Genos: “Well, after reading this title, I think it’s a myth, it’s not a big deal…”

It’s really not surprising that the group friends in the chat group laugh so much, but because the title of this inventory is so interesting.

The main thing is to face other protagonists, even if this protagonist is too, too arrogant, too cautious, or too ordinary or something.

This is also only superficial.

And the people of the heavens and realms care most about strength!!

As long as the strength is strong enough, for the real strong, all personality problems and quality problems are just talk.

Just kidding, no one will really care!

For example, Saitama in the last video, even if he behaves ordinarily, he does not look like a strong man.

However, in the face of the brilliant achievements and terrifying strength seen in the video, such comments and public opinion will naturally reverse.

But unfortunately, this video inventory is obviously aimed at strength.

Even if it is relative strength, defeat is defeat.

Don’t you see that Genos was laughed at so seriously in the group before, his strength is really weak?


The explosive incineration, the flame “four nine three” that rushed into the sky, the proud figure, shocked, I don’t know how many audiences.

But to lose is to lose, and if you have not won, you have not won.

So much so that until now everyone knows that he is very strong, but the jokes have never stopped.

The same goes for this video…


[Heavenly strange title inventory scene Top5 life so strong two pillars no Uchiha Sasuke!! “】

[Uchiha Erzhu: “I’ve never lost on pretending, I’ve never won in a fight! “】

Pretending not to lose and fight without winning, such a simple title for strength naturally caused everyone to laugh.

That is, in the previous video of Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha also appeared, showing great strength.

Otherwise, the jokes in the chat group don’t know how crooked they are.


This opening is a crit!

Because the video at this time was shrouded in endless water mist, such a scene made many people instantly recall some pictures in the world of Hokage.

Turtle Immortal: “Oh roar, is the video ready to issue benefits again?” ”

Tsunade: “Jiraiya, you bastard, get out of here for me!” ”

Jiraiya: “It’s not my pot this time, I don’t know, Uchiha Sasuke, this little guy, it’s impossible to take him to peep.” ”

Knotweed Yuren: “Good fellow, deny that it is impossible to take others to peep, don’t deny the fact that you will peep?” I call the good guys! ”

Aniah: “What is a bonus, did the previous video send us a reward?” There shouldn’t be…”

Mrs. Joel: “Roll, a bunch of old color batches, there are still children in the group, watch out for me killing you (gloomy-faced JPG)!” ”

Sasuke Uchiha: “Hmph! Don’t think about framing my reputation, how could I do such a thing as voyeurism? ”

In this way, amid the noise of many people, and in the gaze of many old critics, the video slowly unfolded.

It’s just that this time it obviously disappointed the group of old gentlemen, because this time the location was not in the hot spring pool.

But in the middle of the jungle!

In a trance, the video becomes clearer as time goes by.

It was soon revealed that the three little ones of Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura, and an uncle who was protecting behind them.

There is also Kakashi, who is not far away, and the one who confronts Kakashi.

Looking at the commentary of the video subtitles, many people were half disappointed in their hearts, but after all, the chat group is a public place, but not many people complained.

And just when everyone wanted to say something more, the fog in the video suddenly thickened.

The voice of Momochi not chopping again also came:

“Throat, spine, lungs, liver, carotid artery, kidneys, heart …”

“So which one to choose?”

The eerie and terrifying voice made people shudder, and many people reacted at this time, I am afraid that this fog is released by the peach land no longer chopped.

It is a weapon used to kill!

Everyone was suppressed by this quiet and heavy atmosphere, and seemed to enter the video to empathize with Sasuke Uchiha.

After all, this kind of situation of being blocked from sight, not knowing where the enemy is coming from, and not knowing that the enemy will attack the body, is really too terrifying!

However, this atmosphere did not last long, and under the seal of Kakashi’s hands, the powerful Chakra directly erupted, blowing all the mist away.

But even so, a strong murderous aura that seemed to be solidified flourished.

The camera turned to a close-up of Sasuke Uchiha, and at this moment he was already unable to move with a murderous shock, and his heart was constantly shocked:

“What a heavy murderous aura!”

