“Jiu Xinnai, the child was just born at that time, how can there be any memory?”

Hearing this complaining word, Ape Flying Lake Biwa was a little speechless, and couldn’t help but smile and comfort

“And Xiao Zilaiye, although his personality is a little jumpy, but whether it is strength or person, he is very reliable.

Otherwise, there is no way to hand over such an excellent “disciple” as Watergate, so Naruto is under his door, so there is no need to worry. ”

“But… Teacher Jiraiya also taught Uzumaki Nagato in the previous video that is about to destroy the world, how can this kind of person rest assured. ”

In a word, she directly blocked the ape flying Biwa Lake, and she smiled sarcastically.

For a moment, he didn’t know how to speak, and secretly complained: “Xiao Zilaiye, this guy, is indeed too outrageous sometimes.”

I hope that the previous video can make him sober up, and I hope that those tragedies will not repeat the mistakes of the past…”

On the side, Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai couldn’t wait to open the video and muttered in his mouth

“Naruto, just let my mother come and see, I can’t accompany you in life…”


One Punch Man World.

“Hahaha, finally made me wait again? I didn’t expect to come so early this time, it belongs to the world of ninjas! ”

Steel Egg Ninja (?) Sonic laughed, but this violent smile directly related to his injuries.

Suddenly, Sonic’s face became wonderful again.

No way, this kind of injury, for a man, the pain is undoubtedly the strongest.

And this moment is not only a physical pain, but also a mental blow.

Every throbbing pain made Sonic involuntarily think of the indifferent and heartless bald man.

And every time he thought of that bald man, his spirit would suffer another blow from that day.

Such a vicious circle, the torture brought about, simply made Sonic miserable.

“Only, only by stepping on that damn bald head hard can I wash away the shame of my day!”

Aaaah! It hurts me, abominable, abominable! It’s just abominable, that bastard bald! ”

Although this time the injury was not caused by meeting the bald head again, but because of imitating the ninjutsu in the previous video.

But Sonic still directly pushed all the results onto Saitama, constantly cursing angrily.

After all, if it weren’t for the guy who left him such a serious psychological trauma, he wouldn’t be like this.

“If it develops normally, I’m afraid I won’t be able to find that bald head to take revenge in this life….

But now it’s different, I have this video, I want to find the true meaning of ninja! ”

Sonic said viciously while watching the video

“After all, the last time was a battle between several strong people, and it is indeed very difficult to see through if you want to start from scratch.

But this time, the growth history of this teenager will become my most precious treasure, dead bald head, wait for me, hahahaha! ”


Such a scene takes place in the corners of the heavens and realms.

After all, it has to be said that the first impression left on people is always the deepest.

And the Jiraiya in that video really made them realize what a real ninja is and what is a real ninja!

So they are also so curious about the world that when the video is ranked, just looking at the title sparks waves of discussion.

“Good, good, it’s actually a video of the Hokage world, come and see, this video must be very interesting!”

“That’s right, that’s right, and the protagonist of this video turned out to be the white-haired color… Ahem, that disciple of Mr. Jiraiya, if you want to come to the disciple Rushi Shi, he must also be an excellent ninja. ”

“Hehe, we don’t know if it’s excellent or not, but this kind of thing must be a certainty!”

“Chong, Chong, the battle scenes in that video are really too little, please video adults, this time arrange more!”

“Then again… Yellow, mouth? Shhh, did I seem to have found something amazing? ”

“Hey, hey, this isn’t a car heading for kindergarten! Get me out of the car, hey, wait, I’m an adult! That’s no problem! ”

In this way, in the attention of the heavens and all worlds, a new video appeared.

[Heavenly strange title inventory scene Topseven!!

Konoha Sanshin, a disciple of Yellow Gambling and Drug Yellow, a new generation of Sanshin, a man with a mouth, a sun born in the dark, Naruto Uzumaki!! 】

[Naruto Uzumaki: “Guess what I relied on to defeat the strongest in the world! “】

The video is officially played!


The world of blades.

“Defeated the strongest in the world!”

The moment he saw this title, Yujiro Vanma’s eyes showed interest.

Of course, he knew that this so-called defeated world was the strongest, and it should refer to their own ninja world.

However, after the opening video, he knows very well that the world with ninjutsu can be said to be outrageously strong compared to his own.

Then in this powerful world, it can be called the strongest existence, how terrifying it is, it is almost imaginable.

So Yujiro Fan Ma was curious about what kind of means this boy, the former disciple of the white-haired ninja, relied on.

“Curious? I’m curious too! ”

Fan Ma on the side showed a smile when he saw this, and said with a smile:

“I am also curious about what it is like to be able to defeat this move that is the strongest existence in the world, I don’t know if such a move has taught me whether I can beat you.”

The strongest man in the world, Yujiro Vanma?! ”

“Hmph, if there really is that kind of move, do you think I will just watch it like this?”

Listening to his son’s words, Fan Ma Yujiro, without raising his eyelids, said casually:

“The strongest in the world is always the strongest in the world!”


In the video, the picture slowly spreads.

A lonely teenager, walking on a lively street, no, at his age he can’t even talk about teenagers, just a child.

Although the environment is lively, it has nothing to do with him alone.

The only thing related to this is that on the street, people talk and laugh happily, and when they see him, they cast disgusted eyes.

It will also be accompanied by an angry scolding: “Get out, demon fox, get out of our village.” ”

“Put down the mask in your hand, damn demon fox, I don’t do your business, hurry up and fuck me!”

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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