“White teeth, white teeth, white teeth, on the importance of security checks, hahahahaha.”

The audience of the heavens and realms laughed, but the next moment they couldn’t laugh in an instant, because the words of several people in the video instantly made everyone feel that their perception of the world was wrong.


I saw the mouth Pinginosuke in the video, roaring angrily:

“Why the hell did we avoid the officer?!”

“Our Ghost Killing Squad is not a government-recognized organization…”

My wife Shanyi sighed a little helplessly, and said helplessly:

“So we can’t actually walk around with knives…

Even if you tell them how ghosts are, they won’t believe it, and it will definitely cause chaos. ”

Hearing this, even Tanjiro himself was a little lost:

“Obviously we have all worked so hard, we are all working so hard…”

Seeing this, the audience of the heavens and realms and their friends were stunned.

What the heck?

Ghost Slayer… This team, the only team qualified to fight ghosts head-on in the ghost destruction world, can’t even walk under the sun in the bright light?

It is outrageous that it is not yet an official organization, and there is not even cooperation!

For a time, the audience of the heavens and realms could no longer help the complaining feelings in their hearts, and the barrage and comments flew feverishly again.

And this time, the frequency is better than usual!


“Is it funny?? It is clear that there is such a strong strength, the strength is obviously the protector of ordinary humans, it should have been there last year, the treatment and reputation are not there, this is me?! ”

“It’s just, no wonder the ghost killing team can’t recruit people, this situation is simply!”

“It is understandable that extraordinary power is hidden in the extraordinary world of emmmmm, but there is still a threat of ghosts, and this threat is not small, killing dozens and hundreds of people at every turn, this and this, in this case, don’t say it, what do you think?”

“This reason is also extremely outrageous, you just catch two ghosts in front of them, can these people still not believe?” Also, obviously you have such a strong strength yourself, do they dare not believe it? ”

“Huh, chaos? Smell a rat? Who dares to be chaotic, who dares to doubt that the blade in my hand is not sharp?!

To put it bluntly, it is stupid, and it is not even justice or anything to let a group of ordinary people restrict their freedom.

After all, under this restriction, the actions of the ghost killing team were obstructed and delayed after all.

For example, in this situation, if because of these police officers’ [righteous actions], Tanjiro and them can’t get into the car, then I see if their justice can sanction those cannibals! ”

“That’s right, it’s stupid, stupid to this kind of behavior, this is not only irresponsible to the members of the ghost killing team, but also irresponsible to ordinary people!”


The audience of the heavens and realms was full of discussion, they really did not expect that the only existence in the extraordinary world who was qualified to fight against evil forces would not even get a recognition.

Even in the world of One-Punch Man, the Heroes Association is an officially recognized organization.

Not to mention the ninja world, the fate world, etc…

This is really unacceptable to many viewers.

And this reason is still so perfunctory, what ordinary people can’t accept it, it’s, they can’t accept the existence of illegal forces, they can accept the ghost wantonly slaughtering themselves?

Inexplicably killed by a ghost without knowing it, is this a good thing?

There will also be jealousy and so on, and everyone can only express hehe.

When others suspect that you are worried that you have a power that threatens your dominance, it is indeed a disaster if you are slandered.

But since you have it, then why can’t you be peaceful (nuclear level


In the world of One-Punch Man, the unequal treatment suffered by the bald demon king is infuriating enough, not to mention this ghost killing team that does not even have treatment…

And the comments and barrage on this side of the heavens and realms are not very calm, and the picture returns to the real ghost destruction world, which also caused a burst of riots.

……… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ghost Destroy the World.

Looking at the discussion of the audience in the video, the top powerhouses of these ghost killing teams are also a little silent.


The vast majority of members of the Ghost Killing Team are burdened with heavy responsibilities, with the highest faith, and fight ghosts regardless of their lives.

Each of them is a respectable existence, but such an existence is not visible, not only to dodge, but also not recognized by others.

You can only hide in a dark corner, fight ghosts in the home of cannibals, and fight for your life!

Is such a situation really normal?

No, this is undoubtedly distorted!

These pillars may not care much about this, but they are not just members of the Ghost Slayer, not just fighters, but also the leadership class, the decision-making class.

So they have to think about these issues for their new and old members, and think about these problems that have been ignored and avoided before.


After being silent for a while, finally the snake pillar couldn’t help it, and said with a grumb next to him:

“There is no need to think about these issues now, after all, the main adult will definitely decide, but one thing to know is the appearance of the wireless train, but it has exposed our world.”

In this 233 situation, those ordinary people and those high-ranking government officials must know that there are ghosts and ghost killing teams in our world, and this is the problem that must be solved now! ”

“Damn it! Damn it! ”

Hearing this, Immortal Chuan scratched his head and said very entangledly.

Obviously, for him, thinking about such a problem is far cooler than going to the Twelve Ghost Moon to have a good time.

“Why do you have to care about those scum? It’s like when I was on a mission, and some of them dared to cooperate with ghosts, hateful, hateful! ”

“And Tanjiro, this bastard, it’s all because of him, if it weren’t for him, we wouldn’t have to entangle such things here, I just said that this kind of goods should be killed quickly, and we have to stay in the ghost killing team to harm people!”

In the face of Immortal River’s complaint, everyone did not answer, but continued to think about the question.

“However, no matter what, with the appearance of the video, more and more people will know about the situation of ghosts and ghost killing teams, which is an unavoidable situation.”

Tomioka muttered, “It’s just a matter of early days, but we’ll have the first wave of temptations soon.” ”

“Gee, it seems that it will really be our turn to make a gorgeous appearance, hahaha, it is indeed gorgeous.”

Yinzhu also smiled on the side: “I want to plan well and make a gorgeous debut in the eyes of the entire world!” “。

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