The audience of the heavens and realms watched this scene quietly, and their hearts were a little sentimental.

No way, the protagonist in this video is too bitter.

Having experienced so much at such a young age, I finally summoned up the courage to work hard to become stronger.

The result is still gained over and over again, lost over and over again.

Now I finally see my father, but in this moment, I am also lost.

“Fate is such a thing, sometimes it is too ruthless, first give you a piece of honey, and then when you enjoy it, only show the knife under the sugar coating, fiercely piercing the heart.”

Gee, it’s so hard. ”

“Just like Naruto Uzumaki said, I don’t know whether to be happy for him or sad for him when I see this time…”

“It is always said that the road of growth is the process of continuous loss, but this way, he has lost too much,”


Spies live the world.


Annya, who was still young and had also lost her parents, couldn’t help crying when she saw this scene.

No way, she, really understands these feelings too well.

Although until now, I don’t know who my biological parents are, but Annya, who has been abandoned again and again, has also experienced gains and losses again and again.

This feeling of gain and loss may be far more painful than one’s loneliness.

Lloyd on the side also softened his heart when he saw Annja like this.

This top agent, who once crisscrossed the battlefield and showed no mercy, was also a little touched at this moment, holding her and comforting:

“Don’t worry, Annya, I won’t leave you again, never.”


Annja nodded with tears in her eyes, using the mind-reading technique, listening to Lloyd’s unanimous words, and finally let go of her heart.


In any case, Lloyd’s purpose in adopting himself was because of the mission from the beginning.

If you want to maintain this state all the time, that’s it, but in case, after this task is completed.

The next task asks, can’t the child be around?

In that case, even if Lloyd is not willing to give up on himself, I am afraid that he will have to send it to others.

“So, make sure you plan well.”

Annja thought silently in her heart: “Annya, I don’t want to lose everything in front of me, I don’t want to lose it again…”


The world of divine soldiers.

“Dad, I really miss you, woo-woo.”

During the trip, looking at the scene in the video, Nangong Wanya finally couldn’t help crying.

The family and country were broken and the rivers and mountains withered, so that they who left their homeland really suffered too much and encountered too many enemies along the way.

Moreover, his father’s whereabouts are unknown, but he doesn’t need to think about it to know that he who stays behind to block the Lord of the Heaven and Earth Alliance has a high probability that he has been brutally killed.

The successive blows encountered in such a short period of time, all of this really made Nangong Wanya, who was only 7 years old, a little strained.

After all, in the previous days, Nangong Wanya was just a spoiled little princess, who had never suffered any hardships or suffered any blows.

No matter how high her talent is, no matter how cheerful and lively, no matter how tough her mind is.

But in the face of this contrast, at this moment, he couldn’t help but hold his brother’s arm and cry directly.

“Brother, I miss my father, I really miss my father!”

“Don’t worry, ask Ya, Dad will be fine.”

Nangong Wentian sighed deeply, all the responsibilities, all the hopes were on his shoulders, how could his pressure not be great?

Although he is Nangong Wanya’s older brother, this cannot hide the fact that he is a 12-year-old child.

However, an older brother is an older brother.

He can grieve, he can be lost, but he must not collapse in front of his sister.

Nangong Wentian lifted Qianya’s shoulders, and the sadness in his eyes had completely disappeared, leaving behind an overwhelming resoluteness:

“We can’t fall down now, keep going, father, still waiting for us to rescue, don’t worry, ask Ya, but how hard and dangerous it is ahead, my brother will definitely protect you~.”


Nangong Wentian took a deep breath and forced a smile:

“At least… We are a little luckier than this Naruto Uzumaki in the video, and we still have a chance to keep it. ”

“I see, brother.”

Nangong asked Ya to hear this, wiped the tears in her eyes with her hand, and finally regained her former vitality.

She has a stubbornness and bravery on her small face that is not suitable for this age. Finally, I took another look at the direction of the country when I came, and nodded vigorously:

“Come on! We will be able to do it! ”


In the video, the picture suddenly turned at this moment, and Naruto at this moment had regained his sanity and was separated from the earth-bursting stars.

Naruto Uzumaki was here to face Uzumaki Nagato again.

Although Naruto Uzumaki at this time no longer had the bonus of the power of the Nine Tails, Uzumaki Nagato at this moment was also almost exhausted.

Those who use big moves continuously do not have the invincible appearance they had before.

After a fierce battle, Naruto Uzumaki finally solved it, this Tendo Payne.

However, this is not the end of the story.

After all, Payne Rokudao is just a puppet, and the real mastermind behind all this is Uzumaki Nagato!

Using a counter-investigation using the black rod into the body, Naruto Uzumaki finally found the location of Nagato.

At this time, the audience who had watched the six battles of Payne twice finally saw the appearance of the black hand behind this scene.

However, this look directly frightened them.

I saw that at this moment, Uzumaki Nagato was sitting in a wheelchair, his figure was tall, and there was no trace of blood on the whole person’s face, which was completely in the state of skin and bones.

There were even several black pipes that ran through his back and extended far, far outward.

I don’t know if I am absorbing his life force at this moment, or if I am maintaining the last bit of fire for him who is on the verge of death.

“Gee, is this the second disease behind the scenes? This, how did you lose weight like this? Could it be the girl next to him… Hey, hey, hey. ”

“Ahem, be pure in thought, don’t lose the face of the gentleman of our world, this is obviously the sequelae after using a big move.”

“That’s right, it doesn’t seem to be obvious when Shinra Tianzheng is invisible, but when using the Earth Explosion Heavenly Star, the flashing face is obviously desperate, it’s this person!”

