“So that’s the case, this time it’s for the body!”

Without smiling slightly, he directly took the rotating wind demon shuriken with his bare hands, and said coldly: “But, it’s too naïve!” ”

However, Uchiha Sasuke’s attack is far more than that, in the shadow of that shuriken, there is also a shuriken!

“This is it, Kagejutsu no Kageno!”

There is also the situation of the second wind demon shuriken in the dead end, which makes many viewers feel refreshed and stare at the video in front of them.

“It’s really naïve!”

No longer a little surprised, but also just a little surprised, I saw him sneering, just jumped slightly, and dodged the attack of this shuriken.

However, the combined attack of the two video protagonists, how can Yu be so simple?

When the corners of Uchiha Sasuke’s mouth hooked a proud arc, Nami had already been killed by the wind demon shuriken, and turned directly into Naruto Uzumaki!

This is the most basic transformation technique, and the basic technique can also be effective when it is used at a critical time.


Naruto Uzumaki roared angrily, throwing the bitterness in his hand quickly.

Such a sudden change did not make everyone expect, including no more!

Under this sudden attack, he had to break away from the water dungeon technique in his hand and quickly turned sideways.

But even so, this move left a scratch on his face.

This is his first injury since the battle!

“You stinky little devil!”

Enraged, he didn’t shout loudly, and he wanted to use the wind demon shuriken in his hand to kill the little devil in front of him.

However, at this critical moment, Kakashi, who had already escaped from trouble, actually blocked this shuriken with only the back of his hand!

The real battle only began at this moment…

“Ugly, Shen, Xuan, Zi…”

Kakashi, who had the eyes of the chakra, did not show weakness and quickly copied the movements of the other party.

That extreme hand speed made him obviously belong to him who copied later, and he actually completed it at the same time with the Zaibu chop in front of him!

“Water escape, water dragon technique!”

This standard sealing method looked at the audience’s eyes shining, and there was no discussion in the comment area before, but now it was instantly lively in the group.

Sonic: “With so many marks, this should be a very powerful ninjutsu.” ”

Tanjiro: “The means are very peculiar, the power is also very strong, it looks really cool!” ”

Genos: “Hmm… However, that is, these two people are using the same means, otherwise in a normal battle, how can they waste time so much time to prepare.~? ”

Thousand hands: “What, I don’t know what to say, in fact, when I use this trick, I only make three seals…”

Between the Thousand Hand Pillars: “Seal? What is Printing? Isn’t that thing clapping your hands and shouting what’s coming? ”

Jiraiya: “Don’t say anything about the two Hokage-sama, it’s just too shocking, I thought it was outrageous enough for me to make a mark with my feet, but you guys are even more!” ”

The picture returns to the video, the entangled two water dragons have collapsed, it is clear that this move is still indistinguishable between the two and the loser.

It is clear that it was copied later, and the other party actually tied with himself?

Such an ending makes it unacceptable to be chopped…

Even this is not the end, the unbelievers no longer plan to seal again, wanting to solve the other party.

This time, however, Kakashi was even faster!

Before he could produce a few seals, Kakashi’s side had already completed ninjutsu:

“Water escape, the art of the waterfall!”

In an instant, the terrifying water wave rushed straight in, rushing the incredible one directly into the water, and it was impossible to control the figure at all.

The fierce current swept everything, even the big trees by the river were not spared, and they were wrapped and rushed far, far away.

Until he was washed under a tree, the huge impact made Zai Wu Chop almost lose his ability to resist.

Brush brush brush!

Several rounds of suffering also followed, completely sealing the opponent’s limbs, so that they could no longer resist.

That’s how powerful Kakashi the copy ninja is!

However, just when everyone thought that they could solve the enemy immediately, several flying needles also flew and directly hit the neck of the no longer chopped.

The caller claims to be the dark part of the village of Mist and pursues the ninja.

It’s the existence that comes to surround and kill and never behead!

After some explanation, the other party will not chop and drag away, and the video will come to an end.

“This, this is too much of a tiger, right?”

However, the audience who saw here couldn’t help it and complained one after another.

“Obviously after fighting for so long, you can win at the sight of it, but what is the matter with the result of grabbing people’s heads?”

