“But what the hell should I do?!”

Sonic’s fist hit the ground angrily, his eyes full of tears.

If only there was no chance.

But now I finally saw the hope of revenge, and in an instant, I made such a big oolong, and my hope was shattered, so who can bear it?

“Naruto Uzumaki, you are an idiot, how could you come up with such a move as a hole card? And it worked! ”

“Wait… Did it work?! ”

Sonic’s heart moved slightly, and he seemed to have thought of something.

Of course, Sonic certainly didn’t want to repeat the trick like Naruto Uzumaki, wearing women’s clothes or using some kind of seduction to seduce.

After all, he can’t pull that face, and that bald head may not be deceived.

Sonic looked through the surface of the video. I saw the essence of this trick applied.

This so-called reverse harem technique can have an effect on this god. It’s not that this move is so powerful.

It’s just that I just happened to use the right opponent!

If it is to change an opponent, such as the previous Uchiha spot, then I think whether it is a harem technique or an anti-harem technique, it will not have any effect.

“It seems that I did go a little crazy before…”

Sonic exhaled deeply, his previous self was indeed a little stunned because of the large gap in strength because he wanted revenge.

Now think about it, in order to defeat this bald head, you don’t necessarily have to blindly improve yourself, to find out the weaknesses of the other party and restrain them, which is also a very important method!

“So, Saitama, let me observe you well, and the day your true weakness is exposed will be the “four-seven-seven” road to your demise! ”

Sonic clenched his fists fiercely, and his eyes laughed fiercely:

“Hahaha, don’t worry, this day won’t wait long!”


The camera actually moved again!

In the video, Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha who were still fighting side by side just now, actually looked at each other at this moment, and the atmosphere during the period was even more tense.

At the same time, the subtitles also give a direct explanation:

[Naruto Final Battle: Sasuke Uchiha vs Naruto Uzumaki, Final Battle Valley!] 】

At this moment, everyone’s eyes were pulled back again.

“There is even a plot? Isn’t this all defeating the gods who want to destroy the world? Now it’s time for infighting! ”

“Is emmmm a feud between comrades and brothers? It’s really clichéd, and it’s really sad…”

Although seeing the comrades who were still fighting side by side just now turned against each other, the audience in the heavens and realms was a little stunned.

However, no matter how much they say it, this battle can make up for their disappointment just now.

So everyone who thought of here cheered up and watched the video seriously.

The excitement of this battle will definitely not disappoint them, just that Sasuke Uchiha sealed the nine tailed beasts as soon as he made a move, and this operation lifted everyone’s spirits.

“So strong! Unexpectedly, nine Earth Explosion Stars were condensed at once, and Payne or Nagato before the operation was completed, it was too strong! ”

“I’ll go. Then again, Naruto Uzumaki’s body is only half a nine-tailed, and he sealed eight and a half with this shot, how else to fight! ”

“Shouldn’t it be a one-sided fight, or that even Naruto Uzumaki can’t escape the end of certain death?”


Hokage World.

“Why did Sasuke fight me?”

Naruto Uzumaki, who saw this scene in the video, was very unhappy, said depressedly, turned his head and wanted to find Sasuke next to him, but looked left and right and did not see the figure, and suddenly asked with some doubt:

“Eh, where’s Sasuke?”


With a bang, Uchiha Sasuke appeared beside him with an instantaneous technique, but he only snorted coldly and did not speak.

“You’re talking, Sasuke, why are you fighting me?”

Hearing this succession of inquiries, Sasuke Uchiha was a little speechless.

This idiot.

How can the future self fight with him, how can the current self know the reason?

However, I am really strong at this time!

Sasuke Uchiha raised his head and looked at himself with kaleidoscope chakra eyes and reincarnation eyes in the video, and a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

I think that at this time, I must have surpassed that man and avenged my family!

At that time, did you kill him?

Uchiha Sasuke sighed deeply, thinking of a possibility, and his mood was very depressed for a while.


And Naruto Uzumaki on the other side was even more depressed. Scratching his head and shouting:

“Damn, you’re still like this! Just wait for me to blow you up in the video! ”

“Huh, it’s up to you?”

Hearing this, Uchiha Sasuke’s expression finally changed, but he looked at Naruto Uzumaki and said with disdain:

“You were not my opponent before, you are not my opponent now, and you will not be my opponent in the future!”

“Not necessarily!”

Naruto Uzumaki raised his head and smiled proudly, with a hint of cunning in his eyes.

Now he has gained the power of the Nine Tails!

Especially the Nine Tails, who saw the final battle scene, saw himself and this fool in the video, and actually reached the point of connecting hearts.

Although he didn’t understand it, the Nine Tails was not stupid, he was very aware of the squalor between humans.

Therefore, in order to avoid this possibility in the future, the Nine Tails still chose to teach Naruto Uzumaki to get used to his powers.

Such a change made Naruto Uzumaki very proud, and now he is stronger than before, I don’t know how many times.

“Oh, not necessarily.”

When Uchiha Sasuke heard this, he did not refute it, but the corners of his mouth unconsciously rose.

This arrogant and cold appearance caused the surroundings to know much, and the little fan girl screamed for it.

Too lazy to talk nonsense here with Naruto Uzumaki, this idiot, Sasuke Uchiha shook his head and looked at his palm.

During this period, the thunder arc flashed!


In the video, the two guys of Uchiha Sasuke and Naruto Uzumaki have exchanged hands fiercely.

Starting from the most basic physical skills and ninjutsu, it seems to be increasing the chips little by little, and the two people threw out their hole cards one by one.

Put a spiral pellet here, spray a big fireball on that!

You use a shadow avatar technique, I use a move of Yan Thunder God!

If you play the jade of the Dao, I will open the arrow of Indra!!