The audience of the heavens and realms talked about it, and with such a thin and weak strength, it could erupt into such a terrifying persecution.

Some people are also complaining, although the strength is extremely powerful, but this price is really not something that casual individuals can bear.

But anyway, everyone still turned their attention to the two brothers in the video, very curious about their subsequent decisive battle.

However, although seeing Naruto of Nagato, boundless anger and hatred burned in his heart.

But he didn’t shoot, but … On this battlefield, the heart is exchanged!

The people of the heavens and realms who watched this shouted outrageously. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

But there is no way, they can also understand, after all, the two of them are exhausted now.

Nagato was almost unable to resist the terrifying power of the Nine Tails, and Naruto couldn’t take the other side without using the power of the Nine Tails.

Therefore, the two brothers began to tell their own experiences, as well as their understanding and feelings about the teacher’s philosophy.

At the end, Nagato finally couldn’t help it, although the teacher’s concept is beautiful, this is not a world that can be reached at all.

He looked at Naruto Uzumaki in front of him and said angrily:

“Human understanding? It’s like now, I killed your teacher, killed your friends and companions, and ruined your village.

You look at me, you tell me you’re not angry? Isn’t hatred? Don’t you want to kill me?

That’s it, are you still willing to understand each other with me?! ”

This remark not only said Nagato’s heart, but also said the spit of the heavens and all the worlds.

Yes, this person in front of him is an enemy, a life-and-death enemy who has no room for turning around.

Why? Don’t finish him off!

Clearly…… It’s all come here!

“Indeed, it may be so, as you said.”

Naruto Uzumaki’s eyes were low and full of sadness, and he looked at the book in his hand and muttered in his mouth:

“I have understood you, but I still can’t forget the hatred, I, I still hate you!”

“So, let’s make a break like this!”

Nagato’s eyes were full of ruthlessness when he heard this, and he dragged his scarred body hard, wanting to start the last desperation.


However, at this time, Naruto Uzumaki spoke again.

“The lecherous fairy trusts me and entrusts everything to me, so I must also try to believe everything he trusts!”

“That’s my answer!”

Naruto Uzumaki exhaled deeply, strengthened the belief in his heart, and continued:

“So, I won’t kill you.”

Nagato’s eyes were full of shock when he said this, and he slowly closed his eyes, as if he remembered his previous experience with Jiraiya.

“Do you believe in everything that Jiraiya-sensei trusts?”

“That’s your answer…”

Uzumaki Nagato’s eyes were full of mockery: “Do I believe you can bring peace?” No kidding!

Our world is cursed, and as long as we live in this world, peace will not exist at all. ”

“Then, it’s up to me to break this curse, and if nuclear peace exists, it’s up to me to hold on tightly.”

Naruto Uzumaki clenched his fists, strong:

“I will never give up!”

This remark shocked Uzumaki Nagato:

This, isn’t this his own line?

For a moment, he fell into thought.

Over the years, I have really changed a lot, and I am completely no longer the same as I used to be.

Jiraiya’s words kept circling in his mind, reminding him of his former self.

How similar Naruto Uzumaki in front of him is to himself at the beginning.

However, I had already failed, and the failure was outrageous.

So, should you trust this guy in front of you?

Finally, a long time passed.

Uzumaki Nagato sighed deeply, in fact, whether he believed it or not, he now had no choice, he had failed.

It is no longer possible to bring peace back into the world.

Then, whether it is your own wish or the instructions of Jiraiya teacher, give it all to this guy in front of you!

“So, let me trust you, Naruto Uzumaki…”

Saying that, Nagato slowly made the last mark in his life:

“Reincarnation Innate Art!”

In the shock of Naruto Uzumaki, and Konan’s panicked dissuasion, Uzumaki Nagato launched a move.

In an instant, everyone who had originally died in Konoha was resurrected!!

Accompanied by Naruto Uzumaki’s words, “Don’t worry, I will succeed.” ”

This concludes this video, video comments:

[The brave man who once slaughtered the dragon has become a dragon, which seems to be a curse that can never be lifted. 】

[However, when the brave put down the butcher knife and chose to understand each other, the spell was immediately dispersed, but when will the ethereal peace arrive?] 】

The people of the heavens and realms who saw this scene did not know what to say for a good time.

“This, this is the end? Outrageous! ”

“Indeed, it is clear that he has passed so many difficulties and dangers, fought so many times, and lost so many companions to reach the final boss, and as a result, he convinced the other party in a few words, this, what is this?”

“However, after really reading everything, I can understand a little, after all, Uzumaki Nagato is also pursuing peace on earth, and it is not very surprising that after discovering his failure, he chose to choose a teenager again.”

“Alas, is this the title of the video, Naruto Uzumaki’s mouth escapes, it is really terrible!

Such a powerful being was said to be dead, and before dying, he used the resurrection technique to resurrect the others… Wait, resurrection! ”

Among the many exclamations, someone finally remembered the last scene of the picture.

Vortex Nagato seemed to have finally resurrected his life, and suddenly resurrected, I don’t know how many ninjas and civilians.

At this moment, the heavens and realms shook again.

Although they had seen the resurrection technique, we were just donkeys in vain.

What is a resurrection puppet?

Although it is equally outrageous, in battle, it can also make the opponent despair, but compared to the real resurrection, it is still far away.

But at this moment, they saw the real flow of resurrection, completely from death to rebirth, without any opportunistic skills.

“Resurrection? Lean, I always feel that this ninja world is more excessive than the previous one.

The last one also has rules and restrictions, and pulling people over can only be resurrected by chance, and this is completely unreasonable hey! ”

“It is said that there is such a thing as resurrection, what truth is there? This is simply not an unscientific problem, and it is not true! “。

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