“It’s a blessing to die in a dream.”

Nightmare looked at his achievements and said proudly:

“Even the strongest ghost hunters are useless, the driving force of people is that the heart is the spirit, as long as the core of the spirit is destroyed, it is easy to kill them!”

“Because the human heart is as fragile and fragile as glass crafts.”

These words caused dissatisfaction among many viewers in the heavens and realms.

Creatures like humans seem to be extremely vulnerable to the strong races of some worlds.

But the reason why human beings can become truly strong and become a truly strong race depends on their tenacious hearts, spiritual pillars, and the support of faith.

It is really abominable that this ghost dares to insult the human heart like this!

However, although this nightmare is extremely hateful, what he said also has some truth, as if “087” confirms his lines, and the camera turns, and the leading party among the humans has come to Tanjiro and them.

At this time, he is tying a rope, wanting to go to the heart of these ghost killing teams and deal with them from the root!

Immediately the camera turned, and it was Tanjiro’s inner world that just came out.


At this time, the simple and warm house is filled with happiness.

The younger sister said with some emotion: “Then my brother suddenly cried, but it scared us to death!” ”

“It’s weird, hahaha.”

The younger brother next to him also laughed.

At this time, the scene of Tanjiro’s house was also displayed in front of everyone, and there were four younger brothers and sisters in front of him.

They are Takeo, Hanako, Shigeru, and Rokuta, all of whom are the families of Tanjiro who died in that disaster.

“Oh, maybe I’m tired.”

Aoi Zhi, the mother next to her, was also comforting.

At this time, Tanjiro had completely calmed down, enjoying this daily dull and happy family atmosphere, and explained with a smile:

“Actually, it’s not so exaggerated, I’m fine!”

Seeing his appearance, the mother reached forward and touched the child’s face, and said with some worry:

“You don’t have a fever, do you? Don’t force it, rest today! ”


During the conversation, several younger siblings, also joking, put the cloth on Tanjiro’s head, and they were all laughing happily.

This scene made the audience of the heavens and realms feel distressed, and sure enough, he could cultivate such a gentle existence as Tanjiro.

His family is so gentle…

Faced with this scene, everyone could only say one word.

“No misery, it’s time to come out and bask in the sun, bastard!!”

And Tanjiro in the video is even more intoxicated, and even treats the pain and hatred engraved in his heart as a nightmare.

Take this [dream] in front of you as if it were reality.

[Sleep, sleep, little baby, go to sleep…]

[If you forget to breathe, you must sleep, even if the ghost comes, and you must sleep when you enter the stomach…]

“I’m very happy, it seems that I have a beautiful dream, sink, sink!”

Amid the terrifying ballads and the triumphant voices of the ghosts, Tanjiro begins his own sweet dream.

It’s not that bizarre, it’s not that wonderful, it’s just the daily life before that disaster.

The teenager who carried charcoal to sell charcoal said goodbye to his family, enjoying the care and laughter of his family, simple and happy.

Seeing everyone here, their hearts were depressed, and they didn’t know what to say for a while.

Fortunately, the camera turned at this time, and the picture came to the dream of Izuhira Inosuke.

As one of the funny responsibilities of the protagonist group, as soon as their image appeared, they immediately amused the audience of the heavens and all worlds. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Expedition, expedition! We are a caving team! ”

“Expedition, expedition! We are a cave expedition! ”

In a pitch-black cave, there is not much light, and the surrounding rocks are abrupt and broken.

But it should obviously be a very terrifying atmosphere, and when it is matched with the voice of Hiranosuke, it is suddenly terrifying.

And as the camera turned, the mouth at this time was naked, completely dressed as a wild man, and walked forward excitedly.

And behind him, the cute You Bean is dressed as a bunny, although it is not a seductive bunny girl, but it is more temperamental, showing the girl’s cute and dull appearance vividly?

And behind the two, Tanjiro, who turned into a tanuki, and my wife Zenyi, who was a little mouse, even put on a pose and shouted the boss.


This scene directly made the audience of the heavens and realms laugh.

“Hahaha, the pig is so cute, it has the smell of a juvenile detective group……..”

“How can it be repaired, it’s hateful, obviously I wanted to cry just now, but the tears came out laughing directly, but it’s okay, what kind of dress is this?!”

A pig, a rabbit, a tanuki, a mouse, is this an animal expedition? ”

“It’s really worthy of my family’s beans, it’s cute, it’s really a group pet, this dress is too good-looking.”

“Upstairs, don’t say anything, go to war, your beans are mine!!”

“I can see it, Izuhira Inosuke, this guy still has the urge to turn into a beast in his heart, he just wants to fight, he wants to take risks, he wants to be excited.

I just didn’t expect that he always wanted to think of himself as the boss of the protagonist group in his heart, hehe, it’s really interesting. ”

The audience of the heavens and realms laughed and commented, and at this time, the mouth of the video Pingyanosuke, hearing the call of the little brother, also stopped and asked:

“What’s going on? Little brother number one, number two! ”

“There’s the smell of a cave beast over there, bang bang!”

“You can still hear the snoring, chirp…”

As Tanjiro and my wife Zengyi answered in line with their images, the appearance of the so-called cave beast was also revealed in front of everyone.

It was the infinite train they were riding on, and the train at this time was like a centipede with an unknown number of feet, snoring and snoring.

This shocked everyone.

Good guys, they straight 2.1 call good guys.

I didn’t expect that the level has always been this guy, even if it has been so long, until now he still treats the train as a creature.

While everyone was still surprised, the enemy rushed forward and launched an attack on the train.

It is worth mentioning that in the face of Little Brother No. 3… Ahem, that is, when You Bean still didn’t want to move, Izuhira Inosuke didn’t get angry, but took out an acorn to tempt the other party.

This made everyone sigh again.

Sure enough, Your beans are everyone’s pet.

The picture in the video froze, the camera changed again, and when it reappeared, it returned to the train, which immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

Because this dream is big brother’s!

That’s right, the scene in the video comes again, and in a courtyard, it is Purgatory Kyojuro who appears! .

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