From Konoha Sannin, take stock of Zongman’s weird nicknames!

From Konoha Sannin, take stock of Zongman’s weird nicknames!


315 Chapters Ongoing Status

this day.

When the list came, the wonderful and famous scenes that were counted attracted the attention of the heavens and the world once it was broadcast.

Top ten, take stock of Konoha Sannin, one of the rumored pornographic gambling drugs


this day.

When the list came, the wonderful and famous scenes that were counted attracted the attention of the heavens and the world once it was broadcast.

Top ten, take stock of Konoha Sannin, one of the rumored pornographic gambling drugs, the lecherous fairy Ziraiya.

top nine, take stock of Jin Xingxian: If krypton gold can become stronger, then I must be the strongest!

this day.

People have finally realized the fear of being dominated by the scenes of strange titles, and the embarrassing shame of black history being uncovered time and time again.


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