Hokage World,

Konoha Village, Hokage Building.

Since the Third Ninja World War, although Konoha Village has suffered an unknown number of blows in turn, after so many years, it has eased up.

With its singing birds and trees, Konoha Village, which has a unique geographical location among the five major countries, is amazed by its vitality after recuperation.

However, unlike the happy scene outside the window, the interior of the Hokage Building is filled with countless swords and shadows.

The three-generation Hokage Ape Hibiki, who was sitting by the window bathing in the sun, and Shimura Danzo, who was hiding in the darkness opposite him, formed a sharp contrast between light and dark, and the two looked at each other without giving in, and the silent atmosphere showed solemnity.

“Enough, Hinata!”

Shimura Danzo suddenly slammed the table and said coldly: “You know better than anyone the importance and harm of the Nine Tails to the village, how dare you let him become a ninja and release the village, are you crazy?!” ”

“His leader is Kakashi, I believe in his abilities, and I believe in Naruto’s child’s perseverance.”

Ape Fei Ri shook his head and said very calmly

“Also, Danzo, I warned you many times not to hit the idea of the Nine-Tails Pillar Force again…”

Ape Fei Ri paused, his eyes drooped slightly, and a trace of coldness flashed:

“It’s not something you can meddle in!”

“But the difference between the danger and the benefits of this is too great, you give me the help of the Nine-Tails, and in less than ten years, I can cultivate it into the strongest weapon, when the time comes…”

Although Sarutobi Slash’s tone was full of warning, it was clear that Danzo did not take it to heart and continued to bargain here.

“Enough Danzo, what Konoha needs now is peace, my determination cannot be changed, you have to remember, I am the Hokage!”

Ape Fei Ri narrowed his eyes, narrowed all his gaze, and seemed to be very calm.

But! Shimura Danzo, who knew him best, knew that whenever Sarutobi showed this expression, his determination could not be changed.

Helplessly, Tuan Zang could only turn around and leave, leaving a cold sentence: “Richop, you will regret it!” ”

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a huge roar filled the entire room, no, the whole world, and since then it has spread even to the heavens and realms!


As Sarutobi Hinata and Shimura Danzo’s eyes flashed, a huge screen of light appeared in front of them:

[Inventory of the strange nicknames of the heavens and realms!!] Top10: Three Shinobi of Konoha Village, Ninja Three Forbidden Yellow Gambling Drugs!! 】

【Click to watch?】 】

“What? Ninjutsu or illusion? ”

Looking at this sudden screen, Ape Flying Sun almost sent out a fire dragon flame bomb, as for why he used a fire shield, of course, it was because he was the strongest “fire” shadow in the third generation!

However, thinking that this was his own Hokage Hall, he resisted the urge to carefully observe the screen in front of him and muttered in his mouth.

“It’s definitely not an illusion, but it’s not like ninjutsu doesn’t seem to be harmful.”

Shimura Danzo, who saw this scene, also abruptly stopped walking away, and turned back, several pupils on his body circulating rapidly, secretly making judgments.

“Since it looks harmless, then sit down and take a look, the heavens and realms… The title seems a bit interesting, and besides, is it a story about us in Konoha? ”

The startled ape Fei Ri sat back again, clicked to watch with interest, his eyes flashed a trace of gloom, but his face still smiled and said: “Are those three guys?” It’s been a long time since I heard from the three of them, and where is Konoha Sanshinto’s strange nickname? ”


Shimura Danzo snorted coldly, he didn’t have a good face for this old friend who had just embarrassed himself:

“Just pretend that you can’t see the next few words, yellow gambling and drugs, you alone can be regarded as occupied, no wonder you can teach these good apprentices.”


The inventory of the heavens and realms naturally cannot be limited to one world or one place.

At this moment, not only the Hokage Hall, but also the entire Hokage World and even the entire Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds, such a light screen appeared in the eyes of everyone.

“Eh, what is this? New movies? A new work in Wind Snow Painted Sauce? Is she coming to our Konoha to make a new movie? ”

Some of the Konoha villagers exclaimed, but soon the people around them retorted:

“What kind of joke, what movie can do this level, and it’s obvious above that it’s our Konoha’s Sanshin-sama!”

“Of course we know about Lord Sannin, but what happened to the yellow gambling and drugs that followed?”

“Shut up, don’t say it, the picture is out!”


Sword Art Online.

“Kirito-kun, come and eat.”

Asuna, whose wife’s attribute value was bursting, brought in the prepared meal, and the whole room was immediately filled with this rich fragrance.

Even in the game, it is a hook!


Kirito, who had returned from sword practice, saw this scene and immediately sighed happily: “This kind of life is really beautiful, Asuna, if…”

“What do you think! Hurry up and eat, after eating, the battle will continue, black-clad swordsman! ”

Asuna smiled helplessly, not expecting that she exuded a tenderness that was almost visible to the naked eye, how easily intoxicated.

However, Kirito is Kirito after all, and after a short period of stunned, he quickly sobered up, pulled away a chair and sat down, admiring while eating:

“The craftsmanship is as good as ever, Asuna, it’s just a pity.”

“Pity what?”

“It’s a pity that if this is in reality, it is still comfortable to watch TV and cook at the same time.”

Kirito felt a little regretful, and Asuna on the side shook her head a little helplessly: “You, you, can’t eat your mouth.” ”

“Good, good, don’t say it, don’t say it…”

However, before Kirito’s words fell, a huge light screen appeared in front of them:

[Inventory of the strange nicknames of the heavens and realms!!] Top10: Three Shinobi of Konoha Village, Ninja Three Forbidden Yellow Gambling Drugs!! 】

【Click to watch?】 】

This sudden change made the two look at each other: Omi Tofu, this TV is really coming?


One Punch Man World,

“Not enough, not enough!”

In a silent and uninhabited wood, fierce battles broke out, no, this is not a battle, it is simply a one-sided massacre!

The physically strong hungry wolf constantly punched, constantly strengthening himself, and fighting against the group of “heroes” in front of him.

The domineering posture and unrivaled momentum seemed to announce: “You people have been surrounded by me alone!” ”

Naw, words like that.

And it’s true, a few B-class and C-level heroes really make the hungry wolf unable to fight the spirit.

“It’s too weak, it’s just too weak!”

When the evil wolf knocked the last hero unconscious, he didn’t have any sense of venting, but his hands itched more and more, making his blood rise and become more and more irritable:

“It’s not challenging at all, I want to become stronger, I have to challenge the strong, so that the strong man I can’t match now!”

At this time, with a roar, a light curtain appeared in front of the eyes of the hungry wolf or in the eyes of everyone in the world:

[Inventory of the strange nicknames of the heavens and realms!!] Top10: Three Shinobi of Konoha Village, Ninja Three Forbidden Yellow Gambling Drugs!! 】

【Click to watch?】 】

“Heavens and Worlds!”

Unlike the other people’s concerns, the hungry wolf’s eyes condensed on the first few words, and the corners of his mouth also rose, revealing an arrogant and arrogant look:

“As soon as I heard this name, I knew that there were many, many strong people, interesting, so interesting! Hahahaha! ”

In a burst of wild laughter, the hungry wolf clicked at the same time as the others, confirm to watch!

With their operation, strange and full of all kinds of touching pictures slowly spread out in front of the eyes of the heavens and realms.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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