
The next plot is completely unexpectedly unexpected by the audiences of the heavens and realms.

In the face of Tanjiro, the menacing attack, Purgatory Dad, just stretched out his hand to block all the attacks, and then mercilessly, thud punch after punch.

Bang –

Just one moment, he directly turned the person who Tanjiro beat on his back, and his whole body fell backwards, if it weren’t for Purgatory’s father reaching out to stop it, I was afraid that he would be directly knocked out.

But fortunately, this punch hit Tanjiro’s head, and finally let go of the worried mood of the audience in the heavens and realms, and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay to hit the head …


However, the picture returns to the video, Tanjiro’s mood is not as relaxed as the audience, and the tears of emotional collapse~ are about to come out.

No! Already out –

It’s not that it’s because of the pain, a person with a tough mind like Tanjiro, just this pain, it’s far from this level.

What he collapsed was that he didn’t expect that he had worked hard to exercise, practiced hard, and worked hard for such a long time, and his strength was still so weak.

There is no way, it is enough to play a role in the battle where Purgatory Kyoshiro sacrificed, after all, it is facing the ghost of the winding, and not many people can fight against it.

But now I didn’t expect that this bad old man who wanted to teach the head of the village a lesson here was beaten so hard that he had no ability to resist.

This time it really collapsed Tanjiro.

So much so that between this emotional agitation, he did not hear the words of Chijuro next to him, otherwise he would not be sad to this extent.


Tanjiro muttered, extremely unusually unwilling, unusually incomprehensible:

“If Kagura, the God of Fire, is the breath of the sun, such a powerful breathing method, why didn’t I save Mr. Purgatory at that time?”

Without him, the physical pain is only for a moment, and the deeper into the bone marrow is the scar from the state of mind.

In the decisive battle not long ago, although Tanjiro did nothing wrong, his powerless behavior had already made his guilty heart full of holes.


Tanjiro asked in his heart over and over again, why is he so weak? Why are you so incompetent? Why did such a useful breathing method become so weak when it came to me?

He is not willing, he cannot accept …

The audience of the heavens and realms silently watched this scene, and they also sighed a little in their hearts.

There are so many whys, everything is just because their strength is too weak.

“Moreover, this guy Tanjiro, even if he has only practiced for many days now, how long has he been practicing even if he is born at his age?

With such strength is already very strong, well, still in this self-pity, geniuses are like this, then we mediocrities are not going to feel guilty to hit the wall? ”

“Nope! Only Tanjiro alone would think so, not self-pity, but really feeling powerless and broken, he is such a gentle person who only wants to hurt himself. ”

“Alas—although I don’t quite accept his image of a gentle virgin, I also admire his heart, but I still have to say that everything is because of lack of strength.”

Can’t save the people in front of you, can’t do what you want to do, can’t make up for sad regrets, everything is because of strength…”

The audience of the Heavens and Heavens muttered, and their tones slowly fell, and they all fell into deep thought.

For a while, the word strength was slowly imprinted into everyone’s hearts, and the heavens and realms, which had already fallen into silence, were slowly ignited again.

That’s right, strength, everything is because of insufficient strength.

Since it’s not enough, since I don’t want to be so silent, since I don’t want to be as miserable as Tanjiro is now.

Then go after strength, work hard to become stronger, strengthen yourself, and get everything you want——(Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )



“Why ?!!?”

Tanjiro is still asking rhetorical questions over and over again, both the world of rhetorical questions and his own heart.

I didn’t know that my unwilling image had already set the heavens on fire, especially Tanjiro himself in the Ghost Annihilation World, and he began to practice harder and harder.

Desperate state direct max+!

And the Purgatory dad in the video is completely unaware of this, and is still punching and punching.

He didn’t want to think about anything else anymore, the pain that had been sealed in his heart, after being pointed out, the guilt, the pain, the shame, had made him completely angry.

Purgatory Dad just wants to keep fighting, keep fighting, beat the person in front of him until he shut up, and then seal his scarred heart again.

However, he did not know that his formation was completely accumulating Tanjiro’s anger.

Any anger does not disappear with suppression, but is simply hidden, slowly accumulated, and when it accumulates to a certain extent.

What we have to face is the most complete outbreak!!


With a loud bang, in the incredible gaze of Purgatory Dad, Tanjiro actually broke free from his restraints in an extremely strange posture.

Then he spun and took his head directly with a head hammer.

“Why the hell?!!?”

The loud boom directly caught Purgatory Dad off guard, and then, there was no then.

Purgatory Dad was directly under this impact, rolled his eyes and fainted directly…

This sudden scene instantly attracted the attention of the audience of the heavens and realms.

The flame that originally ignited in everyone’s hearts also stopped in this embarrassing scene, and the next moment, the most enthusiastic laughter directly broke out in the heavens.

“Hahaha, hahaha, I’m trying to enthusiastically stimulate the heart of struggle, can you not show me this scene, I’m going to die of laughter haha.”

“The head hammer is here again!! Seriously, is it worthy of being the head pillar? Unexpectedly, he couldn’t even resist the former column, and he was directly knocked unconscious, but it’s okay. ”

“Joke, the head hammer of the dignified pillar, how can these mortals easily resist? Not to mention the former pillar, you must know that even the current one called the Wind Pillar Immortal River was directly stunned. ”

“Poof—I really can’t help but laugh, head pillar to head pillar, but don’t target humans every time the head hammer is good.”

Except for the ghost head at the beginning, for the multi-handed ghost a few times, the rest are beatings, oh yes, the only thing that doesn’t hit people is to let his sister get hurt…”

“Hahaha, it’s really true, don’t say it, don’t say it, the tears of laughter are about to come out, is there a factory.”

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