completely different. She is cold, as if born indifferent, a pair of How about keeping strangers away.

And the last girl, wearing a goose-yellow princess dress, is naughty and cute.

Although the appearance of the three people is almost identical, their temperament is completely opposite, and there is no similarity at all.

Ye Han saw the three, and the three naturally saw him.



The two sides spoke almost at the same time and stopped at the same time.

Then, the three figures threw themselves into Ye Han's arms in an instant, as if Ruyan was thrown into her arms.

Holding his three daughters, Ye Han's face showed a smirk that no one had ever seen since he came to this world.

"When did you come out? Where's your mother? Where's your aunt? Are they all okay?" Ye Han said, forcing the excitement in his heart down.

"It's been more than three months since you came out, Mom, Aunt, and Aunt Xiaoxue. They parted ways and went to find you." The boss raised his head lightly, blinked his big watery eyes, and looked at Ye Han with a soft voice. road.

"Then why don't you follow your mother? How dangerous is it for you to run out?" Ye Han looked at his daughter and said.

"Dad, don't underestimate We are very strong now. I remember that when we entered the space to cultivate, we seemed to have made a bet that we now have the strength of the Seven Star Fighting Saints in this world. What about you, Dad?" The second child Qingxuan asked.

Ye Han "..."

He smiled and didn't dare to speak.

"Okay! If that's the case, then I won't hold you accountable for the things you sneaked out of." Ye Han said.

"Don't be rude, if you want to gamble, you must admit defeat!" Qing Wu said, not giving Ye Han any chance to change the subject.

"How is it possible to cheat, am I the one who cheated?" Ye Han looked at the third child dissatisfied and said.

As a result, I saw the three daughters cast him the same look you are.

Ye Han "..."

He felt that the image of his majestic old father had completely collapsed.

In order to maintain his last image, he could only bite the bullet and say, "Tell me! I'm willing to admit defeat, if you have any requirements, please mention it!"

"Hee hee! It's almost the same." Qing Wu smiled and rolled her eyes. Just when Ye Han thought this girl was going to ask something to make things difficult for her, she heard her suddenly say, "I heard that mother and you Being together, there are misunderstandings, helplessness, and sadness. As far as we know, your mother has suffered a lot for you, and you must treat your mother well in the future, you know."

Ye Han heard the words and nodded immediately.

Then, the three daughters stood on tiptoe one by one and kissed him on the face, which was such a sincere response to him.

(End of this chapter)

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