
Tsunade looked at Jiraiya, who fainted in his hand, casually threw it into the roadside garbage heap, and said a little depressed.

Originally, after watching the video about Jiraiya, she rushed towards Konoha without stopping.

Even the paragraph about the gambling game in the sunset made Tsunade’s mentality change to a certain extent.

But this idiot

Behind his back, he is plotting to write a novel with his own image, abominable, bastard!

Do you think I don’t know what kind of novels you’ve written?!

When he thought of this, Tsunade was also angry and itched his teeth, and he originally walked over and wanted to pull up the bastard Jiraiya again and beat him again.

But he suddenly saw his tired expression, and only in a completely relaxed sleep would he appear like a childlike naïve child.

Seeing this situation, Tsunade sighed helplessly, and then carried Jiraiya on his shoulder.

“Alas, forget it, I’ll let you go this time, it’s too tired.”


In the video, the plot continues to develop.

Finally, after a tussle, Ryugu Yuan Shengya agreed to the idea of going to the other world.

But I also set a rule that I should exercise first and prepare for a few days.

The humble goddess was speechless for a while, but fortunately, under the comfort and enlightenment of her predecessors, she finally eased up.

Then he rushed over with great interest, intending to use his power to provide some convenience to this brave man.

However, as soon as she opened the door, she was a little dumbfounded, and unconsciously her saliva spread a little.

“Ou~six, six?”

The audience of the heavens and realms who watched were speechless for a while, and they covered their faces and almost couldn’t stand it.

“Your Excellency this goddess, even if you want to make friends as a friend, you can’t give it for nothing!”

“It’s too much, it’s too much, woo, I trained a whole eight abs into one piece, what is it for?”

Immediately, the two once again began an exaggerated temptation similar to a drama.

Faced with the rice balls personally sent by this beautiful goddess, how can our cautious brave accept it normally.

Directly, he said with a grim face: “Suspicious food made by suspicious people.” ”

“It has been said that we are goddesses, not suspicious characters!”

“You eat first.”


“It could be toxic!”

This remark made the audience of the heavens and realms sweat profusely, which is fucking.

It’s not something that can be explained by caution, this is completely paranoia, okay?

In this way, Lista burst into tears and bit down the rice ball, chewing with all her strength.

It seems that he is not chewing rice balls in his mouth, but chewing the flesh and blood of this hateful guy in front of him!

“That’s it!”

Goddess Lista said indignantly: “Really, I worked so hard to make it for you.” ”

However, just when people think that this cautious brave man should always let down his vigilance and start accepting the kindness of this goddess.

This man, spoke again!


Ryugu Courtyard Shengya raised the rice ball, his eyes stared slightly, and he wondered:

“Isn’t there a poison that works immediately?”

“There is no delayed poison!”

Lista tied her hair, and this time she really couldn’t hold back.

Finally, after a while, Lista eased up, and although her face was still angry, her body was honest.

While conjuring up various daily utensils, he issued advice:

“Also, relying on push-ups, sit-ups and this kind of thing can’t improve much ability, it’s almost enough, and upgrading monsters in another world is the right way!”

Hearing this, far away in another corner of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, a certain bald man raised a very doubtful question mark.


Seek world encounters in the dungeon.

“This idiot, big dumb!”

The goddess Hestia shouted very happily:

“As a brave man, he dared to question the goddess, and he was so disrespectful to the gods, it was simply stupid.

Not yet following the advice of the goddess, I want to use push-ups and sit-ups to improve combat effectiveness, ridiculous, simply ridiculous wow! ”

Hestia laughed unusually smoothly, no way, although it was not part of the same world.

But with the name of that goddess, how could she tolerate other people blasphemy the name of the goddess like this.

“Although that goddess Lista is an idiot, she is definitely not a mere mortal and can be so insulted!”

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