“This is not a situation that can be solved by children alone!”

My wife Shanyi roared loudly, and this action also made the audience of the heavens and realms very helpless.

Indeed, killing ghosts does not seem to be something that children can solve… But you’re not a child, you’re a swordsman of the Ghost Killing Team, do you want to be so shameful?!”

However, although my wife Shanyi wanted to escape, the room had already been converted long ago.

No matter how many doors were opened, no way out was found.

The original entrance has long disappeared, and there are only various intricate roads.

“Is it here?”

“Not here…”

“It must be here!”

My wife was desperately looking for a way out, but after a door opened, he saw a monster with a pig’s head.

And this “920” monster felt the movement, and was turning his head to stare at him coldly, and two breaths erupted from his nose.

“There are monsters!!”

My wife Shanyi was terrified. However, the monster ignored him, directly jumped over his figure holding his head and squatting and rushed into the distance.

And that little boy, watching all this lightly, looked at me with a good heart, and there was great disdain in his eyes.

“What for! What kind of look are you! I don’t like that look, turn my head over, huh?! ”

My wife Shanyi cried out like a crush, and he felt that his young soul was severely traumatized.

This action is not very harmful, and it can be described as extremely insulting!

Entertained the spectators.

However, on the other side, Tanjiro’s battle had already begun, and everyone quickly shifted their attention.

Tanjiro and the little girl held their breath tightly, staring worriedly at the drum-faced ghost in front of them.

“If it weren’t for them… If only they weren’t in the way…”

However, it was not a matter of stalemate all the time, Tanjiro slowly comforted the little girl, and then set up a posture to take the initiative.

“That’s the contemptible prey, really, one by one who broke into other people’s homes without saying hello, why did you come to the contemptible people’s home, this is my prey!”

Those nasty guys! ”

However, just when Tanjiro thought he was about to win, the drum-faced ghost slapped the drum on his body.


In an instant, the whole room was turned around.

“Is the whole room spinning? This is his vampire technique… This room is his turf! ”

Tanjiro quickly analyzed all this he saw and heard, and suddenly, he was shocked in his heart:

“Wait, what’s going on? There is a wonderful smell in proximity! ”

“Not a ghost!”

That’s right, the pig-headed monster that my wife Shanyi discovered just now is not a ghost, but a human being.

At this moment, he, that is, Izuhira Inosuke, was laughing excitedly, and constantly rushed in the direction where the drum-faced ghost was:

“Hahaha, hahaha, pigs rush forward! Pigs leap forward! ”

“Pigs rush forward!”

The next moment, Izuhira Inosuke directly broke through the wall of the room and came to the battlefield.

This operation shocked Tanjiro.

“What’s the matter with this guy, draped in the fur of a wild boar… Still holding a nikkawa knife! ”

“Come on, monster, expose the corpse wilderness, so that I can become stronger, so that I can climb higher…”

The mouth Hei Inosuke who broke in, did not care about Tanjiro on the side, and directly issued a declaration of war oath to the drum-faced ghost:

“Come and be my stepping stone!”

This scene, as well as the words spoken by Tanjiro, inevitably brightened everyone’s eyes.

It’s not a ghost but a person, and he also holds a Nikki knife, so he should be one of the members of the ghost killing team.

Could it be that the third of the protagonist group is also about to appear? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It’s just that this shape and this character are a little strange, as if they are battle maniacs, and that pig’s head is a hood? Or human-pig hybrid?

Human-pig hybrid…

Thinking of this, the audience of the heavens and realms snickered, strange is also strange, anyway, the two before the protagonist group, whether it is Tanjiro or my wife Shanyi, are also strange and not good!


“It’s infuriating, it’s infuriating…”

However, the ghost still looked like he was talking to himself, not looking at the two of them.

This operation directly angered the mouth Pingyanosuke, he took the double knife, put up a posture, exposed a lean muscle, and roared loudly:

“It’s going to be on! Pigs leap forward! ”


However, his ending was not much better, as the drum ghost tapped his drum head again……..

With a bang, the direction of the room rotated again, that is, Tanjiro and Izuhira Inosuke were strong enough to quickly turn around and keep themselves uninjured.

But the attack of Izuhira Inosuke was also interrupted, and the little girl who was also suffering on the side was simply difficult to control, and kept falling around.

“Teruko, grab the furniture!”

Seeing this, Tanjiro hurriedly reminded him, but before he finished speaking, he was used as a pedal by Izuhira Inosuke and rushed out.

“Be careful, that guy belongs to the power, don’t attack him rashly!”


However, the arrogant mouth Hiranosuke how could he care about this reminder, and directly pulled out the knife with a smile and rushed forward.

“Infuriating, noisy bugs in the contemptible house…”

But this time, the room was rotated 180 degrees directly, upside down.

Even Tanjiro’s strength was a little embarrassed, not to mention the little girl, who fell miserably to the ground again.


And the mouth on the side Pingi 5.7 nosuke, did not mean to help at all, but stepped on the little girl’s body and laughed wildly:

“It was so much fun to go around the room! But it’s fun! ”

This scene, the audience of the heavens and realms who watched it were directly strained:

“I’ll go, could it be that this guy is not a member of the protagonist group, a member of the villain? How did you behave so badly…”

“I originally thought that this pig-headed man was here to save people, but I didn’t expect that he was carrying out the operation of [letting go of that little girl and letting me come]!”

“Hey, hey, it’s too much, hurry up and lift your feet!!”

“Little girl: Are you polite? You’d better have something to do!! ”

“Beat my teammates, if this guy is also a member of the protagonist group, then Tanjiro is really pitiful.”

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