The audience of the heavens and realms was talking, but this did not affect the fierce battle on the battlefield at this time, nor did it affect Tanjiro’s resolute heart at this moment.

After all, the latter comment is right, even if you know that you are running away at this time, it is the most appropriate thing to spread the news.

But is it really the most correct?

Perhaps most people think it is, but there are also many people who are difficult ~ to accept.

Just like Tanjiro now, he simply can’t convince his heart, can’t watch this multi-handed ghost wreak havoc in the novice village, and run away by himself.

He, after all, doesn’t look like the pre-selector who escaped before…

Even if what he did may not be appropriate, even if it may cost his life, Tanjiro can’t turn back, and he finally chooses to continue fighting!



Tanjiro roared loudly, as if he was cheering himself up, and then rushed straight up.

Brush brush brush brush –

I have to say that his knife is really fast, and the training during this period is simply unimaginably large for Tanjiro’s improvement.

Cutting these ordinary arms is as simple as drinking water.

Soon, Tanjiro approached the side of the multi-handed ghost.

However, of course, things will not be solved so simply, just as Tanjiro was sprinting, the sudden feeling made him directly stunned:

“What’s the situation? The smell of ghosts on the ground? ”

Thinking of this, Tanjiro did not hesitate at all and jumped directly high.


Tanjiro’s guess was correct, and the moment he jumped, four thick arms directly broke through the ground and rushed towards him.

If it weren’t for Tanjiro’s quick reaction just now, he would have been really cold at this time.

“What just happened? How did Tanjiro predict that the attack would come from underground, and how did he react so quickly? Is there a big guy who can explain it! ”

“Isn’t it obvious that his nose and sense of smell smell ghosts and gush from under the ground before reacting…”

“But this is also too outrageous, before to be able to smell different smells in the home, smell the smell of blood from so far away, this is ridiculous enough.”

But now that you can smell the underground, this guy Emmmm Jiro must be a dog. ”


In fact, let alone the audiences of the heavens, even the powerful multi-handed ghosts who have always responded with disdain are also a little shocked at this time:

“Good, so fast, so high, I couldn’t solve it at once!”

However, this did not have any impact on the overall battle situation, and after seeing the situation in the field, the multi-handed ghost became proud.

“Hmph, although the reaction is fast, but ah, you can’t dodge this blow in the air!”

Saying that, several arms on his body fused and condensed again, obviously wanting to repeat the old trick.


The next moment, a thick arm quickly launched out, straight to Tanjiro’s face, and Tanjiro in the air could not change his body at all, and it was difficult to even resist, let alone dodge.

This blow seems to be a must.

However, the pride of the multi-handed ghost is obviously premature, does he really think that his own operation can solve the protagonist of the video in front of him?

It is clear that this cannot be!

Tanjiro’s tumultuous operation is far more outrageous than he imagined…


A violent crash sounded, and without exception, Tanjiro once again exerted the characteristics of his head iron, and a heavy head mallet directly twisted the arm of the multi-handed ghost.

And Tanjiro also successfully dodged this attack with the counterforce brought by the head hammer, and his figure continued to roll. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And that’s not all, Tanjiro stepped on this thick arm as a pedal, and rushed towards the heads of many ghosts.

This tumultuous operation not only stunned the multi-handed ghosts, but also the audience of the elderly heavens exclaimed in the groove!

At this time, in addition to expressing endless exclamation and admiration for this future pillar.

More of a silent mourning for this multi-handed ghost.

Let you this guy look for death!

What’s wrong with attacking? Isn’t it to attack the head of the pillar of the hall with its own shortness?

Although the audience is not unaware of the reaction of the multi-handed ghost, the operation is normal, and attacking other parts will definitely attract the counterattack of Tanjiro’s blade.

But at this time, they still couldn’t help but complain, after all, whoever saw this scene was difficult to keep calm!

Can’t complain about the head pillar, and can’t complain about your old sixth boss nested in the novice village?


The picture returned to the battlefield, and the multi-handed ghost who noticed that the situation was not simple also put away his sadistic heart and took it seriously.

Obviously, as an old sixth who can hide in this novice village for decades, the rampant pride and complacency are only external manifestations.

More nature in the heart or cautious and careful!

Also, if it were really that kind of arrogant fool, it would have been exposed to the news and attracted encirclement, or it would have been devoured by other kinds.


In an instant, the thick arm of the multi-handed ghost was constantly surging, and several small arms flew out, which was extremely terrifying.

However, Tanjiro really ignored it, his eyes became more and more fierce, staring ahead, and only one thought remained.

“Mental power is fully concentrated, breath of water!”

Brush brush brush ————

All the tiny arms were useless in front of him, and they were easily cut off.

And Tanjiro’s momentum also climbed to the peak at this moment, and with a high jump, he arrived in front of the multi-handed ghost head.

The spirit and spirit, at this moment, have all been united, the power condensation is surging, and everyone looks at this scene, and their hearts are a little excited.

Because they know that the next moment, the next blow, must be as powerful as Shi Shao!

“The interval was shortened a lot…”

Seeing this scene, even with the strength of the multi-handed ghost, a cold sweat broke out at this moment, staring closely ahead, although panicked, his heart was still forcibly comforting himself:

“But it’s okay, my neck is hard, this guy is chopping constantly!”

“One type!”

At this time, Tanjiro had already decided on his move, and his strength began to appear, and he went forward.

But the multi-handed ghost in front of him is still daydreaming, constantly fantasizing about the next scene:

“It’s okay, it must be okay, I’ll crush your head after you can’t cut my neck!”

“Same as that flesh-haired guy, the same!”.

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