“Don’t you think it’s a bit of a joke that the ghost people don’t cut down anymore, giving so much foreshadowing, and the result is gone?”

“Excessive, simply excessive!”

But before everyone finished complaining, the new general video cheered them up.

It’s still a familiar mist, it’s still that eerie scene, it’s still that cold and familiar voice that makes people tremble.

If it weren’t for the confidence that the video wouldn’t be mistaken, the scene had changed, and everyone would have even thought that the video was a replay of the previous content.

“After making you wait for Kakashi for a long time, the imp behind you is still shivering!”

Indeed, in the attention of everyone holding their breath, the figure that was no longer cut reappeared in the video! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There are still several, and it is clear that this is due to the moisture body.

However, he was wrong about one thing, after these few days of running-in, the three little ones at this time were not trembling with fear.

It’s the excitement of approaching battle!


It was just a blink of an eye, just Sasuke alone made a move, and in an instant he solved several doppelgangers who were no longer chopped.

The progress of this strength amazed the audiences of the heavens.

The main thing is that they can see that the video at this time is only a few days at most compared to before!

This strength progress is also too exaggerated, right?


The protagonist of every video is an open existence!

“Little ghost, you have improved a lot, your opponent has appeared, Shiro!”

As the words of admiration fell, the figure of Zai Wu and another person appeared on the battlefield.

And the other person is the existence that the other day claimed to be chasing the ninja and taking it away and never beheading!

Seeing this, everyone finally understood that if they didn’t show how to escape from death, they could appear here again.

It was clear that Kakashi had been deceived by their opposing teammates!

Without saying much nonsense, the existence that was replaced with “white” directly rotated and rushed straight to everyone.

However, in the face of this attack, Uchiha Sasuke also smiled coldly, directly holding the bitter block, and then the two had the simplest tentative confrontation.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of the handover of blades continued to sound, and the two actually fought to a draw.

In the process of this seemingly confrontation, Shiro said softly: “‘Although I don’t want to kill you, it seems that you have no intention of retreating. ”

“Stupid, what the hell are you talking about?”

Uchiha Sasuke smiled coldly, still with that cold look, and did not waver in his heart for what the other party said.

Although it is a tie, the audience will smile when they see Sasuke Uchiha playing so cool.

The tie of everything is only temporary, and playing cool is temporary, for Sasuke Uchiha.

Only beating, is forever!

“But next time, you won’t be able to keep up with my speed, and I already have two advantages.”

Sure enough, Bai continued to briefly tell the situation at this time:

“First of all, the water sprinkled around you, and secondly, I have controlled one of your hands, you can only defend!”

The next moment, he actually used only one hand, and quickly formed a seal.

This operation, Kakashi, who watched it, was also shocked, and muttered in his mouth:

“It’s actually a one-handed seal? I’ve never seen anything like this…”

Hearing this, the audience originally wanted to admire and complain.

But remembering the two Hokage before…

One of them claimed to be able to shrink dozens of imprints into three, and the other even said that they didn’t need to use (of) seals and shouted with their hands.

Thinking of this, everyone’s desire to complain directly disappeared, and they didn’t know what to say for a while.

However, the action in the battlefield never stopped.

At this time, Shiro has completed ninjutsu:

“Secret technique, Thousand Kills Water Xiang!”

Immediately, he stomped on the surrounding water waves with his foot, and the splashed water instantly turned into one flying needle after another, rushing straight towards Uchiha Sasuke.

Seeing that he is about to tie Sasuke Uchiha into a hedgehog!

However, after these days of training, Uchiha Sasuke’s growth is not covered, he condensed his own chakra, and at the moment of the arrival of the flying needle, it directly erupted.


With a violent splash on the ground, Uchiha Sasuke had dissipated into place, flew into the air, and dodged the blow.

And he was able to throw several shurikens and attack back.

Sou! Sou! Sou!

Several shots of shuriken, but Shiro easily dodged.

However, Uchiha Sasuke did not want to build merit because of this, but just used this as a cover, flashed behind Shiro, and sneered:

“I didn’t expect you to be quite slow, now you can only defend against my attack!”

Seeing this, the audience couldn’t help laughing anymore, then you put on a fork now, and you will definitely be beaten miserably later.

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