However, it is not, all the passengers are like this, and when the eldest brother rushes to destroy the second ghost, the reaction of the other passengers is very normal.

They are all running for their lives in a hurry…

This made everyone nod slightly, which should be a normal reaction.

After comparison, they now feel more and more that the guests in the previous carriage are more and more wrong, and there are more and more problems.

However, without saying much, the battle had already begun at this time, and everyone could only temporarily press the doubts in their hearts to watch the video.

By this time, most of the guests had fled, leaving only one passenger, who was cornered by the cannibal with four eyes and exceptionally long limbs, and was in extreme danger.

“Don’t touch a single hair of him!”

Seeing this scene, the eldest brother who rushed over in time hurriedly stopped it, and Tanjiro and they all hurried to the battlefield.

“Didn’t you hear? Your opponent is here! ”

Kyoshiro confronts the cannibal head-on, provoking the other and attracting firepower.

And the three little ones of the protagonist group, the reactions are also different, my wife Shanyi, still like that, when she was not asleep and did not open the tuba 17, she was still so timid, hiding in the corner and shivering.

“What is that, the hands and feet are so long, so terrible, so terrible, woo-woo…”

“Very good, then let’s fight!”

Piggy is still that reckless, regardless of it, he directly rushed forward with this knife, which looked at Tanjiro and quickly reminded:

“Wait Inosuke, there are still people who haven’t escaped.”

“Hmph, it’s no problem to take out the enemy!”

Izuhira Inosuke did not move slowly at all, did not care at all, and directly raised his double knife and slashed up.

This scene made so many audiences’ eyes twitch, good guy, really worthy of being a pig.

What kind of rescue method……… There are hostages? Then just kill it all!!

Rescue? Inexistent!

Saying that, the battle on the battlefield has completely broken out.

Surprisingly, the strength of this cannibal is not weak at all, even in the face of pigs and pigs who have trained hard and their strength has risen to a higher level, they are easily resisted.

Brush a sound!!

A thick arm turned into a cannibal’s waist and gushed out, straight towards the mouth Hei Inosuke.

Bang bang!

Suddenly, Izuhira Inosuke was directly overturned, and although he was not injured, he could not borrow his strength in the air at all, and he could not make an effective counterattack.

And at this time, the attack of the eater came again…

If you put it under normal circumstances, Izuhira Inosuke, although it will not be broken, but it will definitely suffer a lot of injuries.

That’s the price to pay for your own recklessness…

However, don’t forget that there is still a pillar on the battlefield at this time!

Brush –

Kyojuro’s speed was extremely fast, and in an instant he helped Izuhira Inosuke get out of the battlefield and easily solve the crisis.

It was even said that he also used the force to turn his body and rescue the hostage who was besieged at once.

No matter how long and how many arms this ogre had, no matter how cumbersome and dense the attack, he couldn’t touch even a little corner of Kyoshiro’s clothes, and the latter ran to the rear with the hostage very easily.

The audience who watched this scene in the heavens and realms were amazed, so fast and crisp and neat.

I’m afraid the action guide is not a wave feng shui gate – although he is not a space flash here, it is not far behind!

“The rear of the train is safe, go quickly!”

After solving the safety of the hostages, Kyoshiro finally had no worries, and finally could strike wantonly:

“That’s no problem, hurry up and make a quick decision!”


This confident expression can be said to directly anger the cannibal, and he roared angrily, making strange and distorted sounds, as if rushing like a praying mantis.

Although this cannibal has no spiritual intelligence, it doesn’t seem to be very high, just a monster who only knows how to kill bloodthirsty, and this kind of power is no worse than the previous ghost.

If you put it on the side of the protagonist group, you can definitely defeat it, but it definitely takes a lot of effort.

But it’s a pity that this cannibal is facing a pillar at this time, Yanzhu, Purgatory Kyoshiro!

“Breath of Flame… The Inferior Type…”

Kyoshiro carefully observed the angle, holding the knife in his hand and already posing for an attack. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Yan Zhi Breathing Method was all used in a concentrated manner, and the vigorous flame burned again, like a wheel of fire, rising from the sky, flashing a bright light in this dim environment.

Brush ————


“Ascension Blaze!”

Suddenly, it was still just a knife, and as the spreading fire wheel circled, the head of this cannibal was immediately cut off without resistance.

Having lost his head, this cannibal still wanted to struggle, but unfortunately, at this time, the boundless flames had spread into his body, and after two breaths, it turned into flying ash and scattered at will.

“Well… Well…”

Seeing such a crisp and neat battle and such terrifying and powerful strength twice in a row, Tanjiro, who was standing in the rear, was also completely shocked.

“So strong, big brother! The swordsmanship is really powerful!! ”

Tanjiro was so excited that tears of excitement were about to fall, and he couldn’t help but shout out his eldest brother’s name.

“Please take me as an apprentice!”

That’s right, the name is big brother, big brother is big brother…

“Very good!”

Faced with the cheers of the little fan 207 brother, the style of Xingshoulang’s eldest brother was also at a glance, and he nodded and agreed:

“I will train you to be an excellent swordsman!”

“And I…”

“Me too!!”

At this time, my wife Shanyi and Inoko also reacted, and they all gathered around Kyoshiro and cheered.

I have to say that whether it was after the previous conversation or the two small battles just now, everyone really realized the strength of the person in front of them.

In fact, being powerful is only one aspect, the most important thing is the sense of security that Kyoshiro gives everyone, which has simply reached a pinnacle posture.

It’s really like shouting big brother!

You don’t see it, even the mouth Hei Inosuke, who has always wanted to fight against the pillar of the ghost killing team, has been completely convinced at this time.

is also around the side has become a member of the little fan brother, the big brother of Huhai…

“I’ll take care of you all!”

Faced with everyone’s request, Purgatory Kyoshiro clasped his hands on his shoulders and agreed one by one with a smile.

This made everyone feel a fluttering feeling even more, as if the whole person was about to fly, constantly shouting around the eldest brother, constantly cheering, flying.

“Big Brother Purgatory!!”

“Big brother!”

“Big Brother Purgatory!”


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