“But this is also because of your bean’s performance, even if you become a ghost, you can still maintain the belief in protecting your family, alas, what a beautiful family…”

“Of course, otherwise, if Tomioka Yoshiyuki couldn’t pay back the existence of completely turning into a ghost, then his grave grass as a ghost killing team would have been three feet tall!”

“Hehe, it’s really a tsundere cool and handsome guy, I’m in love.”

The audience of the heavens was constantly joking joyfully on the barrage and in the chat group.

Tomioka, on the other hand, disappeared after yelling “You’ve said enough.”

He can see that this group of guys obviously knows everything, but they are looking for fun with themselves.

If they react fiercely, I’m afraid they will be even happier…

How can it be repaired!

The devil knows what state Tomioka Yoshiyuki is in now, and he is walking down the street now, and he feels that there are people around him pointing at him.

When training the newcomers to the Ghost Killing Team, they all felt their eyes burning. 08

“Do you want to me like this?!”

Tomioka Yoshi, who was far away in the Ghost Destruction World, roared weakly…


But fortunately, the previous scene about Tomioka Yoshiyuki has ended, and the content of a new video has appeared.

Those words about ridiculing his cold heart have gradually decreased, after all, paying attention to new videos is the main thing.

Maybe the next victim is about to appear!

In the video, the picture turns again.

I saw that the protagonist of the shot, Tanjiro, was still carrying a bamboo basket, followed by his sister, and was driving the night road deep in the mountains.

At this time, the sky had completely darkened, and even the moonlight did not have a little, although it was not enough to reach out and miss five fingers, but it was not bad.

And it is in this environment that you beans that have become ghosts can barely come out to move, after all, ghosts are creatures that can’t see the sun!

But then again… Just as the so-called moon is dark and windy at night, when killing people and crossing goods!

Seeing this scene, everyone’s hearts instantly lifted, because it was obvious that in this case, if there was no accident, there would be an accident soon…

And looking at the building with residual lights in front of him, it also clearly foreshadows the next plot.

In this kind of barren mountains and mountains, what Guan Gong Temple land temple temple Buddhist hall is broken, but it is a high incidence of supernatural events!

However, it is clear that Tanjiro, who has no similar experience, does not know this truth.

Not only did he not know, but after a long night walk, he saw the Buddhist hall in front of him, and he was happy.

“There is a Buddhist hall, and you can see the lights, so someone should live there.”

Tanjiro smiled slightly at his sister without realizing it.

At this time, many viewers were already praying:

“Don’t go over, don’t go over!

I have a hunch that there is definitely something bad in this Buddhist hall in front of me, and according to the words of this world, there are definitely cannibals! ”

“Yes, yes, it’s hell!

It was hard to get out of the sad incident before, and now looking at his situation, he should not have started cultivating yet, if he wants to encounter something again. But it really can’t be stopped…”

“Hmph! They have already determined the existence of ghosts, they all already know that this world is not simple, and if they dare to be so careless, what if they die or not?! ”

“But if Tanjiro doesn’t go in, then what’s the video playing this for?”

The video is actually playing this piece of content, there must be a reason for him to play it, and Tanjiro will definitely encounter some problems, which he will encounter whether he enters or not. ”

In a word, everyone was silent, except for some people who couldn’t help it, went to the chat group to complain and admonish.

Everyone else continued to watch the video quietly.

However, to everyone’s surprise, Tanjiro had not finished speaking, suddenly put away his smiling face, frowned heavily, and his expression became serious:

“Wait… It smells of blood! ”

Hearing this, the audience looked at the distance between Tanjiro and the Buddhist hall in the video, and secretly guessed how much distance it was. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Wait, the smell of blood?

After such a distance, how did he smell it?!

But there was no time to think about this, and many people were relieved to find it in time.

It seems that this kid should be able to wake up!

However, when the breath of relief from those people had not yet exhaled, Tanjiro’s next operation directly choked them and coughed directly and continuously.

“This mountain road is very steep, someone should be injured, let’s go quickly!”

I saw that Tanjiro, who found the smell of blood, didn’t think much about it, and directly pulled his sister to rush towards the Buddhist hall quickly.

This scene directly made the audience unable to collapse.

This kid’s operation is simply simple, even people who are deep in the city are a little dumbfounded when they see this scene at this time.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, they have seen people who prefer to go to Tiger Mountain.

But the kind of people who know that there are tigers in the mountains, and rush towards the tiger mountain, they really haven’t seen it!

Seeing this, everyone was simply unable to complain, it was true that they had never encountered such an iron-clad person who was in a hurry to send them to death…

What the hell is this kid’s brain circuit made of?!

However, no matter how the audience complained, Tanjiro still rushed over so hard, and even directly pushed open the door, anxious 637 asked:

“Are you all right?!”

However, the moment he opened the door, the sudden scene crit directly shocked him.


As the audience thought, there were really ghosts in the Buddhist hall at this time!

Or the kind of ghost who is eating…

The bodies of several people were piled together bloodily, blood flowed everywhere, wounds were exposed, and the death was extremely tragic.

If it weren’t for the fact that he saw a similar scene in Tanjiro’s home, which had already given those with fragile minds the ability to accept it, this scene would definitely have blinded many people’s eyes again.

Moreover, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that the ghost is still tearing the bodies of those people and constantly eating.

“What? Feed! ”

Seeing that someone had broken in recklessly and disturbed his eating, the cannibal turned his head and revealed a hideous and ugly face with blood in his mouth.

He threatened Tanjiro in annoyance:

“This is my territory, if you dare to destroy my cafeteria, I can’t spare you!!”

Eat, cannibal!

See how similar this gore is to the last memory I want to recall, and face a real cannibal for the first time.

(You Bean has always been a sister, a relative, a family member in his eyes, not a ghost, so it doesn’t count for the time being?) )。

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