Just like Tanjiro and their ghost killing team, if you enjoy it in your dreams, you enjoy it, but your teammates in reality are cool.

Everything that is cherished will be destroyed by people…

But as soon as this view came out, it caused a wave of rebuttal.

After all, although Tanjiro is already miserable, after all, he still has things to cherish, a sister who cares about, and a companion who can give his life to the other party.

The main thing is that he still has hope!

Then, for those who have no hope and no relatives and no companions, such a dream is of course not willing to wake up here.

As for the suffering of other people, what does that have to do with them ?!

Moreover, even if this dream does not last long and will be killed, so what?

Happiness, even if it is a short moment of fleeting happiness, is an existence that these people who have been desperate to the extreme.

Even if you know that it is drinking to quench your thirst, what?

Even if the poison is going to be in front of you, then drink it!

And when the dream wakes up, it will turn all illusory existence into nothingness, so as long as you don’t wake up, isn’t it good to die in 943 happiness?

In this way, two completely opposing views constantly collided with each other, allowing the audience of the heavens and realms to discuss a new generation of enthusiasm again.

However, after all, this kind of thing will not lead to discussion, which is ultimately a matter of position.

For those who have lost hope in life, it is difficult to speak from the same position as those who still have goals and hopes, like Tanjiro and them.

After all, the joys and sorrows of mankind are not connected…

Well, this sentence was indeed said by Mr. Zhou Shuren!


In this way, in the discussion of the heavens and worlds, the video is still slowly advancing, and it comes to everyone’s dream.

As soon as the picture is broadcast, it is a critical hit!

Instantly curbed the audience’s quarrel and attracted their attention.

Because the beginning of this dream is exactly where [dream] begins!!

That’s right, the picture that appeared in the video at this time was the vast snow, and the panicked teenager looked left and right, seemingly unaware of what was happening.

Tanjiro kept walking forward, suddenly “awake (bhbg)”, quickly grasped the blade at his waist, and looked around vigilantly:

“What’s going on? What happened?! ”

He drew his sword blade, but he looked around at a loss, looking at everything that was familiar to him in disbelief.

“Calm down! Calm down! I’m going to calm down! ”

Tanjiro forcefully controlled his emotions, he knew that the scene he was in was definitely not that simple, full of various crises.

I am definitely controlled by a ghost, so I have to find a way to get out and return to my teammates…

However, even if Tanjiro told himself to calm down, how could the scene in front of him calm him down?

This is the beginning of his life as a swordsman of the Ghost Slayer Squad, and the beginning of all his despair and nightmares.

Even though he knew in his heart that it was just an illusion in front of him, it was still difficult for him to calm his mood.

Then, just when this mood was already difficult to calm down, Tanjiro turned his head sharply, and the person could no longer hold back.

“It’s brother!”

“Brother, welcome home—”

In front of him, it was his dead brothers and sisters, who were smiling and welcoming them home. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This scene directly hit Tanjiro, no matter how tough his state of mind and how persistent his determination was, he was a little strained at this time.

After all, this scene in front of him is an existence that he has experienced countless times, and it is also an existence that he has fantasized about countless times after the disaster! ! !

I don’t know how many dreams, I don’t know how many times I imagined, Tanjiro wanted to treat the disaster as if it hadn’t happened.

Even if you don’t have the strength, how good it would be to do this as an ignorant and happy, happy charcoal seller.

But this thing, which is similar to a “dream”, that people can never trace, actually appeared in front of Tanjiro’s eyes at this moment?

Tanjiro looked at this scene blankly, a strong sense of happiness filled his heart, making him forget all the vigilance to him just now, even the knife was thrown aside, and rushed in the direction of his younger siblings like crazy.

He was afraid, afraid that all this in front of him was just an illusion, just an illusion that could not be reached…

It’s okay, it’s okay –

Tanjiro pounced on his younger siblings at once, this real touch, this intense happiness, made him intoxicated for a while.

It’s true, it’s true!!

“Aaaaa I’m sorry! I’m sorry! ”

Tanjiro hugged his younger siblings, wanting to say something, but his voice was hoarse like an old man who had been ill for a hundred days, and in the end he could only keep saying, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.

Tears, like a waterfall, continued to gush out, different from my wife Shanyi’s humiliating words. Seeing Tanjiro like this, many viewers only felt distressed.

Sure enough, this is the most painful existence in Tanjiro’s heart, and he regrets that he felt guilty that he did not show up in time when his younger siblings were hurt by their own family.

Even if the reason for all this is not his fault, even if he arrived at the scene at that time, he could not play any role.

But —

Tanjiro’s heart is still very painful, a gentle person like him can forgive anyone, can forgive any existence, and the only one who cannot forgive forgiveness is himself!

“I’m sorry! Aaaaah!! ”

Looking at Tanjiro’s painful appearance, many of the audience who were already soft-hearted, their eyes were red at this time, this, this voice, almost broke people’s hearts.

Sure enough, is this what makes that cannibal strong?

Even if you know that you are in a dream, even if you know the danger, you can tell yourself over and over again…

But when the existence that is most difficult to touch, or even can never touch, comes to the front.

Really, really few people can resist this sinking –

“That’s awesome!”

Looking at this scene, many viewers muttered.

“Now it is meaningless to discuss whether you want to or not, whether you should sink into a dream, such a dream is an existence that anyone who has experienced despair cannot escape.”

“That’s right, whether it’s regret, pain, or despair, it’s the most torturous existence. And once these can make up for it, gee, I can’t say it anymore, killing people, this is simply shrimp pig heart!! ”

“Tanjiro – alas, obviously he was hit by the ghost’s move and was so humiliating that he couldn’t escape, but there was no way, there was any criticism of him.”

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