“Between breaths, it seems that if you move your eyeballs, you may be killed… This kind of atmosphere, if you stay for an hour, you don’t know how nervous you have to be! ”

“The way life is not held in your own hands, why not, if this is the case, it is better to die quickly!”

Saying that, Uchiha Sasuke trembled and picked up the kunai in his hand, and he was almost forced to commit suicide by this murderous aura.

This close-up of his face trembling with cold sweat and shaking weakness, when comparing the previous Uzumaki Naruto video, Uchiha Sasuke’s arrogant and domineering and powerful appearance.

It made many people laugh directly.

“Hahaha, this little guy still has this kind of black history, he was so shocked by the murderous aura that he couldn’t even move.” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Actually, who would have thought that Uchiha Sasuke, who was as powerful as a god in the future, would have such a weak time…”

“That peach land is no longer chopped, but the bull fork, the strong man who can defeat the gods in the future, he almost closed himself to suicide!”

“It seems that this video is the main inventory of his black history, hahaha, this is interesting, and I don’t know what Uchiha Sasuke will think now.”

Many people also sent out Aite between the comments, but it was obvious that Sasuke Uchiha at this time had already gone offline with a look of shame.

No way, the battle between him and no longer chopping, not long after it passed, how poor his performance was at that time, of course he remembered it very well!

This black history can’t be refuted at all…

Sasuke Uchiha of the Hokage world frowned heavily, gritting his teeth angrily:

“Damn video, don’t I know to take stock of some powerful scenes? It’s not fair! ”

“But that’s it! I will never have such a shameful picture again… Never! ”

“Oh, Sasuke, I really didn’t find out, were you so embarrassed at the time?”

Naruto Uzumaki on the side laughed out loud, and that look made Uchiha Sasuke directly embarrassed and angry, and punched over:

“Shut up, stupid! People are still being buried! ”


During the conversation, Kakashi waved his hand, interrupted the cranky thoughts of his subordinates, and said indifferently and confidently:

“Sasuke, don’t worry, I will fight to the death to protect you!”

This confident look made everyone’s eyes shine, it seems that although the protagonist of the video is Sasuke Uchiha, the home of this section is Kakashi’s Ah 0…

During that battle against Kaguya, this white-haired handsome guy also made a lot of efforts!

It’s just a pity that the next moment, the situation suddenly changed!

“I will never let my companion die in front of me again…”

Before Kakashi’s consolation was finished, a cold voice came over: “Is that really the case! ”

And on the contrary, he actually appeared between the three little ones and the uncle.

The sudden change made everyone startled, and the eerie and terrifying face and the large knife of equal length were really terrifying.

However, Kakashi reacted extremely quickly, and in the moment he found out, he was stabbed.

Brush –

With a brush, he was directly hit in the chest without chopping, but his screams did not last.

The fog filled again…


The first thing that the audience discovered was the sound of water.

And the camera also changed, the figure that was stabbed by Kakashi actually flowed out, I don’t know how much water?

Water body!

At this moment, the real Zaibu appeared behind Kakashi, frightening Naruto Uzumaki to quickly shout to be careful. 0.6


But at this time, it is already late, even if the water body is stabbed apart, at this time, the no beheading has already set up a posture, and the decapitation knife is directly brandished.


Kakashi’s figure was directly cut off, and this scene frightened everyone to exclaim.

After all, the scene of blood gushing out of the bloody area is very scary just thinking about it.

No, this is really just an imaginary picture, and there is no blood in reality at all!

It’s just water…

This is the same water body!

No longer chopping his eyes in shock, he didn’t think about the scene in front of him at all.

At this time, he reacted, as early as when he was casting the Mist Concealment Technique, when he used the Water Body Raid, Kakashi copied his ninjutsu!

His own prediction was actually predicted by the enemy in front of him!

At this time, Kakashi didn’t know where to come from, he had already touched the back of the unchopped, and directly covered the other party’s neck with Ku Wu, and said coldly:

“It’s over!”

Such a crisp and intelligent battle made the audience feel addicted to watching.

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