In this way, the battle reached its most intense level when the two sides turned on Susanoo and the Nine-Tails mode.

It seems that the audience of the heavens and realms is very addicted, and I have to say that although when several people fought Kaguya before, it seemed that the scale of the battle was even larger.

But I have to say that the battle was really a bit of a joke, far from being so exciting at this moment! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

In this way, under the attention of the audience of the heavens, a purple giant and a golden fox fought fiercely.

It’s just that at this time, everyone looked at it and found that something was wrong, that is, Naruto Uzumaki seemed to have been passively beaten, and there was no intention of taking the initiative to fight back.

And Sasuke Uchiha in the video also frowned and said condescendingly:

“If you are beaten passively all the time, you will die!”


Naruto Uzumaki gasped, it was clear that such a way of fighting was not a small drain on him.

But his eyes still looked firmly at Uchiha Sasuke in the sky, and said firmly:

“I don’t want to kill you!”

This familiar sentence made people such as the Heavenly Realm instantly fight their spirits.

“I’m going, is the mouth shield coming again?”

“Although I do like the character of Naruto Uzumaki, but Sasuke Uchiha don’t talk to him anymore, run quickly, it’s hell ahead!”

“Gee, originally I thought that Naruto Uzumaki was beaten quite badly, but hearing this, I suddenly seemed to realize the end of Uchiha Sasuke, it was really miserable.”

Just as everyone was complaining, the two in the video fought again.

But as the battle progressed, Naruto Uzumaki soon fell into decline.

After all, at this time, Uchiha Sasuke not only possessed the six-level reincarnation eye, but also absorbed the power of a whole eight half-tailed beasts.

And Naruto Uzumaki, after all, only half a nine-tailed, even if the amount of his own chakra should not be underestimated, but in this kind of battle, he deservedly entered the downwind.

However, when the camera turned, the picture came to a remote corner, it was a doppelganger of Naruto Uzumaki, who was absorbing fairy energy here.

Everyone who watched this called Lao Liu, but they didn’t expect that Naruto Uzumaki, a thick-eyed man who looked thick eyebrows, actually left such a hand behind his back….

Sure enough, after this part of the energy was absorbed by Naruto Uzumaki, he, who was already in a state of exhaustion, once again fought evenly with Sasuke Uchiha!

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

I don’t know how many hair-tailed beast jade and Indra’s arrow collided violently in the air.

Each shot carries the momentum of destroying the world and the earth, and every collision erupts into a terrifying power in the sky!


Dragon Ball World.

“What a powerful force!”

The young Monkey King gestured his fist and said excitedly:

“I feel that every shot is more powerful than my turtle sect qigong wave! But they can use it so many times, so powerful, I really want to fight with them. ”

“Stop arguing!”

Klin on the side covered his ears, he really couldn’t stand it, and quickly stopped it.

But before he could say more, his eyes suddenly widened and he looked at the screen and shouted:

“Look, they’re all going to send out the final trick!”


That’s right, in the video, Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki, who have always been deadlocked in the confrontation, finally couldn’t bear it anymore.

The purple giant on one side gathered all the power of the tailed beast, condensing an Indra arrow that was more terrifying than any of the previous ones.

The golden fox on that side was not to be outdone, at this moment, he had three heads and six arms, and he had condensed three spiral shurikens with different attributes!

At this time, both Sasuke Uchiha, who was determined to target, and Naruto Uzumaki, who wanted to pull his companions back to the right path, were desperate.

At this moment, they all used their full strength to blow!


In the next instant, these two terrifying moves collided directly together, bursting into dazzling light.

The entire heaven and earth seemed to tremble with this terrifying move, and they were completely silent.

However, in the next second, a terrifying huge light wave exploded directly in the sky.

The earth was torn apart one terrifying hole after another, and any object that touched the attack disappeared in an instant.

Even the originally silent lake, at this moment, all the water vapor was completely blown up into the sky, forming a huge and thick tornado cloud.

Such a terrifying power is enough to be called destroying the heavens and the earth!!

And the audience of the Heavens and Worlds was shocked that in addition to the terrifying power of these two moves, they also paid attention to the situation of Naruto Vortex and Sasuke Uchiha.

It was really hard for them to imagine that they were under the influence of this horrific explosion.

Even nature, which claims to contain all things, is extremely fragile at this moment, and is wantonly destroyed.

So how can these two humans, who are at the center of demolition, survive?

You can’t end up in this move…

Fortunately, the lens stretched 3.9, and two figures appeared in the picture again.

At this moment, the two were completely exhausted, completely gone, and the strength they had when they first started fighting.

Whether it is physical strength, or the chakra used to release ninjutsu, it has almost completely dried up at this time!

However, just when everyone thought that the battle was going to end in a draw.

These two people were still holding their crippled bodies, and with the last bit of strength, they attacked each other.

At this time, the battle did not have the variety of techniques before, nor did it have all kinds of bells and whistles.

Everything was restored to the most primitive and violent fighting.

You punch, I kick.

These two men, whose strength had reached the peak of the world, began to fight like punks in the street at this moment.

Such a strong contrast did not cause the audience of the heavens and realms to laugh, but made them look at these two people with more respect in their eyes.

Because, at this moment, the two are acting completely by their own will.

This persistence, this terrifying perseverance, moved everyone.

Finally, I don’t know how long it took.

The two finally recovered a trace of strength, looked at each other, and turned out to be the same, and chose the final sprint!!

It’s just that this time Uchihasa’s assistant is Ratchet with a soil life, and Naruto Uzumaki only has an ordinary spiral pill in his hand.

Seeing this scene, everyone’s hearts flooded with indescribable sadness.

Isn’t this dead?

Sure enough, the protagonist of the video can’t escape this fate of death anyway?!

However, at this moment, the mutation suddenly appeared! .

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