From Douluo Marrying the Snow Queen

Chapter 527: : grown up girl

Back then, Bo Saixi was the high priest of Seagod Island, but he was just a disguised soul beast who ran to Seagod Island to try his luck, delusionally trying to inherit the Seagod's position.

In the end, he didn't get the right to inherit the Sea God's position, but was humiliated by others with sarcasm. Of course, he couldn't get angry, so he used his foresight to deceive the invincible Bo Saixi to land on the land.

Then, in the capital of slaughter, they got along day and night. A simple woman didn't know that he had secret feelings for him. It was a mistake. Ye Han thought that he had done a beast to Bo Saixi, so he took care of him.

However, when they left the Slaughter City, the two had a dispute over their beliefs, and the previous Oolong incident was resolved.

At that time, Ye Hanxiu was still shallow enough to fight against the extreme emotions contained in Bloody Mary, which led to his extreme and dark thoughts. He relied on the double crushing of the power of the body and the soul, and used the capital of slaughter to attack Bo Saixi. The limitation of , stretched out its claws to Po Saixi...

Then he had three more daughters.

However, seeing each other again after a lapse of many years, what he returned to Bo Saixi was a ruthless spear.

Although he has made a lot of repairs since then, the injury is the injury, and this cannot be changed in any way.

Now, there are more and more women around me. In the future...

There must be a way.

Hearing his daughter's request, Ye Han nodded cautiously.

In this life, there are two women he loves the most, but to him, the most important women in his life, the women who can never let go, are four, Binger, Bo Saixi, Qian Renxue and Tang Yuehua.

These women have left a deep impression on his life, which he will never forget, and there is no way to give up.

Seeing his expression, the three daughters knew that he was serious, so they stood on tiptoe and rewarded him on the face.

Ye Han smiled and touched his cheeks, then rubbed the heads of his three daughters, "Let's go! Follow me to find your mother."


The three nodded obediently, and then they disappeared the next day.

Being trapped in one place for more than ten years, and now breathing the air of freedom, how could it be possible to restrain the three girls' hearts that yearn for freedom again.

Ye Han smiled bitterly and touched his nose.

Then there is only one person who embarks on the road of finding a wife.

This time, the only people who came out were Xue Di, Bo Saixi, Qian Renxue, Gu Yuena and three daughters. Most of the others were still lacking in strength, so they were still cultivating.

After Ye Han learned of this situation, he knew that these women thought the world was too dangerous.

Snow Emperor, Bo Saixi, Qian Renxue, plus one Gu Yuena and four Nine Star Fighting Saints, can completely walk sideways on this road.

It's a pity that they didn't know the birds of Dou Qi Continent, and they were afraid that their cultivation would be too shallow and would cause unnecessary trouble to Ye Han, so it was just the Snow Emperor and the three people who had been suffocated and Qing Wu who came out to help Ye Han first.

However, due to the chaos caused by a pill, Ye Han could only transfer the soul beast family, and he could only escape thousands of miles away...

"Where did you go?" Ye Han looked up at the sky, eager to see those few people, but he didn't know where to find them for a while.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Han's eyes suddenly lit up.

He thought of the boundless sea.

The soul beasts were divided into two waves, and part of them remained in the original Warcraft Mountains, but the ocean recycling was to migrate to the sea. This was a long-established strategy, and Bo Saixi knew this very well.

So, no matter what, Bo Saixi and the others will definitely go to the Boundless Sea.

When he thought of it, he left. Ye Han turned his vindictive energy and used the power of rules. A time-space tunnel opened, and Ye Han stepped into it.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed in a flash.

After three days of journey, Ye Han set foot in the boundless sea.

It has to be said that the Dou Qi Continent is indeed too large, and its area is far from comparable to that of the Douluo Continent.

Even with Ye Han's cultivation, he did not sleep or restless, and it took three days to cross the endless distance and arrive at this boundless sea.

The majestic sea and the boundless sky really answer the saying that the sky is high and the sea is wide.

In this vast world, Ye Han was walking alone, and walking, he lost his way.

After wandering around like this for half a month, Ye Han finally came to an island that looked beautiful from the outside, but was actually covered with layers of restrictions and full of crises.

Ye Han used his supernatural powers, his eyes shone brightly, his eyes penetrated the nothingness, and he saw a figure on the island, but he was forbidden and his vision was a little blurred, so he couldn't see clearly.

Ye Hanyi was daring, went straight through the ban, landed on the island, and saw that person in a valley.

Perhaps because of fate, Ye Han ran into his fiancée, Taixu Gulong... Zi Yan.

At this time, Zi Yan is no longer the cyan and tender little girl back then. After so many years, the 12- or 13-year-old girl when we first met is now completely open, and because of taking special genius treasures , On her back, there were a pair of wide purple-gold wings.

The girl is tall and slender, nearly 1.9 meters tall, with attractive curves, long purple-gold hair and straight vertical hips, giving people a strange and strange beauty.

Ye Han came not to be a thief, but to find a way, so naturally he didn't hide himself, Zi Yan found Ye Han instantly.

After seeing Ye Han, the vigilant eyes instantly turned into consternation.

"have not seen you for a long time!"

"Why are you here?"

Ye Han and Zi Yan spoke almost at the same time.

Then Ye Han smiled slightly and said, "I lost my way. I originally wanted to ask someone for directions, but I never expected to see you here."

"Really?" Zi Yan opened her mouth, looking suspicious, not believing his words.

The island where he is diving is remote, and even if he knows the location, it is not easy to find. Ye Han is able to get here by rushing around. Zi Yan said that he couldn't believe it.

"Why are I lying to you? By the way, since you are here, do you know which direction Queen Medusa and the others are in, the woman in red who was with me last time." Ye Han said.

"do not know."

As soon as Ye Han mentioned Queen Medusa, Zi Yan took the lead, her tone slightly cold.

Ye Han was slightly stunned, wondering if this girl had taken the wrong medicine, why did she suddenly lose her temper?

"Looking at your strength, you have only just been Dou Zun, this is for you." Ye Han said.

In that mysterious place of nothingness, Ye Han has refined many medicinal pills, among which is the Jiuzhuan Now, seeing the old man, Ye Han is quite generous, and he gave her one directly.

Zi Yan herself has the talent for treasure hunting, and she can naturally feel the strength of the medicinal pill that Ye Han took out.

"You, why did you give me such a valuable thing?" Zi Yan held the medicine pill sent by Ye Han in the palm of her hand, but did not put it away immediately, but asked suspiciously.

While speaking, a faint blush appeared on his face.

She thought of what her father told her when she came back to help Ye Han out of the siege.

If that kid wants to marry my daughter, don't even think about it if you don't have ten or eight ninth-grade medicine pills.

Although the words were mixed with jokes, Zi Yan took it to heart.

Seeing that Ye Han suddenly gave him such a precious medicinal pill at this moment, the little girl's heart could not help speeding up slightly, her face blushed and her heart was beating.

Ye Han is not stupid, the girl's abnormality also caught his attention, and his mind was racing, and he probably guessed what she was thinking.

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, Ye Han quickly stepped forward and said, "You are my little daughter-in-law, what's wrong with me giving you something?"

"You, who? Who is your little daughter-in-law? Don't you talk nonsense?" Hearing this, Zi Yan's beautiful face was instantly congested, and she waved her hands in a panic.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, do you really not know where Queen Medusa and the others are?" Seeing this, Ye Han stopped teasing her and asked again.

"I, I'll take you there!" Zi Yan hesitated a little, then said.

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